PyCharm error: "Cannot set IntelliJ theme: null" - intellij-idea

The problem
I'm trying to change my PyCharm color theme, but when I do, I get an error: Cannot set IntelliJ theme: null.
What I've tried
I've restarted my computer.
I've updated all my plugins.
If I restart PyCharm, I am able to change the color theme without encountering the error. So it seems like some change-of-state while I'm using the program is causing the error.


intellij accessing invalid virtual file

Please help me I am stuck due to below weird behavior of Intellij 2021.2.4(Ultimate Edition)
I am getting error after opening project in Intellij as below :
"Accessing invalid virtual file: file://; original:12323; found:12333; File.exists()=true.
I restarted my machine on weekend and then opened the Intellij Idea today morning .
I have tried below solutions but in vain
1.Invalid Caches
2.Remove idea64.exe.vmoptions
Thanks in advance .
I had this same issue just now. For me, I was running our app via JavaScript Debug task and the app would immediately fail; I'd get the error message in a "red balloon" above my Debug tool window tab.
Following the advice of #Andrey I checked the logs. Sure enough, there was a hint:
com.intellij.openapi.vfs.InvalidVirtualFileAccessException: Accessing invalid virtual file: file:///Users/randy/projects/..../.../notifications; original:804838; found:805846; File.exists()=true
at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.handleInvalidDirectory(
at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.doFindChild(
at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.findChild(
at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.findChild(
at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualDirectoryImpl.findChild(
at com.intellij.javascript.debugger.JavaScriptDebugProcess.isMeteorClientScript(JavaScriptDebugProcess.kt:587)
at com.intellij.javascript.debugger.JavaScriptDebugProcess.getLocationsForBreakpoint(JavaScriptDebugProcess.kt:538)
at com.intellij.javascript.debugger.JSLineBreakpointManagerBase.setBreakpoint(JSLineBreakpointManagerBase.kt:36)
at com.intellij.javascript.debugger.breakpoints.JSLineBreakpointHandler.registerBreakpoint(JSLineBreakpointHandler.kt:17)
at com.intellij.javascript.debugger.breakpoints.JSLineBreakpointHandler.registerBreakpoint(JSLineBreakpointHandler.kt:12)
IntelliJ was trying to register breakpoints when it crashed. From there, I simply opened the Breakpoints dialog and trashed everything since they were all recent and moot anyway.
After that, I just closed the debug browser window that was left from my last failed attempt, then reran the Debug config. Everything worked as expected.

IntelliJ issues error for 'false' value in yaml

Whenever in .yml file that I have a false property value I am getting a inspection error from IntelliJ. This happened only recently, I am using IntelliJ 2019.3.5
Invalid value 'false', must be one of off|on|true|true
Inspection info: Checks Spring Boot application .yaml configuration files. Highlights unresolved and deprecated configuration keys and invalid values.
The application runs fine but I'd like to know what causes this and if I should turn the inspection off.
Please always try the latest available product version before reporting bugs.
The issue seems to be fixed and not reproducible in the current IDE release.
The better place to report IntelliJ IDEA bugs would be YouTrack.

I am getting webdriver error in intelliJ IDE while using Selenium?

I am using intelliJ IDE for Selenium Project. This error does not happen in Ellipse IDE. Here is a snapshot of the issue. This code works perfectly in Ellipse. I have added dependencies jar files for Selenium.
Errors are underlined with red, this is green. I think it just a spelling error indication.
Also the "error" is in a string, you cannot get a syntax or runtime error in a string.
If you get a error during running the tests please add that error and stacktrace to your question and I will try to assist you.
These under waved warnings are spellchecking warings and intellij idea has an integrated spell checker.
Spellchecker configuration:
You can deactivate the spell checking:
You can save that word on a project level to your spelling directory:
These two options will remove the warning. Making this warning less catchy by changing the color scheme could be an other option:

IntelliJ IDEA Find In Path show "946F 0E59 9E52 7AA9 8D2D 1EDE EB65 7E8D E028 51F6" by default and this default value cannot be changed

I have tried these things below, but still not work.
clear IntelliJ cache
uninstall and install IntelliJ
restart pc
I known the reason.
The keyboard shortcut to "OpenPGP: Insert my fingerprint" is command-shift-F, and this shortcut collides with the "Find in path" in Intellij IDEA.

Error Launching IDEA (Intellij)

When i've restarted my computer, i've tried to open Intellij and i've got this error message :
failed to create jvm error code -1
i've added "IDEA_JDK_64" and still have the issue, i can't start intellij, can someone Help Please
(NB : it's working with Eclipse actually )
I've searched and I've found this. Try to define JDK_HOME:
Setting JAVA_HOME for intelliJ?
May you set the -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize property more than 2048m. Is this property higher than 2048m you get your error message.