To check which input is enable, in our DOM structure(Knockout JS) there is no specific property, which says the button is enable..
Its handled by one of the CSS property, of ::before class :
CSS: {content: "\f013";}
<div data-bind="foreach: XXXXXX ">
<div class=".col-xs-3 col-sm-3 col-md-3 -setting-radio" data-bind="attr: " >
<label class="radio-position radio-inline " data-view="widgets/input/radio/view" data-active-view="true" style="">
<input class="-widgets-input-radio-check" id="radio" type="radio" data-bind="Enable: enable, value: value, checked: checked" value="1" name="FS">
<span class="-radio-label"></span>
<span class="-widgets-input-radio-text" data-bind="html: data">Global</span>
<div class=".col-xs-3 col-sm-3 col-md-3 -setting-radio" data-bind="attr: " >
<label class="radio-position radio-inline" data-view="widgets/input/radio/view" data-active-view="true" style="">
<input class="-widgets-input-radio-check" id="radio" type="radio" data-bind="Enable: enable, value: value, checked: checked" value="2" name="FS">
<span class="-radio-label"> </span>
<span class="-widgets-input-radio-text" data-bind="html: data">Capital</span>
How can we achieve it ?
There is a special method for this in selenium, named value_of_css_property The name differs on the language you use, but the idea is the same.
As I understand from your question you can use it like as in the below example:
assert driver.find_element_by_css_selector('css_locator').value_of_css_property("content") == "\f013"
HTML is not enough, you need to check which CSS properties are changed as well.
You can use it to for waits and asserts.
I use computed tab for this:
I am trying to output the value of individual checkboxes and also add a class to the label when the checkbox is checked. I can do one of the other but not both together. If I add :value="attendance" the output works as individual instances but the adding of the class doesn't work and if I add value="attendance" then it treats the 2 checkboxes as one value.
Can someone help please?
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm">
class="btn btn-outline-primary label-in-filter"
v-for="attendance in uniqueattendances"
<!-- <input
/> -->
{{ attendance }}
<p v-for="attendance in attendances" :key="attendance">
{{ attendance }}
methods: {
showattendancesisChecked(value) {
return this.attendances.includes(value);
How to put inline if in checked property on input in the vuejs?
this is my code
<div v-for="(element,index) in elements" :key="" class="col">
<input type="radio" name="test[]" :value="" :checked="if (index==0):'checked'">
Igot error message : avoid using JavaScript keyword as property name: "if"
Raw expression: :checked="if (index==0) 'checked'"
This is how to do:
<div v-for="(element,index) in elements" :key="" class="col">
<input type="radio" name="test[]" :value="" :checked="index===0 ? true: false">
I have some questions getting from the database, It has options also. Then rendering those on the webpage.
like This
<div v-for="(question,index) in questions">
<div class="interview__item-text interview__text-main m-b-20">
{{ index+1 }}. {{ question.question }}
<div v-for="(option,index) in question.options"
class="reg__form-radioitem" :key="index">
<input class="checkbox countable__input"
<label :for="">
{{ option.option }}
This is working fine for input type text and radio but for checkbox it does not work. It checks all the checkboxes in that loop.
question.answer does not exist on the data.i am trying to add new property answer using v-model
Maybe you can try to predefine the question.answer, should exist after this:
data: {
question: {
answer: null
Try this.
<input class="checkbox countable__input"
<label :for="">
{{ option.option }}
I have one check box and two links with same classes & same Div.During the automation testing using protractor, i want to click on check box but it click on Links.
i am writing this code but its not working, please provide a solution.
please find HTMl code:-
<div class="input-field">
<div class="pas_rembr">
<input name="remember" id="Remember" class="css-checkbox ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-touched ng-not-empty ng-valid ng-valid-required" ng-model="rememberMe" type="checkbox" ng-required="true" required="required">
<!-- <label for="Remember" class="css-label">I agree with the <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="{{baseUrl}}terms-conditions">Terms & Conditions</a>.</label> -->
<label for="Remember" class="css-label">I have read and I agree with <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="/lmd/terms-conditions" href="/lmd/terms-conditions">Terms and Conditions</a> and the <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="/lmd/privacy" href="/lmd/privacy">Privacy Policy</a> of this site.</label>
<span class="errorForm ng-hide" ng-show="(memberForm.remember.$dirty || submitted) && ((memberForm.remember.$error.required))">
<span class="errorForm ng-scope ng-hide" ng-show="memberForm.remember.$error.required" translate="TERAMS_CONDITION_IS_REQUIRED">Terms and condition is required</span>
Try this:-
var el = element(by.css('label[for="Remember"]'));
browser.actions().mouseMove(el, {x: 20, y: 3}).click().perform();
For your tests, the CSS selector would be
element = $$('label.css-label > a:nth-child(2)');
This should be able to click on the second a child of the label element.
Toggle button is present in an web application similar to
Search for "option two" in the above link.
Html code of the button is like this when turned Off
<div class="field-block button-height">
<label style="width:175px" class="label" for="input-2"><b>Case Association</b><sup>*</sup>
<span id="reqCaseAssociationTD" style="display: none;">
<p style="margin:0px" class="field switch">
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-enable"><span>On</span></label>
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-disable selected"><span>Off</span></label>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="caseAssociation">
<span style="margin-top:8px;margin-left:2px" data-tooltip="Simulataneous post from the same user (Twitter and Facebook) would get associated with the previous open case of the user." class="helpText showToolTip"></span>
Html code of the button is like this when turned ON
<div class="field-block button-height">
<label style="width:175px" class="label" for="input-2"><b>Case Association</b><sup>*</sup>
<span id="reqCaseAssociationTD" style="display: none;">
<p style="margin:0px" class="field switch">
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-enable selected"><span>On</span></label>
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-disable"><span>Off</span></label>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="caseAssociation" checked="checked">
<span style="margin-top:8px;margin-left:2px" data-tooltip="Simulataneous post from the same user (Twitter and Facebook) would get associated with the previous open case of the user." class="helpText showToolTip"></span>
Used the following identifiers
//Case Association Turned On
#FindAll(#FindBy(how = How.CSS, using = "a.cb-enable.selected"))
public List<WebElement> caseAssociationIsON;
//Case Association Turned OFF
#FindAll(#FindBy(how = How.CSS, using = "a.cb-disable.selected"))
public List<WebElement> caseAssociationIsOFF;
While running using the selenium getting the error Element
should have been "select" but was "span"
How do fix this. If more details are needed, please suggest.
I don't see any element that would match your selector, you should use label instead of a, like:
or use a selector based on input. a means link and you don't have any.
In case you still have the error what happens is that you must add an specific route:
In my case:
enter image description here
This is the resultant code:
enter image description here