Redis GUI for PCF - redis

I have created an Redis instance from PCF's marketplace. I would like to know if there's any GUI tool availabe with Pivotal which i can upload in to my PCF Space and see the data in my Redis ?

RedisInsight is web based Redis Client can also be easily deployed as docker container.


Can I run RediSearch on a separate server then redis?

Originally was trying to install RediSearch ontop of Aws ElastiCache but it seems they dont support modules in their managed service (makes sense).
Then I was looking into running RediSearch on a separate EC2 instance with my VPC instance that would allow me to utilize it while not having to install it in ElastiCache directly.
Is this possible?
RediSearch is available as a service on Redis Enterprise Cloud from Redis Labs on AWS, Azure and GCP.

Which s3 compatible blob storage?

I want deploy a s3 compatible blob storage in my Kubernetes Cluster. I already use GlusterFS for volumes like mongodb, and I tried to set up minio with the helm chart I just realize I can't scale up minio easily because of erasure code.
So I have some questions about blob storage solutions :
Is GlusterFS blob storage service stable and reliable ( ?
Do I must use OpenShift to deploy GlusterFS blob storage as I read in the web ? I think no because I can see simple Kubernetes manifests in the GlusterFS repo like this one :
Is it easy to use Minio federation in Kubernetes ? Is it easily scalable with a "helm upgrade --set replicas=X" or do I need manually upgrade minio configuration ?
As you can see, I feel lost with this s3 storage. So if you have more information/solutions, do not hesitate.
Thanks in advance !
About reliability you should read more about user experience like:
An end user review of GlusterFS
Community Survey Feedback, 2019
Why openshift with glusterFS:
For standalone Red Hat Gluster Storage, there is no component installation required to use it with OpenShift Container Platform. OpenShift Container Platform comes with a built-in GlusterFS volume driver, allowing it to make use of existing volumes on existing clusters but Red Hat Gluster Storage is a commercial storage software product, based on Gluster.
How to deploy it in AWS
For minio please follow official docs:
ConfigMap allows injecting containers with configuration data even while a Helm release is deployed.
To update your MinIO server configuration while it is deployed in a release, you need to
Check all the configurable values in the MinIO chart using helm inspect values stable/minio.
Override the minio_server_config settings in a YAML formatted file, and then pass that file like this helm upgrade -f config.yaml stable/minio.
Restart the MinIO server(s) for the changes to take effect
I didn't try but, but as per documentation:
For federation I can see additional environment variables in the values.yaml.
In addition you should Run MinIO in federated mode Federation Quickstart Guide
Here you can find differences between google and amazon s3 sotrage
or Cloud Storage interoperability from gcloud perspective.
Hope this help.

Sharing a data disk/adding persistent storage to a swarm cluster in azure container service

I wanted to share some data to every worker in a swarm cluster.what are the possible methods to do the same.The swarm was created from docker cloud with azure integration.
Can I attach a single data disk to all worker VM's in an azure swarm cluster?
adding a single datadisk to all worker VM's is not possible. As Azure is not able to provide a 'shared disk' facility. The only things which comes close to it is the usage of Azure Files see herr -->
for further details

Deploying the Redis Broker then Redis as a service onto Cloud Foundry

So I am currently trying to deploy the Redis CF service onto Cloud Foundry which is on an Openstack IAAS and getting stuck with deploying the Redis Service Broker. Cloud Foundry is all set up (deployed using BOSH), but how to I deploy the broker? Is it pushed like an application? Do I need to change any files/manifests manually?
The documentation seemed a little light on how I would do this.
Googling "Cloud Foundry Redis service broker", the first result I find is This appears to document the deployment and configuration steps pretty well in its README. You will deploy the Redis service as a BOSH deployment, and this service includes the broker. You can drive that broker to register it with the Cloud Foundry service broker API as documented in that same README.
There are a couple ways to handle this.
Run open source Cloud Foundry on top of Openstack and then deploy open source Redis (or Redis Cloud, Redis Enterprise, etc.) and connect to it using User-Provided Service Instances
The easiest way is with a Service Broker (aka Pivotal Tile) as Amit describes in the previous answer. Run Pivotal Cloud Foundry on top of Openstack and then deploy a Redis Service Broker, such as Redis Enterprise Service Broker for Pivotal Cloud Foundry and connect to it as documented.
There are other Redis service providers in the The Foundry: such as a9s, IBM, Redis Labs, Pivotal and Swisscom

How to deploy and use Redis in cloud foundry?

I am sort of new to cloud foundry. I have some queries -
Can I use REDIS as a service in Cloud Foundry , if yes , how. Do we need service broker as well for that.
Manifest file for deploying Redis on Cloud foundry in openstack Neutron.
Can I do HA of Redis service in CF.
I have been through these links as well
and deployed redis with a dedicated node and broker but not sure how it will work with an app.
Yes, you can use Redis as a service in CF, and yes, you'll need to make sure that there is a service broker -- in fact, having a service broker is the definition of something being a CF Service (if you can write a service broker for it, you can use it as a service). Here's an overview of the CF Service Broker API. Once you have your Redis cluster and service broker set up, you'll need to do the following:
Register your service broker with cf create-service-broker redis-broker <username> <password> <url to service broker>.
Create a service instance: cf create-service redis <redis-plan-name> myRedis
Bind your app to the service instance: cf bind-service myApp myRedis
Building a manifest file depends on which Redis release you use. The cloudfoundry-community/redis-boshrelease has a template for generating an openstack manifest. Unfortunately, that release doesn't have a service broker so you can't use that redis as a service in CF. The pivotal-cf/cf-redis-release, on the other hand, does have a service broker. Maybe you can use the Openstack-specific properties from the cloudfoundry-community/redis-boshrelease to make an Openstack manifest for pivotal-cf/cf-redis-release?
I don't know too much about HA Redis. You'll have to get some help from Redis experts, but I do know that there's a piece of software called Sentinel that's meant to get Redis to HA. You should take a look at that and see if you can extend the release to include Sentinel.
Hope that helps!