vs code autocomplete other - vue.js

I'm wondering how to get VS Code to autocomplete HTML tags in files that aren't .html
I'm working on a vue.js project which have a pages HTML, JavaScript, and CSS all in one file that have a .vue extension.

Just add the Vetur extension and you get emmet and auto completion out of the box.
Linting / Error Checking
Auto Completion


VSCode does not show HTML attributes in .vue files but shows in html files

I have spent 3 hours figuring out what's going on but could not find it out. I am new to HTML and intellisense help me know many attributes of a tag on the go. However, with .vue files html attributes are not being shown up.
a) Attributes being shown up in "index.html"
b) No attributes hints in "TodoItem.vue"
I have already installed Vetur, HTML CSS Support and Vue VSCode Snippets extension from marketplace.
First, install Vetur extension after that go to
File > Preferences > Settings
In the list find and open Extensions find Vetur, scroll down and find Template Interpolation Service (must be checked).
I found it.
you need to install this official extension to get tailwind css hints.
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
everything will come true

Using bootstrap template in TinyMce

I have html page, created in bootstrap 3 (page.html).
After copy html code in TinyMce editor (Source code option), I can see all page content but without css/js settings (colums,tabs,accorditions,etc..).
Now, is there some solution to see all bootstrap features in TinyMce editor?

How does one set IntelliJ breakpoints in Angular HTML files?

In chrome it's possible to set breakpoints in the Angular component html files. How does one do this in IntelliJ?
Please note that following other posts about how to configure IntelliJ to debug Angular do not address this question, I can debug .ts files just fine, but IntelliJ does not let you set breakpoints in html files even with the webpack source mapping.

Is there any Plugin available for VueJs in Netbeans 8.2

Netbeans 8.x intellisense doesn't identify VueJS tags. Is there any Plugin available for VueJs syntax highlighting or autofill support in Netbeans 8.x? If not, are there any work arounds?
.vue file is a kind of html file, you can add syntax highlighting in Netbeans :
Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Files
Add a new file extension :
File Extension : vue
Associated File Type (MIME) : HTML Files (text/html)
Not perfect but it seems there is no plugin for this actually.
EDIT : Visual Studio Code has nice features for vuejs
There is a plugin but it is still in developtment: https://github.com/Zwaen91/vuejs-netbeans. Some problems with the mixed mimetype text/vue+html. Created a ticket here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-88
Very Easy Solution:
First time, I also faced this problem when I am working on Netbeans
8.2.x Finally I got solution.
If you opened a PHP Project and if your file's extenstion is .html than NetBeans will display warning. Very easy solution.
replace your .html extension to .php .
Problem will be solve.See Screenshot from my PC's Netbeans.
See my Screenshot, there is no warning. Because, I have used [.]php extension.

WebStorm syntax highlighting for Swig template engine

The Swig template engine: http://paularmstrong.github.io/swig/
Webstorm has a plugin for it: Textmate bundles support
A Textmate bundle for Swig is available: https://github.com/paularmstrong/Swig.tmbundle
I expect I should be able to get Swig highlighting fixed, but I'm only getting half way.
Below is the resulted highlighting I get. The Swig code is highlighted as expected, but HTML is not highlighted anymore.
I've tried installing and enabling the HTML textmate bundle as well, but when both the HTML and the Swig bundle are activated, the code is highlighted as only HTML. If I disable the HTML bundle but have the Swig bundle still active, I only get Swig highlighting.
My Question: How do I get Swig code and HTML code highlighted in the same file in WebStorm on Windows?
This is my Textmate Bundles configuration in WebStorm 9:
Again, simply selecting the HTML bundle to enable it doesn't work.
Swig has nearly identical syntax to Twig, so we can assume they can be used interchangeably speaking of syntax highlighting and code completion.
The thing is that PHPStorm it has a Twig support throught a plugin (which is awesome BTW), but sadly it is not available in the others IDEs thought the Plugins menu.
This issue can be solved by:
manually downloading the plugin from the official repo at https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7303?pr=
then installing it manually thought the Plugin interface,
then or use the .twig extension on files or adding a new mapping in the File Types system menu for the type Twig, with wildcard *.html or *.swig, how you prefer.
I'm using the *.html workaround and work like a charm, both Swig & HTML syntax highlighting + code completion.
Hope this helps you like it did to me :)