How to use right click paste in the IntelliJ IDEA? - intellij-idea

I can use right click pace in the CMD, but it seems not an option to use it in the IntelliJ IDEA. It only has paste on middle mouse button click.

It supports paste by middle click!

It's not available yet. Feel free to go to IDEA-118892 and vote for it to stay updated.


Is there a way to keep quick documentation always on in Intellij?

Is there a way to keep the quick documentation always on or pinned to tip's window in Intellij rather than pressing F1 everytime?
I see this.
But would like to see this without pressing F1.
Configure it to Open as a Tool Window:
and have it always opened on the side:

Force-Click in IntelliJ?

I'm pretty new to IntelliJ, I also have Apple's new force-click enabled trackpad. Seems like it'd be super useful to be able to assign force-clicking to a keymap action (like bringing up a javadoc for example). Is there anyway to do this? Right now if I try to assign a force click it comes up as 'Button 1'.
This seems to be supported now in at least 2016.2, but you have to set it up.
For instance to set Force Touch to trigger "Go to Declaration" (navigate to function/class/symbol declaration), go to Preferences->Keymap. Then search for "Declaration". Right click the entry and select "Add mouse shortcut". In the popup, perform a force-touch hard-click. Apply and you're done!

How do I copy and paste the tooltip error message that pops up in IntelliJ IDEA?

IntelliJ IDEA automatically shows a red line if it cannot resolve some entities or it detects an error. Is there a way to copy and paste the content of that tooltip?
With eclipse I use the f2 to get the information.
I used the idea version 14.1.4 and use this way to copy the tooltips.
You can click the error line and the info will display, now you can right click to copy this error info.
Mouse shortcut:
Hover mouse over error in editor to bring up tooltip
Alt + click on error message inside tooltip to copy it to clipboard
For step 1 you can also bring up the tooltip for the current carret position by Ctrl + F1. For step 2 there does not seem to exist a keyboard shortcut at the time of writing (for IntelliJ 2018.1), see also IDEA-65636.
If you stumbled upon looking for solution for Linux version (and none of the above worked for you, like for me) click ctrl+alt+left mouse button on the tooltip, and you'll get its content into the clipboard :)
No, the tooltips don't offer a way to get that information from their context alone.
You could traditionally compile it instead via Build -> Compile and get the error message that way, instead. You can then select this text and do with it what you wish.
There is a bug report on this since 2011 (!) . Feel free /encouraged to vote for having the bug fixed:
IDEA-65636 I can't copy text from tooltip, though I can select it
Though honestly JetBrains infrequently gets around to non super critical bug fixes.

How to disable help in IntelliJ Idea?

I have mapped 'tilde' key (under escape on mac) to autocomplete, I just find it easier that way. At times I instead hit F1 accidentally and the IntellJ help pops up. Is there a way that I can disable F1 from activating help?
Yes. Press Ctrl+Alt+S and go to the Keymap tab in settings. Then find the "Context Help" node in All Actions/Other/Context help, and remove the shortcut.
You can look for other bound shortcuts in the future (by the key used to activate them) using the "filter" icon to the right of the search box.

How to close a file in Intellij using a keyboard shortcut?

I know this is a simplistic question; but I've been using IntelliJ for months now, and can't find this simple feature.
Any idea? Thank you.
Idiot me. CMD-F4 or, as mentioned before, CTRL-F4.
Thank you all. I'll just bury myself now :)
hmm you can't because there is no default key binding for that, at least on OSX, however you can go here and define one:
The standard tip if you don't know how to do something in Idea is "Find Action..." (ctrl+shift+A in Windows) then type what you want to do, in this case close.
You will get a lot of different "close" actions and simply "Close" (ctrl+F4 in Windows) will be one of them.
You can also set a custom key combination in the settings menu
Click on File > Settings and select Keymap from the menu on the left, then scroll down to the Other section and set your preferred key combination for Close Active Editor:
When you double-click on Close Active Editor, a menu pops up allowing you to set a key combination, a mouse gesture, or even an abbreviation for the action. If the shortcut is already set somewhere else (as in my case with Ctrl-W) you'll get a notification and won't be able to set the shortcut until you remove the other one.
As with Matt Ball, I don't use IntelliJ but may also be CTRL+F4...
For MAC user, Cmd-W will close the active tab (file).
On Mac, you might like to use CMD + W, as this is the conventional shortcut for closing things e.g. Tabs in Chrome.
But by default this is usually associated with highlighting the current cursor block, so instead I use CTRL + W, rather than re-assigning.
e.g. (bottom right)
Also works for other IntelliJ IDEs, like WebStorm, etc.
IDEA->File->Setting->Search for "Close Active Editor".
Click on 'Add Keyboard Shortcut' -> Change it to "Ctrl+W". (Overwrite).
BOOM! you are universal now!
I'm on version 2020.4 and this has changed to Ctrl+4