Detect if selected shape / table is in edit mode with VBA? - vba

I'm trying to write a PowerPoint VBA macro that would act differently whether a shape is merely selected or is in edit mode (i.e. the cursor to edit the text is present, see image).
Is there a way to check this using VBA in PowerPoint? I haven't been able to find on this anything so far
My ultimate goal being:
If just the shape is selected, the macro will align the shape left
If the shape is in edit mode, the macro will align the text left (and leave the shape where it is)
Any help would be appreciated

You can do this by using Selection.Type. If it returns 2, the shape is selected. If the insertion point is in the text, it will return 3:
Sub DetectShapeOrText()
MsgBox ActiveWindow.Selection.Type
End Sub
PpSelectionType enumeration (PowerPoint)


Call a subprocedure with an input argument inside a shape

My goal is to call a macro (with input of specific information from the shape) inside a shape in the MS VISIO application.
The macro is to open a PDF datasheet of the specific shapes (the element in my block diagram).
I have an idea to trigger the macro from the specific shape, which is inserting action section and using runaddon function to run the subprocedure (using shell to open a specific PDF file).
How do I pass an argument (type of string) of the shape (in my case it is a PDF file name for this shape) to the subprocedure? If that can be achieved, I can open each shape's corresponding datasheet.
How do I save the input argument value (type string) inside each shape?
And how do I call them inside VBA subprocedure?
Visio has hyperlinks. You can just add a hyperlink to your shape pointing to your PDF, and the menu item action as well as click behavior will be added automatically.
So, click Ctrl+K to add a hyperlink, or use "insert" menu.
You can also add hyperlink programmatically, or by linking to a data source (like excel). Also you can build URL of the link as a formula, out of shape data, like shape text.
If you still want to do it with vba macro, you can try CALLTHIS function:

Powerpoint VBA to search for and change colour/highlight keywords in textbox

I am very new to VB and am exploring this method to simplify mundane manual work process of highlighting certain text in Powerpoint textboxes.
My intention is for VBA to search for keywords in the textbox, then changes the colour of this line and also a few other lines. e.g. search for the line that contains the word "video", if it returns that line 7 contains this word, I want to change the colour of line 7 and maybe lines 3, 10 and 11 to red colour.
Since your question is generic, We can only give a generic response.
First thing you need to know about VBA in powerpoint for your issue is that you need to access things like objects. You'll first need to access the current Slide and Shape your textbox is in. In this example, Let's assume the textbox you want to access is in the first slide, in the first shape:
Set oTextbox = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1)
With oTextbox
text = .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.Text 'To access the textbox text.
If InStr(1,text,"some_text")
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = [255 0 0] 'To change the color of a textbox.
End If
End With
.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.Text accesses the shape's text.
To search for a given text in the textbox, you can use the InStr
command to see if the text you want is in your textbox.
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB accesses the text's color.
This is at least a start for you.

MS Word Ignores Content Control Inside a Rich Text Box

Is there a reason why my MS Word VBA macro is ignoring a dropdown list I placed inside a shape (a rich text box)? I've tried referring to it by tag, name, number, etc. I even had the macro tell me the count of content controls:
I get 0.
Nothing works. If I take it out of the shape, it works fine. MS Word gives me a count of 1 item. But for some reason MS Word won't acknowledge it inside the shape. Any help on how to do this?
Edited as my previous post was completely wrong.
Each textbox in the main text story is a Shape which you can access using an index number. A shape has various properties but text etc. is in its Textframe, if it has one. But in that case the Range you need is not called Range but TextRange. So, e.g. the first contentControl in Shape 2 is
You will probably need to iterate through your shapes and you may need to verify that a given shape is a textbox and/or that it has a TextFrame.
If your text box is in another Story such as a header or footer, you will probably need to identify the relevant StoryRange.

Identify word art shape type in powerpoint 2010

I need to know is selected shape word art or not.
Shape has property "Type" (returns enum MsoShapeType).
When I insert word art and check this property - it returns msoAutoShape instead of msoTextEffect (with AutoShapeType==msoShapeRectangle).
How can I check that spae is word art (not usual rectangle with textbox) ?
If you select either the overall smartart shape or click into text within the smartart shape or select one of the shapes within the smart art, ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1) will return the smartart shape.
If ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).HasSmartArt Then
Debug.Print "It's smart art"
End if
But as you've pointed out, this is for smartart, not word art. My error, sorry.
There isn't a WordArt shape as such; it's more like any shape that has had WordArt formatting applied to the shape as a whole or to text within the shape. That'd include formatting like glow, reflection, shadow and so on, or could be one of the WordArt presets, pre-selected combinations of these different effects. I've added an example that'll help identify shapes or ranges of text within shape that have these presets applied. I don't see any simple way of checking for user-applied WordArt formats other than looking at each run and each text box for each of the various properties (glow, reflection etc) that might be applied. Unfortunately, there's no WordArtFormat = None to tell us we can ignore it. It's either going to be one of the presets or -2, which can mean any of several things.
Sub WordArtist()
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim oRng As TextRange2
' Has word art formatting been applied to
' entire shape?
Set oSh = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
Debug.Print oSh.TextFrame2.WordArtFormat
' Has it been applied to individual chunks of
' text within the shape
For Each oRng In oSh.TextFrame2.TextRange.Runs
Debug.Print oRng.Font.WordArtFormat
' Note:
' A result of -2 for the entire shape could mean
' - No text in the shape; not really word art
' - Mixed formatting
' - Text/shape has had glow/shadow/reflection etc applied
' rather than one of the preset WordArt selections
End Sub

Dynamically update text in powerpoint using VBA

I have a report that is generated in PowerPoint, and underneath many of the graphs, there is text that tells the reader to refer to pages in the appendix. I would like to be able to dynamically reference these slides.
For example, under a graph I might have the text "Please see appendix page 54", but I need the 54 to be linked to a slide so that if I insert another slide it will say 55.
Is this possible to do in VBA? I do not expect somebody to write my code for me, I would just like to know if this is a reasonable thing to do before I spend hours attempting to do it.
Side note: I feel horrible asking a question about MS Office on here, but since I believe it would need to be implemented in VBA (I don't think this functionality is built in by default) I think that it is a relevant question.
No need to feel horrible asking this here.
How one might do this:
In PPT, shapes, slides and even the presentation itself can have an associated tag collection; named string values. For example, assuming a reference to the shape in oSh, you can do:
oSh.Tags.Add "AssociatedSlideId", "293"
In this case, you'd apply this tag to your graph; the 293 would be the SlideID of the slide you want to reference. Each slide has a unique SlideID assigned when it's created; the SlideID won't change when you move the slide around/add/delete slides.
To read the tag from the shape:
Debug.Print oSh.Tags("AssociatedSlideId")
In this case, that'd return "293". Feed that to FindBySlideID to get the SlideIndex of the slide (ie, the ordinal position of the slide in the presentation). Or ask it for SlideNumber if you want the number of the slide that'll appear in number placeholders (usually, but not always the same as slide index).
Debug.Print ActivePresentation.Slides.FindBySlideID(clng("293")).SlideIndex
You might also tag the textbox or other shape that you want to use to hold the reference, then write a function along the lines of:
Function ShapeTaggedWith(oSl as Slide, sTagName as String, sTagValue as String) as Shape
This would iterate through the shapes on slide oSl looking for one with a tag named sTagName, value = sTagValue and return it to the caller if found.
Now you can find the shape that's nominated as your caption for the graph, let's call it, and change its text to match the SlideIndex (or SlideNumber) of the slide the chart's supposed to reference.
Hope that's all moderately clear; if not, that's why the StackOverflow gods gave us comments.