cmake, pass result of external program as preprocessor definitions - cmake

I'm new to cmake, so correct me if I've messed things up and this should be solved using something other than cmake.
I have main_program, that requires multiple other subprograms in form of bindata to be specified at build phase. Right now I build it by running
cmake -DBINDATA1="\xde\xad..." -DBINDATA2="\xbe\xef" -DBINDATA3="..."
and in code I use them as:
// main_program.cpp
int main() {
#ifdef BINDATA1
#ifdef BINDATA2
This is rather unclean method as any time I'm changing one of subprograms I have to generate bindata from it and pass it to cmake command.
What I would like to do, is have a project structure:
-> main_program
-> subprograms
-> subprogram1
-> subprogram2
-> subprogram3
and when I run cmake, I would like to
compile each of subprograms
generate shellcode from each of them, by running generate_bindata program on them
build main_program passing bindatas from step 2

and when I run cmake, I would like to
compile each of subprograms
generate shellcode from each of them, by running generate_shellcode program on them
build main_program passing shellcodes from step 2
Then let's do that. Let's first write a short script to generate a header:
# ./
# TODO: Find out proper quoting and add `"` is necessarily. Ie. details.
# Prefer to use actual real variables like `static const char *shellcode[3]`
# instead of raw macro defines.
cat > "$1" <<EOF
#define SHELLCODE1 $(cat "$2")
#define SHELLCODE2 $(cat "$3")
#define SHELLCODE3 $(cat "$4")
To be portable, write this script in cmake. This script will be run at build phase to generate the header needed for compilation. Then, "model dependencies" - find out what depends on what exactly. Then write it in cmake:
add_executable(subprogram1 sources.c...)
add_executable(subprogram2 sources.c...)
add_executable(subprogram3 sources.c...)
for(i IN ITEMS 1 2 3)
COMMENT Generate shellcode${i}.txt with the content of shellcode
# TODO: redirection in COMMAND should be removed, or the command
# should be wrapped in `sh -c ...`.
COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:subprogram${i}> | generate_shellcode > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/shellcode${i}.txt
DEPENDS $<TARGET_FILE:subprogram${i}> generate_shellcode
COMMENT Generate shellcodes.h from shellcode1.txt shellcode2.txt and shellcode3.txt
# Then compile the final executable
add_executable(main main.c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/shellcodes.h)
# Don't forget to add includes!
target_include_directories(main PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
# or you may add dependency to a single file instead of target
# Like below only to a single shellcodeswrapper.c file only
# This should help build parallelization.
set_source_files_properties(main.c OBJECT_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/shellcodes.h)
# Or you may add a target for shelcodes header file and depend on it
add_custom_target(shellcodes DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/shellcodes.h)
add_executable(main main.c)
target_include_directories(main PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
add_dependencies(main shellcodes)
Then your main file:
#include <shellcodes.h> // compiler will find it in BINARY_DIR
int main() {
So that all your source files are not recompiled each time, I suggest to write a wrapper:
// shellcodewrapper.c
#include <shellcodes.h>
// preserve memory by not duplicating code in each TU
static const char shellcode1[] = SHELLCODE1;
// only this file will be recompiled when SHELLCODE changes
const char *get_shellcode1(void) {
return shellcode1;
// shellcodewrapper.h
const char *get_shellcode1(void);
// main.c
#include <shellcodewrapper.h>
int main() {
That way when you change the "SHELLCODE" generators, only shellcodewrapper.c will be compiled, resulting in super fast compilation times.
Note how dependency is transferred and how it works - I used files inside BINARY_DIR to transfer result from one command to another, then these files track what was changed and transfer dependency below in the chain. Track dependencies in DEPENDS and OUTPUT in add_custom_command and cmake will properly compile in proper order.


CMake: How can I compile defines and flags as string constants into my C(++) program?

I'd like my C or C++ program that is built via CMake to be able to print (or otherwise make use of) the macro definitions and (other) C/C++ flags it was compiled with. So I want CMake to generate/configure a header or source file that defines respective strings constants and that is then built as part of/into my program.
CMake features several commands (like file() or execute_process()) that would be executed when (respectively before) the build system is generated and thus would allow me to write such a source file, but I'm having trouble with getting the effective macro definitions and flags used for my target. E.g. there seem to be COMPILE_DEFINITIONS for the directory, the target, and for the configuration. Is there a way to get the macro definitions/C(++) flags that are effectively used for building my target? And how do I best write them into a source file?
I've noticed, when using the Makefiles generator apparently a file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/MyTarget.dir/flags.make" is created, which seems to contain pretty much what I'm looking for. So if there's no other way, I can probably make use of that file, but obviously that won't work for other generators and it comes with its own challenges (the file is generated after execute_process()).
The approach I finally went with sets the CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER property to use a compiler wrapper script that injects the actual compiler command line into a source file. Since I have multiple libraries/executables to which I want to add the respective information, I use a CMake function that adds a source file containing the info to the target.
function(create_module_build_info _target _module _module_include_dir)
# generate BuildInfo.h and BuildInfo.cpp
set (BUILD_MODULE ${_module})
set (BUILD_MODULE_INCLUDE_DIR ${_module_include_dir})
# Set our wrapper script as a compiler launcher for the target. For
# BuildInfo.cpp we want to inject the build info.
get_property(_launcher TARGET ${_target} PROPERTY CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER)
${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${_launcher})
get_property(_compile_flags SOURCE BuildInfo.cpp PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS)
set_property(SOURCE BuildInfo.cpp PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS
"${_compile_flags} -D_BUILD_INFO=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/BuildInfo_generated.cpp,${_module}")
# add BuildInfo.cpp to target
target_sources(${_target} PRIVATE BuildInfo.cpp)
The function can simply be called after defining the target. Parameters are the target, a name that is used as a prefix of the constant name to be generated, and a name that is part of the path of the header file to be generated. The compiler flag -D_BUILD_INFO=... is only added to the generated source file and it will be used by the wrapper script as an indicator that the constant definition should be added to that source file. All other compiler lines are just invoked as is by the script.
The template source file "":
#include "#BUILD_MODULE_INCLUDE_DIR#/BuildInfo.h"
The template header file "":
#pragma once
#include <string>
extern const std::string #BUILD_MODULE#_COMPILER_COMMAND_LINE;
The compiler wrapper script "":
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
function createBuildInfoTempFile()
local source="$1"
local target="$2"
local prefix="$3"
local commandLine="$4"
cp "$source" "$target"
cat >> "$target" <<EOF
const std::string ${prefix}_COMPILER_COMMAND_LINE = "$commandLine";
# Process script arguments. We copy them to array variable args. If we find an
# argument "-D_BUILD_INFO=*", we remove it and will inject the build info
# variable definition into (a copy of) the input file.
while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
case "$1" in
if [[ ! "$1" =~ -D_BUILD_INFO=([^,]+),(.+) ]]; then
echo "error: failed to get arguments for build info generation" >&2
exit 1
if $generateBuildInfo; then
# We expect the last argument to be the source file. Check!
case "${args[-1]}" in
createBuildInfoTempFile "${args[-1]}" "$buildInfoTempFile" "$buildInfoVariablePrefix" "${args[*]}"
echo "error: Failed to find source file in compiler arguments for build info generation feature." >&2
exit 1
Obviously the script can be made smarter. E.g. instead of assuming it is the last argument it could find the actual index of the input source file. It could also process the command line to separate preprocessor definitions, include paths, and other flags.
Note that "-D_BUILD_INFO=..." argument is used instead of some parameter that the compiler wouldn't know (e.g. "--generate-build-info"), so that IDEs won't run into issues when passing the arguments directly to the compiler for whatever purposes.

Using an interface library with check_c_source_runs() or try_run()

Use case: I'm trying to compile a test program that probes for a list of TrueType(tm) fonts using SDL2_ttf (with SDL2, Freetype, PNG and Zlib). The SDL2_ttf::SDL2_ttf interface library exists and links successfully with target executables. My problem is how to get check_c_source_runs() to pick up the definitions, include directories and libraries. I'd rather not have to manually extract everything from properties, as in the following code fragment:
## Transform the definitions with "-D"
else ()
## Code that does what list(TRANSFORM...) does in less capable CMake
## versions.
endif ()
#include <stdint.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_ttf.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const char *fonts[] = {\"DejaVuSans.ttf\", \"LucidaSansRegular.ttf\", \"FreeSans.ttf\", \"AppleGothic.ttf\", \"tahoma.ttf\"};
size_t i, cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fonts)/sizeof(fonts[0]); ++i) {
TTF_Font *ttf = TTF_OpenFont(fonts[i], 10);
if (ttf != NULL) {
fputs(fonts[i], stderr);
if (cnt++ > 0) {
fputc(';', stderr);
return 0;
}" ttfprobe_run)
Link libraries are hairy, since there are interface libraries referenced from within SDL2_ttf::SDL2_ttf, e.g. FreeType::FreeType.
Functions try_compile and try_run and everything which is based on them (e.g. check_c_source_runs) are actually build some other CMake project. Because you cannot pass targets to the CMake project, you have two ways:
Extract all needed target's properties to the variables and pass them to the newly generated project. As you already do.
Write CMakeLists.txt for other project manually, and use calls to find_package and other package-discovery functions in it.
E.g., you may write CMakeLists.txt for other project like that:
# Source file is in SOURCE_FILE parameter,
# resulted executable is copied into the file pointed by EXE_FILE parameter.
# This will create 'SDL2_ttf::SDL2_ttf' target
find_package(SDL2_ttf REQUIRED)
add_executable(test_exe ${SOURCE_FILE})
target_link_libraries(test_exe SDL2_ttf::SDL2_ttf)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${EXE_FILE}
add_custom_target(copy_exe ALL DEPENDS ${EXE_FILE})
The main challenge is to pass as many variables to the other project as needed for it to be built in the same "environment" as the main project.
Example below handles only variables which could affect on find_package(SDL2_ttf) call:
# Main project
# Somewhere you have this call too.
find_package(SDL2_ttf REQUIRED)
# List of arguments for the subproject
# This affects on searching for possible `FindSDL2_ttf.cmake` script
# This affects on searching for `find_*` calls in find script.
if (SDL2_ttf_DIR)
# This is a directory with `SDL2_ttfConfig.cmake` script
# build subproject
try_compile(TTF_TEST_RESULT # Variable which will contain result of building the subproject
${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ttf_test # Build directory for the subproject
<src-dir> # Source directory for the subproject, where its `CMakeLists.txt` resides.
test_project # Project name of the subproject
-DSOURCE_FILE=<src-file> # Source file
-DEXE_FILE=<exe-file> # Path to the resulted executable file
${SUBPROJECT_ARGS} # The rest of arguments for subproject
OUTPUT_VAR TTF_TEST_OUTPUT # Variable which will contain output of the build process
# Subproject has been built successfully, now we can try to execute resulted file
Tricky? Yes. But this is how CMake works...

CMake : add executable with unknown genererated source files

I have a tool that generates a set source files whose name I am not able to know beforehand.
How to write a proper CMakeLists.txt script for scenario? This question has been asked before here CMake Compiling Generated Files. But it does not have a proper solution.
For instance, in the first answer (, OP can predict which files will generated based on the input .idl files. The second answer ( shows three different ways to solve but I really couldn't get his solution working.
Test case
I prepared a simple test case. Suppose I have this static file where the main resides (main.cpp).
# main.cpp
void foo(void);
int main() {
return 0;
Currently, I am using this CMakeLists.txt. The custom command generates the source file under src.
# CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(a.out main.cpp)
OUTPUT mylib.cpp
add_custom_target(GenFile DEPENDS mylib.cpp)
add_dependencies(a.out GenFile)
Here is the hypothetical code generator I use a random number to mimic the fact that we do NOT know which files the generator will generate.
rm -rf $1/*
fname=$(echo $((1 + RANDOM % 100)))
echo "Generating src$fname.cpp"
echo "void foo(void) {}" > $1/src$fname.cpp
Attempt 1
I tried to use GLOB to find all files generated. So I put the following lines at the end of my CMakeLists.txt. This doesn't work because at the moment of running cmake .. there is no files under src. So this solution never links the generated source files.
file(GLOB GeneratedSourceFiles ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cpp)
target_sources(a.out PUBLIC ${GeneratedSourceFiles})

Using a CMake cache variable "before" it is defined

CMake cache variables can be set from virtually everywhere (see here #Florian's What's the CMake syntax to set and use variables?). I was under the assumption that the set value is visible everywhere, even to CMake lists parsed before, but this isn't the case.
Use case
Module A uses ${CMAKE_MYDEF}.
Module B sets the cache variable CMAKE_MYDEF.
add_subdirectory(A) is called before add_subdirectory(B).
Short example showing the behavior
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
add_executable(EXEC test.cpp)
target_compile_definitions(EXEC PRIVATE MYDEF=${CMAKE_MYDEF})
How can I make sure CMAKE_MYDEF has the desired value regardless the order I add module A and module B?
Are there any ways to ensure the CMake configuration step is re-run twice or, if applicable, as long as the cache variables get changed? (This isn't probably a clean solution, but since I'm working with legacy code not everything can be done beautifully.)
Are there alternatives to cache variables to achieve the same result without re-running the CMake configuration by hand?
Is it possible to set compiler definitions in the generation phase (i.e. when all CMake cache variables are known and set)? Using some kind of generator expressions?
Edit: Short example solution
Following #Florian's answer, here the adapted example showing the solution:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
add_executable(EXEC test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(EXEC MyOtherLib)
add_library(MyOtherLib INTERFACE)
target_compile_definitions(MyOtherLib INTERFACE MYDEF=${CMAKE_MYDEF})
Yes, I'm fully with #Tsyvarev's answer that CMake's parser works sequentially. So variables - even cached ones - or generator expressions - that can't read variables - are no good here.
I just wanted to add the possibilities you have using target and directory properties depending on the dependencies between A and B:
When A depends on B with e.g.
target_link_libraries(A PUBLIC B)
then a simple
target_compile_definitions(B PUBLIC MYDEF=SOME_DEF)
would propagate the necessary define to A.
When B depends an A and A is already known than it would be
target_link_libraries(B PUBLIC A)
target_compile_definitions(A PUBLIC MYDEF=SOME_OTHER_DEF)
If you're working with sub-directories I would recommend putting the definition in the root CMakeLists.txt globally:
Finally the full variant with sub-directories letting B decide what to do:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
file(WRITE a.cpp [=[
#include <iostream>
#ifndef MYDEF
#define MYDEF "Hello from A!"
void a()
std::cout << MYDEF << std::endl;
add_library(A a.cpp)
file(WRITE b.cpp [=[
void a();
void main()
add_executable(B b.cpp)
target_link_libraries(B A)
if (TARGET "A")
target_compile_definitions(A PRIVATE MYDEF="Hello from B!")
COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "MYDEF=\"Hello from Global!\""
Is Cmake set variable recursive?
CMake processes scripts sequentially, starting from top-level CMakeLists.txt and executing its lines one by one.
So, if read variable before assigning it, you will get nothing. The only specific of CACHE variable in that scenario is possibility for that variable to be assigned on previous cmake invocation.
Needs for using a variable before its assigning taking a place usually signals about bad design. In many situations (even with legacy code), design can be fixed gracefully.
Forcing CMake to reconfigure the project can be accomplished e.g. by touching current script:
to force a re-configure, one could "cmake -E touch"
the CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE, somehow during target building
or some such.

Get full C++ compiler command line

In CMake, the flags for the C++ compiler can be influenced in various ways: setting CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS manually, using add_definitions(), forcing a certain C++ standard, and so forth.
In order to compile a target in the same project with different rules (a precompiled header, in my case), I need to reproduce the exact command that is used to compile files added by a command like add_executable() in this directory.
Reading CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS only returns the value set to it explicitly, CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG and siblings only list default Debug/Release options. There is a special functions to retrieve the flags from add_definitions() and add_compiler_options(), but none seem to be able to return the final command line.
How can I get all flags passed to the compiler into a CMake variable?
To answer my own question: It seems like the only way of getting all compiler flags is to reconstruct them from the various sources. The code I'm working with now is the following (for GCC):
# Get flags form add_definitions, re-escape quotes
if (DEF)
string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" DEF "${DEF}")
endif ()
endforeach ()
# Get flags form include_directories()
if (DIR)
endif ()
endforeach ()
# Get build-type specific flags
separate_arguments(GLOBAL_FLAGS UNIX_COMMAND
# Add -std= flag if appropriate
get_target_property(STANDARD ${TARGET} CXX_STANDARD)
endif ()
endif ()
endmacro ()
This could be extended to also include options induced by add_compiler_options() and more.
Easiest way is to use make VERBOSE=1 when compiling.
cd my-build-dir
cmake path-to-my-sources
make VERBOSE=1
This will do a single-threaded build, and make will print every shell command it runs just before it runs it. So you'll see output like:
[ 0%] Building CXX object Whatever.cpp.o
<huge scary build command it used to build Whatever.cpp>
There actually is a fairly clean way to do this at compile time using CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER:
If you have a script
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import argparse
print(" ".join(sys.argv[1:]))
# we need to produce an output file so that the link step does not fail
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args, _ = p.parse_known_args()
with open(args.o, "w") as f:
You can set the target's properties as follows:
add_library(${TARGET_NAME} ${SOURCES})
set_target_properties(${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES
# this tells the linker to not actually link. Which would fail because output file is empty
set_target_properties(${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES
This will print the exact compilation command at compile time.
Short answer
It's not possible to assign final value of compiler command line to variable in CMake script, working in all use cases.
Long answer
Unfortunately, even solution accepted as answer still not gets all compiler flags. As gets noted in comments, there are Transitive Usage Requirements. It's a modern and proper way to write CMake files, getting more and more popular. Also you may have some compile options defined using generator expressions (they look like variable references but will not expand when needed).
Consider having following example:
add_executable(myexe ...);
target_compile_definitions(myexe PRIVATE "PLATFORM_$<PLATFORM_ID>");
add_library(mylib ...);
target_compile_definitions(mylib INTERFACE USING_MY_LIB);
target_link_libraries(myexe PUBLIC mylib);
If you try to call proposed GET_COMPILER_FLAGS macro with myexe target, you will get resulting output -DPLATFORM_$<PLATFORM_ID> instead of expected -DPLATFORM_Linux -DUSING_MY_LIB.
This is because there are two stages between invoking CMake and getting build system generated:
Processing. At this stage CMake reads and executes commands from cmake script(s), particularly, variable values getting evaluated and assigned. At this moment CMake just collecting all required info and being prepared to generate build system (makefiles).
Generating. CMake uses values of special variables and properties, being left at end of processed scripts to finally decide and form generated output. This is where it constructs final command line for compiler according to its internal algorithm, not avaliable for scripting.
Target properties which might be retrieved at processing stage with get_target_property(...) or get_property(... TARGET ...) aren't complete (even when invoked at the end of script). At generating stage CMake walks through each target dependency tree (recursively) and appends properties values according to transitive usage requirements (PUBLIC and INTERFACE tagged values gets propagated).
Although, there are workarounds, depending on what final result you aiming to achieve. This is possible by applying generator expressions, which allows use final values of properties of any target (defined at processing stage)... but later!
Two general possibilites are avaliable:
Generate any output file based on template, which content contains variable references and/or generator expressions, and defined as either string variable value, or input file. It's not flexible due to very limited support of conditional logic (i.e. you cannot use complex concatenations available only with nested foreach() loops), but has advantages, that no further actions required and content described in platform-independent way. Use file(GENERATE ...) command variant. Note, that it behaves differently from file (WRITE ...) variant.
Add custom target (and/or custom command) which implements further usage of expanded value. It's platform dependent and requires user to additionally invoke make (either with some special target, or include to all target), but has advantage, that it's flexible enough because you may implement shell script (but without executable bit).
Example demonstrating solution with combining these options:
set(target_name "myexe")
file(GENERATE OUTPUT CONTENT "#!/bin/sh\n echo \"${target_name} compile definitions: $<TARGET_PROPERTY:${target_name},COMPILE_DEFINITIONS>\"")
COMMAND echo "\"Platform: $<PLATFORM_ID>\""
COMMAND /bin/sh -s <
After calling CMake build directory will contain file and invoking make mycustomtarget will print to console:
Platform: Linux
myexe compile definitions: PLATFORM_Linux USING_MY_LIB
and get compile_commands.json