How to query wikidata using SPARQL to find a place that matches certain criteria and is geographically near another city - sparql

I wrote the following SPARQL query to find the wikidata item with the label "San Leucio" in Italy.
?location ?label 'San Leucio'#en .
?location wdt:P17 wd:Q38 .
?location rdfs:label ?locationName .
?article schema:about ?location .
?article schema:isPartOf <> .
?location wdt:P18 ?image .
FILTER(lang(?locationName) = "en")
The query returns these 3 results:
The result I want is wd:Q846499, which is outside of Naples, Italy. Is there any way I could further filter this query to return the result that is nearest to Naples? I know that I can get the geoCoordinates for each of these with ?location wdt:P625 ?coordinates, but I'm not sure how I could use that to compare to the geo-coordinates of Naples to get what I want.

VALUES ?naples {wd:Q2634}
?Napfes wdt:P625 ?naples_coordinates.
?location rdfs:label 'San Leucio'#en .
?location wdt:P17 wd:Q38 .
?location wdt:P18 ?image .
?location wdt:P625 ?location_coordinates.
?article schema:about ?location .
?article schema:isPartOf <> .
BIND (geof:distance(?location_coordinates, ?naples_coordinates) AS ?distance)
} ORDER BY ?distance LIMIT 1


SPARQL query that returns Wikidpedia labels from Wikidata itemLabel

I am new to SPARQL,
Is it possible to write a query that returns Wikipedia box information for a corresponding item label from the Wikipedia box for the Arabic Language that appears at the bottom of the Wikidata item page?
see the picture:
Instead of the Wikipedia URL in the following Query, I need to return the Wikipedia Label, in our case (الرامة (جنين))
Try Query on Wikidata Query Service
SELECT DISTINCT ?article ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?entity_type ?main_category (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?altLabel); separator = ", ") AS ?altLabel_list) WHERE {
?item ?label "الرامة"#ar.
?item wdt:P31 ?entity_type .
MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q4167410}
OPTIONAL{ ?item wdt:P910 ?main_category}
?article schema:about ?item;
schema:isPartOf <>;
OPTIONAL { ?item skos:altLabel ?altLabel . FILTER (lang(?altLabel) = "ar") }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "ar" .}
GROUP BY ?article ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?entity_type ?main_category
This is the answer by the UninformedUser
> SELECT ?article ?wikipediaLabel WHERE
> { ?article schema:about wd:Q12187640 . ?article schema:isPartOf <>; schema:name
> ?wikipediaLabel }

GraphDB - Federated Query

I would like to know how to perform a federated search on GraphDB. For example, to insert the code below in GraphDB, how should I do it? The idea is to add the content below to my local GraphDB.
#Locations of air accidents in wikidata -
SELECT ?label ?coord ?place
?subj wdt:P31 wd:Q744913 .
?subj wdt:P625 ?coord .
?subj rdfs:label ?label
filter (lang(?label) = "en")
Posting #UninformedUser's comment as an answer for better readability.
SPARQL 1.1 offers the SERVICE feature, described here. You can use it to perform federated queries against Wikidata directly inside of GraphDB.
?subj wdt:P31 wd:Q744913 ;
wdt:P625 ?coord ;
rdfs:label ?label
FILTER (lang(?label) = "en")
To insert the data to your local GraphDB, use something like this:
?subj wdt:P31 wd:Q744913 ;
wdt:P625 ?coord ;
rdfs:label ?label
?subj wdt:P31 wd:Q744913 ;
wdt:P625 ?coord ;
rdfs:label ?label
FILTER (lang(?label) = "en")
However, you'd probably want to unpack the coordinates and use some ontology that's easier to understand, eg:
PREFIX wgs: <> # see
?subj a :AirAccident;
wgs:lat ?lat; wgs:long ?long;
rdfs:label ?label
?subj wdt:P31 wd:Q744913 ;
p:P625/psv:P625 [wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat; wikibase:geoLongitude ?long];
rdfs:label ?label
FILTER (lang(?label) = "en")
For the p:P625, psv:P625, wikibase:geoLatitude stuff, see (and if you install it, wdq help ontology gives this color-coded)

Query in Sparql to get data of a person

I would like to have a list of all mountains names of the "dbo:firstAscentPerson" property of Lionel Terray (dbpedia:
This below is what I have so far
select ?person ?firstAscentPerson where {
?person foaf:name "Lionel Terray"#en.
dbo:firstAscentPerson rdfs:label ?firstAscentPerson.
} LIMIT 100
The following query does what you need:
SELECT ?mountain ?mountainName ?person2 ?person2Name {
VALUES ?person1Name {"Lionel Terray"#en}
?mountain dbo:firstAscentPerson ?person1, ?person2 .
?mountain rdfs:label ?mountainName .
?person1 foaf:name ?person1Name .
FILTER (lang(?mountainName) = "en")
OPTIONAL {?person2 foaf:name ?person2Name . FILTER (lang(?person2Name) = 'en')}

After (GROUP_CONCAT can't get single results

I am not very used to SPARQL, but I managed to write my own query for books and their genres, authors and their dates of birth and death at
?title ?titleLabel
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?authorLabel); separator="//") as ?authors)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?dateborn); separator="//") as ?date_born)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?datedeath); separator="//") as ?date_death)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?datepub); separator="//") as ?date_pub)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?genre_titleLabel); separator="//") as ?genre_title)
?title wdt:P31 wd:Q571 .
?title wdt:P50 ?author .
?title wdt:P577 ?date_pub .
?author wdt:P569 ?date_born .
?author wdt:P570 ?date_death .
?title wdt:P136 ?genre_title .
BIND(CONCAT(STR(DAY(?date_pub)),"-",STR(MONTH(?date_pub)),"-",STR(YEAR(?date_pub))) AS ?datepub )
BIND(CONCAT(STR(DAY(?date_born)),"-",STR(MONTH(?date_born)),"-",STR(YEAR(?date_born))) AS ?dateborn )
BIND(CONCAT(STR(DAY(?date_death)),"-",STR(MONTH(?date_death)),"-",STR(YEAR(?date_death))) AS ?datedeath )
FILTER (?date_born > "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) .
FILTER (?date_born < "1905-12-31T23:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTime)
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
?title rdfs:label ?titleLabel .
?author rdfs:label ?authorLabel .
?date_pub rdfs:label ?date_pubLabel .
?date_born rdfs:label ?date_bornLabel .
?date_death rdfs:label ?date_deathLabel .
?genre_title rdfs:label ?genre_titleLabel .
GROUP BY ?title ?titleLabel
It works and I get all the genres in the same field. The only way I could get this was with
for genres and dates. But If you loook in the results there are records with more than one date. And I want to get only the first date, and not all the stored dates in the database for this record, but I can't.
For example, If I ask for
instead of
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?dateborn); separator="//") as ?date_born)
I get an error. Do you know where is my mistake?

dbpedia SPARQL query to get certain value's for a given city

I am sure what I want to do is very easy, yet I cannot seem to get the query right. I have records in dataset which have values such as city name e.g. 'New York' and it's corresponding country code e.g 'US'. I also have access to the full country name and country ISO codes.
I would like to get the population and abstract value's for these cities off dbpedia, by using a where clause such as:
Get population where name = "New York" and isoCountryCode = "US"
I've searched for help on this to no avail.
so far I have been kindly helped by #rohk with this query, which does not fully work for all locations:
SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?abstract ?pop
?city rdf:type schema:City ;
rdfs:label ?label ;
dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
dbpedia-owl:country ?country ;
dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop .
?country dbpprop:countryCode "USA"#en .
FILTER ( lang(?abstract) = 'en' and regex(?label, "New York City"))
The above works for New York, however when I change it to:
SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?abstract ?pop
?city rdf:type schema:City ;
rdfs:label ?label ;
dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
dbpedia-owl:country ?country ;
dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop .
?country dbpprop:countryCode "THA"#en .
FILTER ( lang(?abstract) = 'en' and regex(?label, "Bangkok"))
It returns no results for Bangkok, Thailand.
I just cant seem to get the SPARQL query correct, I'm sure I am being silly with my query. If any guru's could provide me with help I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
I guess you want something like this:
?x rdfs:label "New York City"#en.
?x dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop.
?x dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract.
To get only the English abstract, add a FILTER:
?x rdfs:label "New York City"#en.
?x dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop.
?x dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract.
FILTER (LANG(?abstract) = 'en')
“New York” is the state and it doesn't have a populationTotal figure attached. “New York City” is the city.
This query is working
?city rdf:type schema:City ;
rdfs:label ?label ;
dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
dbpedia-owl:country ?country ;
dbpprop:website ?website ;
dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop .
?country dbpprop:countryCode "USA"#en .
FILTER ( lang(?abstract) = 'en' and regex(?label, "New York City"))
EDIT : For Bangkok, there are 2 problems :
No country code for Thailand : you can use rdfs:label "Thailand"#en instead.
rdf:type of Bangkok is not schema:City but dbpedia-owl:Settlement
Here is a working query for Bangkok
?city rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Settlement ;
rdfs:label "Bangkok"#en ;
dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop ;
dbpedia-owl:country ?country ;
dbpprop:website ?website .
?country rdfs:label "Thailand"#en .
FILTER ( lang(?abstract) = 'en' )