Customize the html and css of Code generated using swagger codegen - swagger-codegen

Unable to customize the html and css of Code which generated using swagger codegen

You can use the -t option with customized templates (mustache) to meet your requirement


Can i use kotlinx.html with document in kotlin-js?

Now i work on kotlin-js project. And i want to Add some HTML tag in my index.html. So i want to use kotlinx.html. Is it available using kotlinx.html in kotlin-js code?
Like This one
import kotlin.browser.document
document.create.p{+"hello world}
If it isn't please let me know how to add Tag Attribute or HTML Tag using kotlin-js.
You can use kotlinx-html(npm) for js.
Download latest version of kotlinx-html from npm
npm install kotlinx-html
Here is the Readme for Kotlin/JS users. You can naturally build html as you do in kotlin/JVM.

Swagger codegen with multiple swagger json

I am trying to generate nodejs client sdk using
Here is the command I use
swagger-codegen generate -i -l javascript -o ./petstore
But for the actual sdk which I need to generate the swagger spec is split in two different json files and I want to create a single sdk for both. How can I do this with Swagger-codegen, using multiple swagger json at same time?
Reuse the --input-spec option (or -i) for every location of the swagger spec, as URL or file.

vs code autocomplete other

I'm wondering how to get VS Code to autocomplete HTML tags in files that aren't .html
I'm working on a vue.js project which have a pages HTML, JavaScript, and CSS all in one file that have a .vue extension.
Just add the Vetur extension and you get emmet and auto completion out of the box.
Linting / Error Checking
Auto Completion

How to Export Swagger documentation in PDF and XML files

I have generated swagger document for web api using below link:
Need to export document in PDF or XML file to send across handy.
How to export swagger documentation ?
Here's what I did today, since many of these other projects require laborious workarounds or extra libraries or some completely separate language.
Go to (Make sure it's the HTTPS version)
At the top, click File => Import File.
Select your Swagger JSON file.
At the top, click Generate Client => HTML2 and download the ZIP file.
This yields a static HTML page that you can then print (via the browser) to PDF using the built-in Microsoft Print to PDF printer, or Adobe Acrobat, or whatever else you might want to use.
You can use Swagger2Markup and AsciiDoc docker images:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/opt swagger2markup/swagger2markup convert -i "" -f /opt/swagger-doc
Creates asciidoc file named 'swagger-doc.adoc' in current folder.
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/documents/ asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor asciidoctor-pdf swagger-doc.adoc
Creates a PDF file named 'swagger-doc.pdf' in current folder.
The Swagger2Markup project is on GitHub and some more information you'll find by using Google too.
Swagger2Markup converts a Swagger JSON or YAML file into several AsciiDoc or GitHub Flavored Markdown documents which can be combined with hand-written documentation.
AsciiDoc is preferable to Markdown as it has more features. AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages and blogs. AsciiDoc files can be converted to HTML, PDF and EPUB. AsciiDoc is much better suited for describing public APIs than JavaDoc or Annotations.
You can generate your HTML5, PDF and EPUB documentation via asciidoctorj or even better via the asciidoctor-gradle-plugin or asciidoctor-maven-plugin.
The project requires at least JDK 8.
See also RESTful API Documentation with Swagger and AsciiDoc
Their is no such tool or functionality to export swagger documentation into PDF or any other doc. You need to convert your swagger.json file to yaml file then u can get swagger as html doc form

How to include jQuery from Global Libraries into my page in Intellij IDEA?

I cannot understand what is the advantages of having jQuery in "Global Libraries" list?
Can I somehow include any javascript Global Library into my html page or should I just copy/paste content of this library to new file in my project and include it manually to html page?
Global libraries are needed for code completion in the web applications when there are no explicit includes in all the pages or when you are editing JS files that have access to other libraries, but there is no way to specify it directly in the script.
Of course you need to have a copy of the library in your project or reference its URL in HTML pages.