WebClient - how to ignore a specific HTTP error - spring-webflux

I'd like to create a Spring WebClient that ignores a specific HTTP error. From the documentation of WebClient.retrieve():
By default, 4xx and 5xx responses result in a WebClientResponseException. To customize error handling, use ResponseSpec.onStatus(Predicate, Function) handlers.
I want all calls through a WebClient instance to ignore the specific HTTP error. That is why onStatus() is of no use to me (it has to be set per response).
The best I could come up with is this:
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().filter((request, next) -> {
Mono<ClientResponse> response = next.exchange(request);
response = response.onErrorResume(WebClientResponseException.class, ex -> {
return ex.getRawStatusCode() == 418 ? Mono.empty() : Mono.error(ex);
return response;
URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString("https://httpstat.us/418").build().toUri();
but it does throw the exception instead of ignoring it (the lambda passed to onErrorResume() is never called).
Edited: fixed the mistake pointed out by the first answer.

After extensive debugging of spring-webflux 5.3.4 and with the help of some ideas by Martin Tarjányi, I've come to this as the only possible "solution":
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().filter((request, next) -> {
return next.exchange(request).flatMap(res -> {
if (res.rawStatusCode() == HttpStatus.I_AM_A_TEAPOT.value()) {
res = res.mutate().rawStatusCode(299).build();
return Mono.just(res);
URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString("https://httpstat.us/418").build().toUri();
String body = webClient.get().uri(uri).retrieve().toEntity(String.class).block().getBody();
The background: I am migrating some code from RestTemplate to WebClient. The old code looks like this:
RestTemplate restTemplate = ...;
restTemplate.setErrorHandler(new DefaultResponseErrorHandler() {
public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
if (response.getRawStatusCode() == HttpStatus.I_AM_A_TEAPOT.value()) {
URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString("https://httpstat.us/418").build().toUri();
String body = restTemplate.getForEntity(uri, String.class).getBody();
I believe it is a straightforward and common case.
WebClient is not yet a 100% replacement for RestTemplate.

UPDATE: Turns out this answer doesn't address the core problem of filtering out a specific status code, just addresses a general coding pattern.
The reason onErrorResume lambda is not called is that response.onErrorResume creates a brand new Mono and your code does not use the result (i.e. it's not assigned to the response variable), so in the end a Mono without the onErrorResume operator is returned.
Using Project Reactor it's usually a good practice to avoid declaring local Mono and Flux variables and use a single chain instead. This helps to avoid similar subtle bugs.
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()
.filter((request, next) -> next.exchange(request)
.onErrorResume(WebClientResponseException.class, ex -> ex.getRawStatusCode() == 418 ? Mono.empty() : Mono.error(ex)))


Check database for access in Spring Gateway Pre filter

I am using Spring Gateway, where I need to check further user access by Request path using DB call. My repository is like this.
public Mono<ActionMapping> getByUri(String url)
This is my current filter where I am using custom UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken implementation.
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
return (exchange, chain) -> exchange
.filter(principal -> principal instanceof UserAuthenticationToken) // Custom implementation of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
.map(userAuthenticationToken -> extractAuthoritiesAndSetThatToRequest(exchange, userAuthenticationToken))
private ServerWebExchange extractAuthoritiesAndSetThatToRequest(ServerWebExchange exchange, UserAuthenticationToken authentication) {
var uriActionMapping = uriActionMappingRepository.findOneByUri(exchange.getRequest().getPath().toString()).block();
if ((uriActionMapping == null) || (authentication.getPermission().containsKey(uriActionMapping.getName()))) {
ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest()
.header("X-Auth", authentication.getName())
return exchange.mutate().request(request).build();
ServerHttpResponse response = exchange.getResponse();
return exchange.mutate().response(response).build();
However, there are several problems here, first that it is blocking call. Also I am not sure I need to mutate exchange to return response like that. Is there anyway achieve this using filter in Spring Cloud Gateway.
Yes, it is a blocking call.
Firstly, Spring WebFlux is based on Reactor. In Reactor, most handling method will not recieve a null from Mono emit, e.g. map, flatMap. Sure, there are counterexamples, such as doOnSuccess, see also the javadoc of Mono.
So, we can just use handling methods to filter results instead of block. Those handling methods will return a empty Mono when recieve a null value.
Secondary, when it authorize failed, we should return a empty Mono instead of calling chain.filter. The chain.filter means "It's OK! Just do something after the Filter!". See also RequestRateLimiterGatewayFilterFactory, it also mutate the response.
So, we should set response to completed, and return a empty Mono if authorize failed.
Try this:
public GatewayFilter apply(Config config) {
return (exchange, chain) -> exchange
.filter(principal -> principal instanceof UserAuthenticationToken) // Custom implementation of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
.flatMap(userAuthenticationToken -> extractAuthoritiesAndSetThatToRequest(exchange, userAuthenticationToken))
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> exchange.getResponse().setComplete().then(Mono.empty())))
// Maybe return empty Mono, e.g. findOneByUri not found, or Permissions does not containing
private Mono<ServerWebExchange> extractAuthoritiesAndSetThatToRequest(ServerWebExchange exchange, UserAuthenticationToken authentication) {
return uriActionMappingRepository.findOneByUri(exchange.getRequest().getPath().toString())
.filter(it -> authentication.getPermission().containsKey(it.getName()))
.map(it -> exchange.mutate()
.request(builder -> builder.header("X-Auth", authentication.getName()))
About mutate request, see also RewritePathGatewayFilterFactory.

spring amqp RPC copy headers from request to response

I'm looking for a way to copy some headers from the request message to the response message when I use RabbitMq in RPC mode.
so far I have tried with setBeforeSendReplyPostProcessors but I can only access the response and add headers to it. but I don't have access to the request to get the values I need.
I have also tried with the advice chain, but the returnObject is null after proceeding so I can't modify it (I admit I don't understand why it is null... I thought I could get the object to modify it):
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory(SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory.setAdviceChain(new MethodInterceptor() {
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Object returnObject = invocation.proceed();
//returnObject is null here
return returnObject;
simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer.configure(simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory, connectionFactory);
return simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory;
a working way is to change my method annotated with #RabbitListener so it returns a Message and there I can access both the requesting message (via arguments of the annotated method) and the response.
But I would like to do it automatically, since I need this feature at different places.
Basicaly I want to copy one header from the request message to the response.
this code do the job, but I want to do it through an aspect, or an interceptor.
#RabbitListener(queues = "myQueue"
, containerFactory = "simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory")
public Message<MyResponseObject> execute(MyRequestObject myRequestObject, #Header("HEADER_TO_COPY") String headerToCopy) {
MyResponseObject myResponseObject = compute(myRequestObject);
return MessageBuilder.withPayload(myResponseObject)
.setHeader("HEADER_RESPONSE", headerToCopy)
The Message<?> return type support was added for this reason, but we could add an extension point to allow this, please open a GitHub issue.
Contributions are welcome.

How to set body of HttpServletResponse using ktor client

I have spring boot controller
#PostMapping(path = ["/download"])
fun getFile(#RequestBody myObjectRq: myObjectRq, httpServletResponse: HttpServletResponse): CompletableFuture<HttpServletResponse> {
return GlobalScope.async {
val response = webService.getFile(myObjectRq)
response?.let {
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", response.headers.get("Content-Type"))
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", response.headers.get("Content-Disposition"))
httpServletResponse.status = response.status.value
in which I use service which in turn uses ktor client to send post request to external server which should respond sending csv file. csv file content depends on values I send in myObjectRq.
suspend fun getFile(myObjectRq: myObjectRq): HttpResponse {
val response = ktorClient.post<HttpResponse> {
body = myObjectRq
Headers in response are properly set, also log.info(String(response.content.toByteArray())) in the method prints out the content of received file, but I can't set it as a body of HttpServletResponse. I keep getting org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException: Could not find acceptable representation.
Also I get Inappropriate blocking method call for httpServletResponse.writer which kind of breaks async qualities of ktor client.
What do I do wrong? How should I solve it?
So, I think SpringBoot is confused with your return type. It is trying to find a way to serialize your return CompletableFuture<HttpServletResponse> into the body of the HTTP response but failing. I believe you can achieve the same result by changing your implementation as follows:
#PostMapping(path = ["/download"])
fun getFile(#RequestBody myObjectRq: myObjectRq, httpServletResponse: HttpServletResponse): CompletableFuture<Void> {
return GlobalScope.async {
val response = webService.getFile(myObjectRq)
response?.let {
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", response.headers.get("Content-Type"))
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", response.headers.get("Content-Disposition"))
httpServletResponse.status = response.status.value
I actually managed to solve this using CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<ByteArray>> as return type and setting body of the response this way:
This also removed Inappropriate blocking method call warnings.

Spring webflux : consume mono or flux from request

I have a resource API that handles an object (Product for example).
I use PUT to update this object in the database.
And I want to return just en empty Mono to the user.
There is my code :
public Mono<ServerResponse> updateProduct(ServerRequest request){
Mono<Product> productReceived = request.bodyToMono(Product.class);
Mono<Product> result = productReceived.flatMap(item -> {
System.out.println("Called or not called!!");
return Mono.just(productService.product);
return ok()
.body(Mono.empty(), Product.class);
The problem is my method doSomeThing() and the println are not called.
NB: I use subscribe but doesn't work.
I had a similar issue when I was new to Webflux. In short, you can't call subscribe on the request body and asynchronously return a response because the subscription might not have enough time to read the body. You can see a full explanation of a similar issue here.
To make your code work, you should couple the response with your logic stream. It should be something like the following:
public Mono<ServerResponse> updateProduct(ServerRequest request){
return request
.flatMap(item -> {
System.out.println("Called or not called!!");
return Mono.just(productService.product);

WebApi returning wrong status code

I have an operation handler that checks for authentication and throws an exception when authentication fails using
throw new WebFaultException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
However this still returns a 404 Not Found status code to the client/test client.
This is my operation handler
public class AuthOperationHandler : HttpOperationHandler<HttpRequestMessage, HttpRequestMessage>
RequireAuthorizationAttribute _authorizeAttribute;
public AuthOperationHandler(RequireAuthorizationAttribute authorizeAttribute) : base("response")
_authorizeAttribute = authorizeAttribute;
protected override HttpRequestMessage OnHandle(HttpRequestMessage input)
IPrincipal user = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
throw new WebFaultException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
if (_authorizeAttribute.Roles == null)
return input;
var roles = _authorizeAttribute.Roles.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (roles.Any(role => user.IsInRole(role)))
return input;
throw new WebFaultException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
Am I doing something wrong?
I have good and bad news for you. The framework your are using has evolved into ASP.NET Web API. Unfortunately, OperationHandlers no longer exist. Their closest equivalent are ActionFilters.
Having said that, WCF Web API never supported throwing WebFaultException, that is a vestige of WCF's SOAP heritage. I think the exception was called HttpWebException, however, I never used it, I just set the status code on the response.