Is there a way to create GoogleTest paramaterized test cases that contain non-alphanumeric characters? - googletest

I'm performing some validation tests on several XML files, some of which contain hyphens in the name. I've created a parameterized test case containing the file names (excluding extensions) but GoogleTest fails because
Note: test names must be non-empty, unique, and may only contain ASCII alphanumeric characters or underscore. Because PrintToString adds quotes to std::string and C strings, it won't work for these types.
class ValidateTemplates :public testing::TestWithParam<string>
struct PrintToStringParamName
template <class ParamType>
string operator() (const testing::TestParamInfo<ParamType>& info) const
auto file_name = static_cast<string>(info.param);
// Remove the file extension because googletest's PrintToString may only
// contain ASCII alphanumeric characters or underscores
size_t last_index = file_name.find_last_of(".");
return file_name.substr(0, last_index);
I had the idea of printing the filename with non-alphanumeric characters swapped out for underscores in PrintToStringParamName. But I'd rather keep the parameterized names the same as the file names if possible.
Is there a way to get around this limitation somehow? I can't permanently change the file names and I can't use another testing framework.

That is not possible. You have already quoted the relevant comment from the documentation. The reason is that Google Test uses the test name to generate C++ identifiers (class names). C++ identifiers are limited to alphanumeric characters (and underscores but you should not use underscores in test names).
The closest you can get is change the implementation of PrintToStringParamName::operator()() and remove non-alphanumeric characters from the filename.


Does Xcode build comments code into its binary?

I comment some code in my project and don't want these to be built into my app's binary.
Does Xcode build comments code into its binary?
//- (void)functionName {
//func functionName() {
For Swift: From The Basics in the “The Swift Programming Language” (emphasis mine):
Use comments to include nonexecutable text in your code, as a note or reminder to yourself. Comments are ignored by the Swift compiler when your code is compiled.
For Objective-C: Objective-C is an extension of C, and the C 99 standard specifies in “ Translation phases” (emphasis added):
3 The source file is decomposed into preprocessing tokens6) and sequences of white-space characters (including comments). A source file shall not end in a partial preprocessing token or in a partial comment. Each comment is replaced by one space character. New-line characters are retained. Whether each nonempty sequence of white-space characters other than new-line is retained or replaced by one space character is implementation-defined.
and in “6.4.9 Comments”:
1 Except within a character constant, a string literal, or a comment, the characters /* introduce a comment. The contents of such a comment are examined only to identify multibyte characters and to find the characters */ that terminate it.
2 Except within a character constant, a string literal, or a comment, the characters // introduce a comment that includes all multibyte characters up to, but not including, the next new-line character. The contents of such a comment are examined only to identify multibyte characters and to find the terminating new-line character.
Short answer: No.
Long answer:
Every single SDK has a compiler that compiles code into machine language (aka, hexadecimal codes for each of the commands). So, all compilers will ignore comments 100%, so that it can compile codes faster.
In terms of Apple's app, it is bundled such way that in it is packed with all the assets (images, sounds, plist, that are able to be viewed by anybody with the .app file. This is the case where hackers were able to create exactly same app but with slightly different graphics/sounds and resubmit as their own.
Together with those assets, is the BINARY UNIX EXECUTABLE file, which if you open in a notepad, you will see gibberish (machine code cant be read by notepad). Example below is one of my app:

How to split on unicode whitespace in kotlin

In Kotlin if we use:
Then we can split a string into words separated by whitespace. However the string:
val string = "a\u2000b"
doesn't split since the regex doesn't match unicode whitespace characters.
I there a way to split the string on all whitespace characters?
Since Java 7 Pattern allows to specify the UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS-flag which would basically also work for your current issue:
Pattern.compile("\\s+", Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS)
Unfortunately this isn't directly supported via RegexOption with Kotlins Regex yet. There is a known issue that also describes a workaround (KT-21094):
You (most probably) require Java 7+ for that to actually work. Alternatives could be to use other predefined character classes instead. However, you need to lookup the appropriate Pattern-javadoc for your Java version to ensure that it is actually working (or do it in a trial-error-manner ;-)).
I've used the following regex to match Unicode whitespace:
This works because while \s matches only Latin-1 whitespace, \p{javaWhitespace} matches everything for which Character.isWhitespace() is true.  For some reason, this doesn't include a few particular characters, which I've listed separately.
More info in the docs for Pattern.
Related fact: although java.lang.String.trim() doesn't remove non-breaking spaces or figure spaces, kotlin.String.trim() does!

antlr4: need to convert sequences of symbols to characters in lexer

I am writing a parser for Wolfram Language. The language has a concept of "named characters", which are specified by a name delimited by \[, and ]. For example: \[Pi].
Suppose I want to specify a regular expression for an identifier. Identifiers can include named characters. I see two ways to do it: one is to have a preprocessor that would convert all named characters to their unicode representation, and two is to enumerate all possible named characters in their source form as part of the regular expression.
The second approach does not seem feasible because there are a lot of named characters. I would prefer to have ranges of unicode characters in my regex.
So I want to preprocess my token stream. In other words, it seems to me that the lexer needs to check if the named characters syntax is correct and then look up the name and convert it to unicode.
But if the syntax is incorrect or the name does not exist I need to tell the user about it. How do I propagate this error to the user and yet let antlr4 recover from the error and resume? Maybe I can sort of "pipe" lexers/parsers? (I am new to antlr).
In Wolfram Language I can have this string as an identifier: \[Pi]Squared. The part between brackets is called "named character". There is a limited set of named characters, each of which corresponds to a unicode code point. I am trying to figure out how to tokenize identifiers like this.
I could have a rule for my token like this (simplified to just a combination of named characters and ASCII characters):
NAME : ('\\[' [a-z]+ ']'|[a-zA-Z])+ ;
but I would like to check if the named character actually exists (and other attributes such as if it is a letter, but the latter part is outside of the scope of the question), so this regex won't work.
I considered making a list of allowed named characters and just making a long regex that enumerates all of them, but this seems ugly.
What would be a good approach to this?
A common approach is to write the lexer/parser to allow syntactically correct input and defer semantic issues to the analysis of the generated parse tree. In this case, the lexer can naively accept named characters:
NChar : NCBeg .? RBrack ;
fragment NCBeg : '\\[' ;
fragment LBrack: '[' ;
fragment RBrack: ']' ;
In the parser, allow the NChar's to exist in the parse-tree as discrete terminal nodes:
idents : ident+ ;
ident : NChar // named character string
| ID // simple character string?
| Literal // something quoted?
| ....
This makes analysis of the parse tree considerably easier: each ident context will contain only one non-null value for a discretely identifiable alt; and isolates analysis of all ordering issues to the idents context.
For an input \[Pi]Squared, the parse tree form that would be easiest to analyze would be an idents node with two well-ordered children, \[Pi] and Squared.
Best practice would not be to pack both children into the same token - would just have to later manually break the token text into the two parts to check if it is contains a valid named character and whether the particular sequence of parts is allowable.
No regex is going to allow conclusive verification of the named characters. That will require a list. Tightening the lexer definition of an NChar can, however, achieve a result equivalent to a regex:
NChar : NCBeg [A-Z][A-Za-z]+ RBrack ;
If the concern is that there might be a space after the named character, consider that this circumstance is likely better treated with a semantic warning as opposed to a syntactic error. Rather than skipping whitespace in the lexer, put the whitespace on the hidden channel. Then, in the verification analysis of each idents context, check the hidden channel for intervening whitespace and issue a warning as appropriate.
A parse-tree visitor can then examine, validate, and warn as appropriate regarding unknown or misspelled named characters.
To do the validation in the parser, if more desirable, use a predicated rule to distinguish known from unknown named characters:
#members {
ArrayList<String> keyList = .... // list of named chars
public boolean inList(String id) {
return keyList.contains(id) ;
nChar : known
| unknown
known : NChar { inList($NChar.getText()) }? ;
unknown : NChar { error("Unknown " + $NChar.getText()); } ;
The inList function could implement a distance metric to detect misspellings, but correcting the text directly in the parse-tree is a bit complex. Easier to do when implemented as a parse-tree decoration during a visitor operation.
Finally, a scrape and munge of the named characters into a usable map (both unicode and ascii) is likely worthwhile to handle both representations as well as conversions and misspelling.

Returning Unicode Name With Code Point

I know how to return a Unicode character from a code point. That's not what I'm after. What I want to know is how to return the name associated with a particular code point. For example, The code point for 🍀 is 1F340. And its name is FOUR LEAF CLOVER. Is it possible for us to return this name with its code point? I've read about 100 topics involving Unicode. But I haven't see one discussing my question. I hope that's possible.
Thank you for your help.
Have you considered the ICU library? It offers the following C API:
int32_t u_charName(
UChar32 code,
UCharNameChoice nameChoice,
char* buffer,
int32_t bufferLength,
UErrorCode* pErrorCode)
Retrieve the name of a Unicode character.
Depending on nameChoice, the character name written into the buffer is the "modern" name or the name that was defined in Unicode version 1.0. The name contains only "invariant" characters like A-Z, 0-9, space, and '-'. Unicode 1.0 names are only retrieved if they are different from the modern names and if the data file contains the data for them. gennames may or may not be called with a command line option to include 1.0 names in unames.dat.
code The character (code point) for which to get the name. It must be 0<=code<=0x10ffff.
nameChoice Selector for which name to get.
buffer Destination address for copying the name. The name will always be zero-terminated. If there is no name, then the buffer will be set to the empty string.
bufferLength ==sizeof(buffer)
pErrorCode Pointer to a UErrorCode variable; check for U_SUCCESS() after u_charName() returns.
The length of the name, or 0 if there is no name for this character. If the bufferLength is less than or equal to the length, then the buffer contains the truncated name and the returned length indicates the full length of the name. The length does not include the zero-termination.
ICU is the right approach, but it's even simpler than Chris said. Foundation includes ICU already, for various text processing functions, including CFStringTransform(). Its transform parameter accepts "any valid ICU transform ID defined in the ICU User Guide for Transforms".
One of ICU's transforms is Any-Name:
Converts between characters and their Unicode names in curly braces. For example:
(The syntax isn't exactly as documented, but it's close enough you can figure it out.)
There's also an Any-Hex transform which can be used for translating to/from the codepoint hex value.

Approximate search with openldap

I am trying to write a search that queries our directory server running openldap.
The users are going to be searching using the first or last name of the person they're interested in.
I found a problem with accented characters (like áéíóú), because first and last names are written in Spanish, so while the proper way is Pérez it can be written for the sake of the search as Perez, without the accent.
If I use '(cn=*Perez*)' I get only the non-accented results.
If I use '(cn=*Pérez*)' I get only accented results.
If I use '(cn=~Perez)' I get weird results (or at least nothing I can use, because while the results contain both Perez and Pérez ocurrences, I also get some results that apparently have nothing to do with the query...
In Spanish this happens quite a lot... be it lazyness, be it whatever you want to call it, the fact is that for this kind of thing people tend NOT to write the accents because it's assumend all these searches work with both options (I guess since Google allowes it, everybody assumes it's supposed to work that way).
Other than updating the database and removing all accents and trimming them on the query... can you think of another solution?
You have your ~ and = swapped above. It should be (cn~=Perez). I still don't know how well that will work. Soundex has always been strange. Since many attributes are multi-valued including cn you could store a second value on the attribute that has the extended characters converted to their base versions. You would at least have the original value to still go off of when you needed it. You could also get real fancy and prefix the converted value with something and use the valuesReturnFilter to filter it out from your results.
#Sample object
Then modify your query to use an or expression.
And you would include a valuesReturnFilter that looked like
See RFC3876 for details. The method for adding a request control varies by what platform/library you are using to access the directory.
Search filters ("queries") are specified by RFC2254.
actually requires filters (indirectly defined) to be an
OCTET STRING, i.e. ASCII 8-byte String:
AttributeValue is OCTET STRING,
and AttributeDescription
are LDAPString, LDAPString is an OCTET STRING.
The standard on escaping: Use "<ASCII HEX NUMBER>" to replace special characters
(, examples
The <valueencoding> rule ensures that the entire filter string is a
valid UTF-8 string and provides that the octets that represent the
ASCII characters "*" (ASCII 0x2a), "(" (ASCII 0x28), ")" (ASCII
0x29), "\" (ASCII 0x5c), and NUL (ASCII 0x00) are
represented as a backslash "\" (ASCII 0x5c) followed by the two hexadecimal digits
representing the value of the encoded octet.
Additionally, you should probably replace all characters that semantically modify the filter (RFC 4515's grammar gives a list), and do a Regex replace of non-ASCII characters with wildcards (*) to be sure. This will also help you with characters like "é".