How to Convert Climate API into as WMS / WFS Layers for advanced analytics - api

I'm trying to access openweathermap api forecast, in somepoint I need to take decision based on the climatic layers so kindly help me to convert as WFS Layer(Geoserver) from the api. Thanks. I'm JS Beginner know Leaflet and Geoserver

You don't say much about what the API in question returns. If it is a WFS itself then you can cascade it through your GeoServer instance, which will allow you to serve it out as a WFS and a WMS.
If it returns some other format, you can write a custom datastore by following the steps in this tutorial. When you have a working jar package you can drop it into the WEB-INF/lib folder and restart GeoServer and it should appear as a new datastore.


Modify code created by ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

I'm new with ArcGIS. I have done an app with Web AppBuilder to show a map with layers. When I click on an item layer it shows a pop-up with item info. But I want to show more information that I have to get from a database, depending on the clicked item( it could be a csv file instead of a database if it was easier).
I know how to create a web with the ArcGIS Javascript API (following the tutorials) and I know to create widgets (tutorials too..). I known to create a web with Web AppBuilder. But I don't know how to use Javascript API (for example creating a new layer) modifying the code created by the Web AppBuilder.
My idea was to create the web, map and layers with Web AppBuilder and then make modifications in the generated code using the Javascript API.
What is the best approach to show dynamically obtained information when clicking an item?
Thank you.
If the data you want to show when you click a feature in the map is in the same (geo)database as your layers, you could create a Query Layer to join the data with the layer attributes. You will need to know SQL to do this. Also, you will need to use Arcmap (to publish a Mapserver with the query layer) or Arcgis Pro (to publish a webmap with the query layer) so you can query the data. More on query layers you can find in here.
You probably want to give more details of what exactly you are trying to accomplish, with sample data, so others can provide better answer to your question.

Embedding live dhis2 data directly on your website

I want to display the charts, tables, maps etc from a dhis2 user account unto a web page. I read the web api documentation and tried to use the plugins but they dont work (they seem to be outdated). Anyone have a solution to this?
You may use the Web APIs of dhis2 to fetch data , and then use any Library for building graphs out of that data.

How to build Google Analytics 'collect' like api using Google Cloud services

I'm trying to build a data collection web endpoint.The Use case is similar to Google Analytics collect API. I want to add this endpoint(GET method) to all pages on the website and on-page load collect page info through this API.
Actually I'm thinking of doing this by using Google Cloud services like Endpoints, BQ(for storing the data).. I don't want to host it in any dedicated servers. Otherwise, I will be end up doing a lot for managing/monitoring the service.
Please suggest me how do I achieve this with Google Cloud Service? OR direct me to right direction if my idea is wrong
I suggest focussing on deciding where you want to code to run. There are several GCP options that don't require dedicated servers:
Google App Engine
Cloud Functions/Firebase Functions
Cloud Run (new!)
Look here to see which support Cloud Endpoints.
All of these products can support running code that takes the data from the request and sends it to the BigQuery API.
There are various ways of achieving what you want. David's answer is absolutely valid, but I would like to introduce Stackdriver Custom Metrics to the discussion.
Custom metrics are similar to regular Stackdriver Monitoring metrics, but you create your own time series (Stackdriver lingo described here) to keep track of whatever you want and clients can sent in their data through an API.
You could achieve the same thing with a compute solution (Google Cloud Functions for example) and a database (Google BigTable for example) and writing your own logic.. but Custom Metrics is an already built solution that includes dashboards and alerting policies while being a more managed solution.

How to store images for mobile development

I decided to use back4app for easily creating my backend and for having a built in hosting solution.
I'm quite a newbie with this tool so my question will seem "simple":
I was wondering how will I store the images of my mobile application. As far as I know they use AWS so I thought the service would provide like an interface to upload some images to a S3 bucket...
Should I create a personal bucket or does the service offer that kind of feature ?
The idea is to store then the absolute url of the image in my model. For example each Class has a cover field of type string.
you're right, Back4App use AWS.
Back4App prepared the Backend for you, for example, if you try to save a file direct at your Parse Dashboard, you will can access the image and you already have a absolute URL.You can configure the column with a type File, like below:
Add a column with the File type
After upload a file, you will can access click at the box :)
After that upload the file

Mapbox - Create Colorize-Alpha Heatmap as Webapp

The past year, I've used Mapbox Studio to create Heatmaps of point and linestring geojson data using the "colorize-alpha" style type.
Now I'm developing a web application which replicates the same heatmap unctionality in the browser. I've tried the standard Mapbox API and the Mapbox GL API, however, neither seem to have the necessary functions implemented.
I see that I can upload my data to Mapbox's platform using the Amazon cloud. From there I can style the data layer in the same way as Mapbox Studio. However this is not nearly as scalable or simple of a solution as using the API or a plugin.
Is there a better way? Can I build this functionality using just the API's plus some additional leaflet plugins, or will I need to download a webserver copy of Tilemill?
I'll post code specifics as a next step if needed.
Thanks in advance.