Faster returns comparisons in Pandas dataframes? - pandas

I have DataFrame containing 600,000 pairs of IDs. Each ID has returns Data in a large monthly returns_df. For each of the 600K pairs, I do the following
I set left and right DataFrames equal to their subset of returns_df.
I merge DataFrames to get months they both have data
I compute an absolute distance by comparing each, then summing results, and running a sigmoid function.
This process is taking ~12 hours as my computer has to create subsets of returns_df each time to compare. Can I substantially speed this up through some sort of vectorized solution or faster filtering?
def get_return_similarity(row):
left = returns_df[returns_df['FundID']==row.left_side_id]
right = returns_df[returns_df['FundID']==row.right_side_id]
temp = pd.merge(left,right, how='inner', on=['Year','Month'])
if temp.shape[0]<12: # Return if overlap < 12 months
return 0
temp['diff'] = abs(temp['Return_x'] - temp['Return_y'])
return 1/(math.exp(70*temp['diff'].sum()/(temp['diff'].shape[0]))) #scaled sigmoid function
df['return_score'] = df[['left_side_id','right_side_id']].apply(get_return_similarity,axis=1)
Thanks in advance for your help! Trying to get better with Pandas
Edit: As suggested, the basic data format is below
df I am running the apply on:


How to compare one row in Pandas Dataframe to all other rows in the same Dataframe

I have a csv file with in which I want to compare each row with all other rows. I want to do a linear regression and get the r^2 value for the linear regression line and put it into a new matrix. I'm having trouble finding a way to iterate over all the other rows (it's fine to compare the primary row to itself).
I've tried using .iterrows but I can't think of a way to define the other rows once I have my primary row using this function.
UPDATE: Here is a solution I came up with. Please let me know if there is a more efficient way of doing this.
def bad_pairs(df, limit):
list_fluor = list(combinations(df.index.values, 2))
final = {}
for fluor in list_fluor:
final[fluor] = (r2_score(df.xs(fluor[0]),
bad_final = {}
for i in final:
if final[i] > limit:
bad_final[i] = final[i]
My data is a pandas DataFrame where the index is the name of the color and there is a number between 0-1 for each detector (220 columns).
I'm still working on a way to make a new pandas Dataframe from a dictionary with all the values (final in the code above), not just those over the limit.

What is the most efficient method for calculating per-row historical values in a large pandas dataframe?

Say I have two pandas dataframes (df_a & df_b), where each row represents a toy and features about that toy. Some pretend features:
Was_Sold (Y/N)
Say df_a is relatively small (10s of thousands of rows) and df_b is relatively large (>1 million rows).
Then for every row in df_a, I want to:
Find all the toys from df_b with the same type as the one from df_a (e.g. the same color group)
The df_b toys must also be made before the given df_a toy
Then find the ratio of those sold (So count sold / count all matched)
What is the most efficient means to make those per-row calculations above?
The best I've came up with so far is something like the below.
(Note code might have an error or two as I'm rough typing from a different use case)
cols = ['Color', 'Size_Group', 'Shape']
# Run this calculation for multiple features
for col in cols:
print(col + ' - Started')
# Empty list to build up the calculation in
ratio_list = []
# Start the iteration
for row in df_a.itertuples(index=False):
# Relevant values from df_a
relevant_val = getattr(row, col)
created_date = row.Date_Made
# df to keep the overall prior toy matches
prior_toys = df_b[(df_b.Date_Made < created_date) & (df_b[col] == relevant_val)]
prior_count = len(prior_toys)
# Now find the ones that were sold
prior_sold_count = len(prior_toys[prior_toys.Was_Sold == "Y"])
# Now make the calculation and append to the list
if prior_count == 0:
ratio = 0
ratio = prior_sold_count / prior_count
# Store the calculation in the original df_a
df_a[col + '_Prior_Sold_Ratio'] = ratio_list
print(col + ' - Finished')
Using .itertuples() is useful, but this is still pretty slow. Is there a more efficient method or something I'm missing?
Added the below script which will emulated data for the above scenario:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
colors = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue']
sizes = ['small', 'medium', 'large']
shapes = ['round', 'square', 'triangle', 'rectangle']
sold = ['Y', 'N']
size_df_a = 200
size_df_b = 2000
date_start = pd.to_datetime('2015-01-01')
date_end = pd.to_datetime('2021-01-01')
def random_dates(start, end, n=10):
start_u = start.value//10**9
end_u = end.value//10**9
return pd.to_datetime(np.random.randint(start_u, end_u, n), unit='s')
df_a = pd.DataFrame(
'Color': np.random.choice(colors, size_df_a),
'Size_Group': np.random.choice(sizes, size_df_a),
'Shape': np.random.choice(shapes, size_df_a),
'Was_Sold': np.random.choice(sold, size_df_a),
'Date_Made': random_dates(date_start, date_end, n=size_df_a)
df_b = pd.DataFrame(
'Color': np.random.choice(colors, size_df_b),
'Size_Group': np.random.choice(sizes, size_df_b),
'Shape': np.random.choice(shapes, size_df_b),
'Was_Sold': np.random.choice(sold, size_df_b),
'Date_Made': random_dates(date_start, date_end, n=size_df_b)
First of all, I think your computation would be much more efficient using relational database and SQL query. Indeed, the filters can be done by indexing columns, performing a database join, some advance filtering and count the result. An optimized relational database can generate an efficient algorithm based on a simple SQL query (hash-based row grouping, binary search, fast intersection of sets, etc.). Pandas is sadly not very good to perform efficiently advanced requests like this. It is also very slow to iterate over pandas dataframe although I am not sure this can be alleviated in this case using only pandas. Hopefully you can use some Numpy and Python tricks and (partially) implement what fast relational database engines would do.
Additionally, pure-Python object types are slow, especially (unicode) strings. Thus, **converting column types to efficient ones in a first place can save a lot of time (and memory). For example, there is no need for the Was_Sold column to contains "Y"/"N" string objects: a boolean can just be used in that case. Thus let us convert that:
df_b.Was_Sold = df_b.Was_Sold == "Y"
Finally, the current algorithm has a bad complexity: O(Na * Nb) where Na is the number of rows in df_a and Nb is the number of rows in df_b. This is not easy to improve though due to the non-trivial conditions. A first solution is to group df_b by col column ahead-of-time so to avoid an expensive complete iteration of df_b (previously done with df_b[col] == relevant_val). Then, the date of the precomputed groups can be sorted so to perform a fast binary search later. Then you can use Numpy to count boolean values efficiently (using np.sum).
Note that doing prior_toys['Was_Sold'] is a bit faster than prior_toys.Was_Sold.
Here is the resulting code:
cols = ['Color', 'Size_Group', 'Shape']
# Run this calculation for multiple features
for col in cols:
print(col + ' - Started')
# Empty list to build up the calculation in
ratio_list = []
# Split df_b by col and sort each (indexed) group by date
colGroups = {grId: grDf.sort_values('Date_Made') for grId, grDf in df_b.groupby(col)}
# Start the iteration
for row in df_a.itertuples(index=False):
# Relevant values from df_a
relevant_val = getattr(row, col)
created_date = row.Date_Made
# df to keep the overall prior toy matches
curColGroup = colGroups[relevant_val]
prior_count = np.searchsorted(curColGroup['Date_Made'], created_date)
prior_toys = curColGroup[:prior_count]
# Now find the ones that were sold
prior_sold_count = prior_toys['Was_Sold'].values.sum()
# Now make the calculation and append to the list
if prior_count == 0:
ratio = 0
ratio = prior_sold_count / prior_count
# Store the calculation in the original df_a
df_a[col + '_Prior_Sold_Ratio'] = ratio_list
print(col + ' - Finished')
This is 5.5 times faster on my machine.
The iteration of the pandas dataframe is a major source of slowdown. Indeed, prior_toys['Was_Sold'] takes half the computation time because of the huge overhead of pandas internal function calls repeated Na times... Using Numba may help to reduce the cost of the slow iteration. Note that the complexity can be increased by splitting colGroups in subgroups ahead of time (O(Na log Nb)). This should help to completely remove the overhead of prior_sold_count. The resulting program should be about 10 time faster than the original one.

Pandas pivot_table/groupby taking too long on very large dataframe

I am working on a dataframe of 18 million rows with the following structure:
I need to get a count of the subsystem for each suite as per the name_heuristic (there are 4 values for that column). So I need an output with columns for each type of name_heuristic with the suite as index and values will be count of subsystems as per each column.
I have tried using pivot_table with the following code:
df_table = pd.pivot_table(df, index='suite', columns='name_heuristics', values='subsystem', aggfunc=np.sum
But even after an HOUR, it is not done computing. What is taking so long and how can I speed it up? I even tried a groupby alternative that is still running 15 minutes and counting:
df_table = df.groupby(['name_heuristics', 'suite']).agg({'subsystem': np.sum}).unstack(level='name_heuristics').fillna(0)
Any help is greatly appreciated! I have been stuck on this for hours.
It seems pivoting more than one categorical column crashes pandas. My solution to a similar problem was converting categorical to object for the target columns, using
step 1
df['col1'] = df['col1'].astype('object')
df['col2'] = df['col2'].astype('object')
step 2
df_pivot = pandas.pivot_table(df, columns=['col1', 'col2'], index=...
This was independent of dataframe size...

Find dates and difference between extreme observations

he function passed to apply must take a dataframe as its first argument and return a DataFrame, Series or scalar. apply will then take care of combining the results back together into a single dataframe or series. apply is therefore a highly flexible grouping method.
While apply is a very flexible method, its downside is that using it can be quite a bit slower than using more specific methods like agg or transform. Pandas offers a wide range of method that will be much faster than using apply for their specific purposes, so try to use them before reaching for apply.
easiest is an aggregation with groupby and then do a select
# make index a column
df = df.reset_index()
# get min of holdings for each ticker
lowest = df[['ticker','holdings']].groupby('ticker').min()
# select lowest my performing a left join (solutions with original)
# this gives only the matching rows of df in return
lowest_dates = lowest.merge(df, on=['ticker','holdings'], how='left')
If you just want a series of Date you can use this function.
def getLowest(df):
df = df.reset_index()
lowest = df[['ticker','holdings']].groupby('ticker').min()
lowest_dates = lowest.merge(df, on=['ticker','holdings'], how='left')
return lowest_dates['Date']
From my point of view it would be better to return the entire dataframe, to know which ticker was lowest when. In this case you can :
return lowest_dates

pandas - fuzzywuzzy - speeding loop up when doing fuzzymatching?

I am basically trying to join 2 dataframes using approximate match. How I do this in general is listed below:
have the list of strings to matched
define a function using fuzzy's process.extract
apply this function across all rows in the 1st dataframe to get a match
join 1st DF with the 2nd DF based on matching key.
This is my code:
def closest_match(x):
matched = (process.extract(x, matchlist[matchlist.match_name.str.startswith(x[:3])].match_name, limit=1, scorer=fuzz.token_sort_ratio))
if matched:
return matched[0][0]
return None
df1['key'] = df1.df1_name.apply(lambda x: closest_match(x))
# merge with 2nd df
joined = df1.merge(df2, left_on='key', right_on='df2_name')
The problem here is about speed. This code takes a very long time for loops of 10000 iteration. And I need this for 100K match. How to speed this code up?