Minecraft: summon an item that can't be picked/grabbed by hoppers - minecraft

I used the following command to summon items around a player for aesthetic purposes. (Minecraft: 1.16.5)
execute as #e[name=Counting,type=minecraft:armor_stand,scores={Count=1}] run execute at
#a[name=Name,gamemode=creative] run summon item ~0.75 ~1 ~-0.75 {Item:
I used 4 repeating command blocks to summon 4 different items around the player. Using a dummy scoreboard to determine when to summon each item. The items can't be picked up and last for just a second, but hoppers and hopper minecarts can still pick them up. So if someone with this effect would like to have diamonds or something hard to get, they would just need to stand on top of a hopper to gather the dropped items.
I tried to find a way to summon items that weren't able to get picked/grabbed by hoppers but couldn't find any so I post a question here.

There are 2 ways I can think of
1: Summon an invisible armorstand with the item as a passenger. This might cause hoppers to not pick it up (havent tested), just remember to kill the armorstand and item when removing them.
2: Summon an invisible armorstand with the item on its head. Hoppers/minecarts cannot pick it up, but it will not rotate and bob. This is the easier method, but it wont look like an actual item. If you wanted, you could have the armorstands tp #s ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ to make them rotate.


Roblox tds game

Im making a tower defense game in roblox and im wondering how to script towers having special effects when they hit a zombie, for example, freeze, slowness, poison etc. And how to make specific zombies immune to some of these effects.
What you could do is put a script in the zombie that can interpret what tower hit it and decide if it should deal damage or effects or something like that.
i would just have some numvalues inside the zombie and when u hit it change the value up 1 point and have another script in the value which will activate the effect and once the effect has been activated it removes 1 from the value.
u can change this around to fit the different effects so for a bleed effect you can name the value bleed and in the damage script when you hit a enemy it will findfirstchild for bleed and add 1 to the value and have another script within the value doing the bleed damage which would be something like
local bleedvalue = script.parent.value
local enemytype = script.parent.parent:waitforchild("humanoid")
while wait(tick speed) do
if script.parent.value < 0 then
bleedvalue = bleedvalue - (ammount you want removed per tick)
enemytype.health = enemytype.health - (damage ammount and health can be changed out for speed or can straight up just anchor the zombie for a freeze)
this was just off the top of my head so sorry if its wrong but i hope i helped anyone who may be seeking a alternative

Trying to create simple jump game in scratch found a bug that I can't figure out

Here is the link to the game so you can see the code..
I am utterly confused the current setup uses blocks but I have tried dozens of configurations and none of them are working. Goal of the game is when the dog hits the black line (both are sprites) it ups the score by one and resets the dog this part works but when the dog hits cat it's supposed to broadcast the score and end the game. Then I am going to have the cat sprite say the final score later after I figure this out. But it doesn't end the game and I can't figure out why
The reason it isn't working is because of the block that says:
[glide (pick random (1) to (1.4)) seconds to x: (-240) y: (-100)]
The scripts below it won't be executed until the block finishes. At that point, the dog will be past the cat, so contact won't be detected. The fix is pretty simple: simply take the two if loops and move them into a single, different forever loop, like this:
when flag clicked:
if (touching (Sprite1)) then:
End Game
if (touching (Line)) then:

Godot - Input.is_action_just_pressed() runs twice

So I have my Q and E set to control a Camera that is fixed in 8 directions. The problem is when I call Input.is_action_just_pressed() it sets true two times, so it does its content twice.
This is what it does with the counter:
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2
How can I fix thix?
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true):
if cardinal_count < cardinal_index.size() - 1:
cardinal_count += 1
cardinal_count = 0
emit_signal("cardinal_count_changed", cardinal_count)
On _process or _physics_process
Your code should work correctly - without reporting twice - if it is running in _process or _physics_process.
This is because is_action_just_pressed will return if the action was pressed in the current frame. By default that means graphics frame, but the method actually detect if it is being called in the physics frame or graphic frame, as you can see in its source code. And by design you only get one call of _process per graphics frame, and one call of _physics_process per physics frame.
On _input
However, if you are running the code in _input, remember you will get a call of _input for every input event. And there can be multiple in a single frame. Thus, there can be multiple calls of _input where is_action_just_pressed. That is because they are in the same frame (graphics frame, which is the default).
Now, let us look at the proposed solution (from comments):
if event is InputEventKey:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true) and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
It is testing if the "camera_right" action was pressed in the current graphics frame. But it could be a different input event that one being currently processed (event).
Thus, you can fool this code. Press the key configured to "camera_right" and something else at the same time (or fast enough to be in the same frame), and the execution will enter there twice. Which is what we are trying to avoid.
To avoid it correctly, you need to check that the current event is the action you are interested in. Which you can do with event.is_action("camera_right"). Now, you have a choice. You can do this:
if event.is_action("camera_right") and event.is_pressed() and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
Which is what I would suggest. It checks that it is the correct action, that it is a press (not a release) event, and it is not an echo (which are form keyboard repetition).
Or you could do this:
if event.is_action("camera_right") and Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true) and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
Which I'm not suggesting because: first, it is longer; and second, is_action_just_pressed is really not meant to be used in _input. Since is_action_just_pressed is tied to the concept of a frame. The design of is_action_just_pressed is intended to work with _process or _physics_process, NOT _input.
So, apparently theres a built in method for echo detection:
Im closing this.
I've encountered the same issue and in my case it was down to the fact that my scene (the one containing the Input.is_action_just_pressed check) was placed in the scene tree, and was also autoloaded, which meant that the input was picked up from both locations and executed twice.
I took it out as an autoload and Input.is_action_just_pressed is now triggered once per input.

How to break the gem5 executable in GDB at a the nth instruction?

Using --debug-flags ExecAll tracing, I found that there is a bug at the Nth instruction, which happens at the Nth line of the log.
Is there an easy way to break specifically at that instruction to debug it in GDB and view gem5's internal state?
The simplest approach is to use --debug-break as shown at: schedBreak(<tick>) gdb debugging function not working
That makes gem5 raise a signal at a given simulation, which GDB stops at by default. You can determine what simulation time corresponds to your instruction by looking at an --debug-flags ExecAll trace beforehand.
You will want to break on the tick much more often than on the Nth instructions, in particular since gem5 simulates the instruction pipeline, and therefor there can be multiple instructions in flight at the same time.
Alternatively, from GDB your point of interest sees the ExecutionContext object, which if often called xc, you can just add a conditional breakpoint like:
b MyClass::myFunction if xc->numInsts.data()->value() == <n> - 2
The -2 is needed because this index is zero based, and because the tick increments after instruction execution.
You can also find the tick time rather than instruction count with:
p xc->cpu->tick
or from the other commonly available ThreadContext object with:
p tc->baseCpu->tick
You generally want to do this from the ::tick() function of your CPU model of interest.
For AtomicSimpleCPU::tick() you could also break just before the second instruction with:
b AtomicSimpleCPU::tick if (*threadInfo[curThread]).numInst == 1
Or to break at a given tick, say 1000 (500 is the one before it):
b AtomicSimpleCPU::tick if tick == 500
Two other important break locations are at the main event loop when an event is executed:
b EventQueue::serviceOne() if head->when() == 1000
and the event scheduling target point:
b EventQueue::schedule if when == <target-time>
b EventQueue::reschedule if when == <target-time>
or for the time of schedule itself:
b EventQueue::schedule if _curTick == 1000
b EventQueue::reschedule if _curTick == 1000
Together with reverse debugging and:
--debug-flags Event
these event breakpoints will actually allow you to understand what gem5 is doing.
Note however that conditional breakpoints significantly slow down simulation unfortunately... arghh.
Another useful technique to have in mind is that you can do a run that stops shortly after the point of interest with:
-m <tick>
and then reverse debug back to the exact point of interest, possibly conditionally since now you will be close the the point of interest, so the performance loss will not be a huge problem. You can then just continue going back to the root cause.
Tested in gem5 9f247403e558977738b5911a45e5776afff87b1a.

Creating robust real-time monitors for variables

We can create a real-time monitor for a variable like this:
CreatePalette#Panel#Row[{"x = ", Dynamic[x]}]
(This is more interesting and useful if x happens to be something like $Assumptions. It's so easy to set a value and then forget about it.)
Unfortunately this stops working if the kernel is re-launched (Quit[], then evaluate something). The palette won't show changes in the value of x any more.
Is there a way to do this so it keeps working even across kernel sessions? I find myself restarting the kernel quite often. (If the resulting palette causes the kernel to be automatically started after Quit that's fine.)
Update: As mentioned in the comments, it turns out that the palette ceases working only if we quit by evaluating Quit[]. When using Evaluation -> Quit Kernel -> Local, it will keep working.
Link to same question on MathGroup.
I can only guess, because on my Ubuntu here the situations seems buggy. The trick with the Quit from the menu like Leonid suggested did not work here. Another one is: on a fresh Mathematica session with only one notebook open:
x = 1
x = 2
gives as expected
Typing in the next line Quit, evaluating and typing then x=3 updates only the first of the Dynamic[x].
Nevertheless, have you checked the command
This gives not only the tracked symbols but additionally some kind of ID where the dynamic content belongs. If you can find out, what exactly these numbers are and investigate in the other functions you find in the Internal context, you may be able to add your palette Dynamic-content manually after restarting the kernel.
I thought I had something like that with
but I'm currently not able to reproduce the behavior.
#halirutan's answer jarred my memory...
Have you ever come across: Experimental/ref/ValueFunction? (documentation address)
Although the documentation contains no examples, the 'more information' section provides the following tidbit:
The assignment ValueFunction[symb] = f specifies that whenever
symb gets a new value val, the expression f[symb,val] should be