running and debugging play project from intellij using gradle - intellij-idea

Can you explain of to run and debug a play project from intellij using gradle
with scala?
(The simplest solution of hello world).


How to run a Rust GTK app in IntellIJ IDEA

I have been using the following GTK Rust template -
Has anyone got any experience running this using IntelliJ IDEA with the Rest plugin? Because of the various .gresource etc. files doing a pure Cargo build is not possible, and instead, it uses Meson to orchestrate the build. Any advice on how to make it work?

Debugging grails 3.3.11 project in IntelliJ Idea Community

I am trying to debug my grails 3.3.11 source code using a community version of IntelliJ Idea. I don't know why but, even if a choose a break point, I run the command
grails run-app -debug
as I have seen in a variety of sites, the application never stops in the breakpoint. It executes all the program.
I have two questions.
1 - Is it possible to debug a grails 3.3.11 project using the community version of IntelliJ Idea?
2 - If so, how can I do that.
I have two questions. 1 - Is it possible to debug a grails 3.3.11 project using the community version of IntelliJ Idea?
Yes. The debugger in the community version of Intellij works well with Grails.
2 - If so, how can I do that.
There are a number of ways. You can create a run-configuration in IntelliJ to launch the application in debug mode. You can launch the application using ./gradlew bootRun --debug-jvm and then attach a remote debugger from the IDE (I do that all the time). The video at demonstrates using the debugger (that portion works the same in Community Edition vs Ultimate Edition).

Adding Krangl SDK to IntelliJ Idea

I am new to Kotlin and IntelliJ Idea IDE.
I want to experiment with Krangl. But how do I add that SDK to my IntelliJ Idea IDE. In C# there is Nuget and on Mac cocoapods.
I know this is a very noob question, but I cannot find a solution that is apparent to me. I am C#/.NET/MS developer looking to get my feet wet in this new world.
There is no Gradle in the IntelliJ Idea IDE as far as I can see. Just Maven and Ant.
For sure there is Gradle in IntelliJ:
So, you can either use Gradle or Maven. Or you could also add the jar as a dependency to your project, but I won't recommend this.

Unable to debug a Gradle + Dropwizard Project from IntelliJ IDEA

I am currently unable to debug an application that uses gradle + dropwizard from IntelliJ IDEA
I imported the project using the JetGradle plugin and I am launching the "run" task in debug mode from the plugin itself.
I am using this sample project:
The project actually runs but the breakpoints are never hit.
Anything I may be missing that prevents me from debugging this simple app from IntelliJ ?
There could be many reasons why the debugger isn't stopping at a breakpoint, and from your description it's unclear if the problem is related to (Jet)Gradle. That said, the JetGradle plugin in IDEA 12 is very limited, and I recommend to use Gradle's idea plugin instead. Alternatively, try an early access preview of IDEA 13, which has a much improved Gradle integration.

Intellij Idea 12 gradle build

I am trying to build a project with gradle from within Intellij Idea 12 (commercial editon) but this keeps failing. I have the gradle plugin enabled and also the gradle gui plugin. The native project gradle import is working. (I'm not using gradle idea btw.)
When using the bash I only run gradle war to build my web application. Now I want to do the same from within Intellij.
The gradle gui plugin seems to be using the wrong JDK (I guess it's the one Idea uses, a 1.6 JDK) and therefor fails to compile because this is a JDK 1.7 project. And it doesn't integrate well into Idea because it seems like an external build process (like triggering external ant tasks).
What I have done so far is to configure my own artifact in a way that is equivalent to the one gradle war would have build. But that means a lot of configuration and simply feels wrong. There should be a better way?
So what do I have to do to make Idea compile a project in a way similar to the command line gradle task?
JetGradle plugin doesn't provide native tasks support at the moment. It's scheduled for v.12.1 - IDEA-95897. Feel free to track the plugin's news and update it manually as soon as corresponding support is provided.