How to express a 'smaller than or equals' relation in Knex.js - sql

In my back-end I'm using KnexJS with PostgreSQL and I have to build a Knex function using its SQL builder without the raw SQL.
It is the first time for me to use KnexJS and I got few issues.
What I have to build is as shown in the SQL example
status = 'SOME_STATUS'
created_at <= 'SOME_TIMESTAMP'
AND conversation_id = 'ID';
This SQL is updating the table feed all columns with status and where two conditions are met.
In Knex what I tried as example code of my idea
answerPendingMessages(feeds) {
return this.tx(tableName).where({
createdAt <= timestamp // This not idea how to do in Knex ???
status: 'ANSWERED'
In this above function my concern is how to actually convert the where part as one of the consitions is createdAt <= 'TIMESTAMP'
I understood that I can use where with an object but cannot understand how to include the <=
Also I should update the updatedAt column with the new timestamp but also that blocked me at the moment.
Te result in the end should that all columns which met the conditions are updated status to some some status and also a new updatedAt timestamp.
I'm not sure if there is a specific way with Knex to do so

This answer is to provide my goal for my previous question.
The script I'm showing is not doing anything and I don't know know to make it to work.
answerPendingMessages(feeds) {
if (isEmpty(feeds)) return Promise.resolve([]);
const { conversationId, createdAt } = feeds;
return this.tx(tableName)
columns.conversationId === conversationId,
columns.createdAt <= createdAt
[columns.status]: 'ANSWERED',
[columns.updatedAt]: new Date(),
What should happen here is that to update a table where I have two conditions but one of then is 'smaller than or equals' relation.
As the output of this should be that all rows where the 2 conditions are met are update status column.
Right now the script is not failing either success piratically nothing is happening.


Laravel 8 relationship with two columns in each table

I have a multiple DB connection in Laravel 8 projects, I can't modify one of them which is mainly used in ROR project.
I need to fetch data from two tables only if id1, id2 columns have same value in both the tables. I went on google but did not find anything.
I tried some examples, either it is giving me N+1 query issue or second table o/p always null
function example()
return $this->belongsTo(Model::class, 'id1', 'id1')->where('id2', $this->id2);
function example()
return $this->belongsTo(Model::class, 'id1,id2', 'id1,id2');
I came up with a solution from
I used join with Laravel relation query:
HouseHold::where("printedcardno","=","17130103-0124")->with(array('members' => function($query)
$query->leftJoin('PatientCard', function($join)
$join->on('PatientCard.HouseHoldID', '=', 'shp_members.HouseHoldID')
->on('PatientCard.MemberID', '=', 'shp_members.MemberID');
I think this should be good approach as it fixed N+1 query issue and getting desired o/p.

How to get all order id with current status as "completed" in prestashop?

I am trying to get all order ids, i am not sure to use function or execute sql query
which one is fast considering the performance ?
Is their any way get it ?
It's very light query, even if you have tens of thousands of orders.
$orders = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT `id_order` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders`');
$ids = array_map(function ($row) {
return $row['id_order'];
}, $orders);
$orders= Order::getOrderIdsByStatus($id_status);
$OrderIds = array_column(Order::getOrdersWithInformations(),'id_order' );

How to change a field value in EF Core Select

Imagine that an entity has many fields and I just want to make changes in 1-2 fields, Is it possible to do that in Select? I don't want to mention all fields in my Select cause.
Ex: I want to return all fields and make a tiny change in OrderId field at the same time.
A workaround I've found is to use select and copy every field to a new instance of your entity/object and change the field you want a computed value for, like:
.Where(t => t.SessionId == sessionId)
.Select(o => new Operation
OperationId = o.OperationId + 1;
SessionId = o.SessionId,
Amount = o.Amount,
Date = o.Date,

Laravel query builder for Charts.js

I have logic querying a MSSQL Server database view and I've been searching for a solutions along with trying different techniques. Of course I don't expect a full solution where this is two parts (query builder & frontend javascript/chart) but any helpful direction would greatly appreciated. Here I'm getting the count of Leads on a particular day grouped by the date created and source of the leads. I'm trying build this the Laravel way so to speak, and display in charts.js. I'm thinking I might need to make two different database calls/queries. One count and one for the group by source text.
Thank you for your help for a solutions or an helpful direction I can take.
I have already done total leads for another chart but this project has some extra sugar to it.
SELECT count([LeadID]) as numleads,[LeadSource],cast(leadcreated as date) as
`enter code here`createddate
FROM [myDatabase].[dbo].[viewAllLeads]
where companyid=001
group by cast(leadcreated as date),[LeadSource]
order by createddate
Chart.js set up:
- Top links (horizontal) the groupby info by LeadSource
- Left, y-axis - the count of the leads
- Bottom x-axis - the date lead was created
It should actually be straight forward, but you need to be aware that using DB::raw() is necessary. To begin with, here your query a little bit nicer formatted:
CAST([leadcreated] as date) as createddate,
COUNT([LeadID]) as numleads
FROM [dbo].[viewAllLeads]
WHERE [companyid] = '001'
GROUP BY [LeadSource], CAST([leadcreated] as date)
ORDER BY [createddate]
And converted to an Eloquent query:
DB::table('viewAllLeads') // the query builder doesn't care if it's a table or view
DB::raw('CAST(leadcreated as date) as createddate'),
DB::raw('COUNT(LeadID) as numleads')
->where('companyid', '001')
->groupBy('LeadSource', DB::raw('CAST(leadcreated as date)'))
This will return a Illuminate\Support\Collection containing stdClass objects of the following form:
object(stdClass)#1 (3) {
["LeadSource"] => string(3) "ABC"
["createddate"] => string(10) "2019-08-05"
["numleads"] => int(15)
$leads = Lead::where('companyid', $companyid)->get()->groupBy(function ($item) {
return $item->created_at->format('Y-m-d');
})->sortBy(function ($item) {
return $item->created_at->format('x');
if you use dd($leads) you can see the data structure.

ZF2 how to avoid sql query limit to add quotes in subquery

I'm trying to set up a subquery in ZendFramework 2 and I got an issue with the limit function for a Select object. Whatever I do, numeric value is put between quotes and makes my query fails : I should get LIMIT 1 and instead I get LIMIT '1'.
Seems this is not the first time this issue has been encountered, I saw some have asked about this issue before (like 8 months ago) but without getting any proper answer.
I also saw this issue has been marker as resolved in 2012 ( so I really don't understand what's happening there.
Here's my code in ZF2 :
$resultSet = $this->tableGateway->select( function (Select $select) use ($params) {
$sub = new Select();
$sub->from(array('temp' => 'scores'))
->columns(array(new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression("id AS id")))
->where(array('temp.glitch' => array('None', 'Glitch')))
->order('temp.multi DESC, temp.score DESC')
$select->join('players', '', array('player_name' => 'name', 'player_url' => 'name_url'))
->join('countries', '', array('country_name' => 'name', 'country_iso' => 'iso'))
->join('cars', '', array('car_name' => 'name'), 'left')
->join('zones', '', array('zone_name' => 'name'));
$select->where(array('' => $sub));
$select->order(' ASC');
This should render the following query (which I get right except LIMIT '1' instead of LIMIT 1) :
SELECT "scores".*, "players"."name" AS "player_name", "players"."name_url" AS "player_url", "countries"."name" AS "country_name", "countries"."iso" AS "country_iso", "cars"."name" AS "car_name", "zones"."name" AS "zone_name"
FROM "scores" INNER JOIN "players" ON "player"="players"."id"
INNER JOIN "countries" ON "players"."country"="countries"."id"
LEFT JOIN "cars" ON "car"="cars"."id"
INNER JOIN "zones" ON "zone"="zones"."id"
WHERE "scores"."id" = (SELECT id AS id FROM "scores" AS "temp" WHERE "temp"."glitch" IN ('None', 'Glitch')
AND ORDER BY "temp"."multi" DESC, "temp"."score" DESC LIMIT 1)
ORDER BY "scores"."zone" ASC
Since this doesn't seem to work this way, is there another way I could proceed to get my limit (using Mysql 5 database) ?
Thanks for your help. Finally I figured out a way to get things done the way I want and to remove the quotes by simply remove the subquery construction and to write it directly in the where function :
$select->where(' = (SELECT id FROM scores AS lookup WHERE = ORDER BY multi DESC , score DESC LIMIT 1)');
Although I can continue my dev with this, I feel more like using a poor trick to get rid of this issue and so I will let this question unanswered until someone comes with a real solution there.
Anyway there might be no solution at all, since it might be an issue in ZF2 core itself.
Change the line -
$select->where(array('' => $sub));
$select->where(array('' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression("({$sub->getSqlString($this->tableGateway->adapter->getPlatform())})"));
Try with just above change.
And if it still doesn't work then make changes to the core Select class file located at -
Line No. 921 -
Change $sql = $platform->quoteValue($limit); with $sql = $limit;
Line No. 940 -
Change return array($platform->quoteValue($offset)); with return array($offset);
I have come across the issue from github and wondered as why it is still not working with the latest ZF2 files. I know the solution given above doesn't look like the proper one but I had to somehow make it work. I have tried it and it works.
Its only a quick fix before the actual solution comes into picture.