impyla : how to setup mem_limit? - python-3.8

I'm using impyla==0.16.2 on python 3.8.3
Tried to execute set mem_limit=1G
and after running query it does still give the error of mem_limit.
That should be resolved because If I follow the same steps on Dbeaver it works as expected.
Not sure why its not working in impyla.
Can someone guide me on this.

To Setup mem_limit using impala, pass it as confiruration parameter in cursor.execute statements.
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(query, configuration={'mem_limit': '1G'})
Query will run successfully.


Can R access internet whilst running as an external script in SQL Server?

I run the R portion of the code in Rstudio, and it works fine.
But when I call it inside SQL Server, it runs successfully, but cant return any results, only "I've got nothin'" which is the default error of the wikifacts package when it cant find a result to return.
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
#language = N'R',
#script = N'
query <- "Microsoft"
answer <-, sentence = 1))
Im just wondering if its being blocked along the way, or not possible to call external data from SQL server? And what a possible workaround could be?
For anyone who wants to know, I had to disable outbound firewall rules for SQL server.

Error when trying to create a project under a GitLab group

I just discovered GitLab's groups and decided that it would be ideal for the kind of work I am doing. I created a private group and am getting the following error when I try to create a project under it:
The form contains the following error:
PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout CONTEXT: while rechecking updated tuple (0,187) in relation "site_statistics" : UPDATE "site_statistics" SET "repositories_count" = "repositories_count"+1
I attempted to do the same in a new subgroup; however, I still get the same error. I must add that I am not using a paid plan of GitLab.
Thank you.
I have the same issue. I think only thing that we can to do is to wait until this error will fix.
Found this issue page:

Apache spark jdbc connect to apache drill error

I am sending query to apache drill from apache spark. I am getting the following error:
java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create prepared statement: PARSE
ERROR: Encountered "\"" at line 1, column 23.
When traced, I found I need to write a custom sql dialect. The problem I do not find any examples for pyspark. All the examples are for scala or java. Any help is highly appreciated.!
Here is the pyspark code :
`dataframe_mysql ="jdbc").option("url", "jdbc:drill:zk=ip:2181;schema=dfs").option("driver","org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver").option("dbtable","dfs.`/user/titanic_data/test.csv`").load()`
Looks like you have used a double quote in your SQL query (please share your SQL).
By default Drill uses back tick for quoting identifiers - `
But you can change it by setting the system/session option (when you are already connected to Drill by JDBC for example) or you can specify it in JDBC connecting string. You can find more information here:
I navigated to the drill web ui and updated the planner.parser.quoting_identifiers parameter to ". Then I edited my query as below:
dataframe_mysql ="jdbc").option("url", "jdbc:drill:zk=ip:2181;schema=dfs;").option("driver","org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver").option("dbtable","dfs.\"/user/titanic_data/test.csv\"").load()
And it worked like charm!

Execute SQL Server Pass-Through Query From Access VBA

I have an UPDATE pass through query saved in Access 2007. When I double-click on the pass through query it runs successfully. How can I get this query to run from VBA? I'd like it to run when my "splash screen" loads.
I'm currently using the following code:
CurrentDb.Execute "Q_UPDATE_PASSTHROUGH", dbSQLPassThrough
But I get the following message:
The pass-through query contains all the connection information and I've confirmed the SQL syntax is correct by running it multiple times, so not sure what I'm missing in my VBA call.
Use the QueryDef's Execute method:
I don't think you should need to explicitly include the dbSQLPassThrough option here, but you can try like this if you want it:
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("Q_UPDATE_PASSTHROUGH").Execute dbSQLPassThrough
I recently ran into the same problem. While the above mentioned Execute method is working for most cases, some people (me included) experiencing a Run-time error '3001': Invalid Argument when using the parameter dbSQLPassThrough. This was also addressed in the answer above me and happens even in the simplest SQL-statements.
For those who are having the same problem, I recommend using the OpenQuery method as alternative.
A valid substitution for the following code
would be
I know this thread is 4 years old, however, searching for a solution for the not working Execute method on Google brings you directly to this thread which is why I thought it would be useful to add an alternative solution which solved this problem for me.
I confirm that the QueryDef's Execute method is the recommended way to achieve your goal.
However, I can point out that in a similar case with Access 2010, using dbSQLPassThrough for the Options parameter caused a Run-time error '3001': Invalid Argument.

Problem during SQL Bulk Load

we've got a real confusing problem. We're trying to test an SQL Bulk Load using a little app we've written that passes in the datafile XML, the schema, and the SQL database connection string.
It's a very straight-forward app, here's the main part of the code:
objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVER\\SERVER; Database=Main;User Id=Username;Password=password;";
objBL.BulkLoad = true;
objBL.CheckConstraints = true;
objBL.ErrorLogFile = "error.xml";
objBL.KeepIdentity = false;
objBL.Execute("schema.xml", "data.xml");
As you can see, it's very simple but we're getting the following error from the library we're passing this stuff to: Interop.SQLXMLBULKLOADLib.dll.
The message reads:
Failure: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted
We have no idea what's causing it or what it even means.
Before this we first had an error because SQLXML4.0 wasn't installed, so that was easy to fix. Then there was an error because it couldn't connect to the database (wrong connection string) - fixed. Now there's this and we are just baffled.
Thanks for any help. We're really scratching our heads!
I am not familiar with this particular utility (Interop.SQLXMLBULKLOADLib.dll), but have you checked that your XML validates to its schema .xsd file? Perhaps the dll could have issues with loading the xml data file into memory structures if it is invalid?
I try to understand your problem ,but i have more doubt in that,
If u have time try access the below link ,i think it will definitely useful for you
link text
I know I did something that raised this error message once, but (as often happens) the problem ended up having nothing to do with the error message. Not much help, alas.
Some troubleshooting ideas: try to determine the actual SQL command being generated and submitted by the application to SQL Server (SQL Profiler should help here), and run it as "close" to the database as possible--from within SSMS, using SQLCMD, direct BCP call, whatever is appropriate. Detailing all tests you make and the results you get may help.