Adding jdbc driver when creating Ontop Virtual repository problem - graphdb

I'm having problems adding a jdbc driver when creating an Ontop virtual SPARQL repository. I follow the instructions here.
The interface already warns that there is no JDBC driver found in the classpath. There is also a link to the download site where you can get the drivers. That all works. But adding the driver to the lib path (in the case of a Linux installation \opt\graphdb-free\app\lib) and then restarting GraphDB does not work. GraphDB is still reporting that the driver is not found.
I did try a lot of things. Adding the correct .jar to the CLASSPATH did not work. Using several other potential lib directories (the instructions are not precise on which directory to choose) also changed nothing. Then I took a look in the files you can create under Help - System Information - New Report. I found that all the .jar files in \opt\graphdb-free\app\lib were 'registered' (don't know if that is the correct term), but not the new one I placed there.
Tried adding other .jars (for MS SQL, next to the MySQL that I needed). Same problem. Then I tried something weird that actually worked. I renamed a .jar that I thought I wouldn't need to .backup and then renamed the mysql driver .jar to that original .jar (hope this is not to confusing). Restarted Grapdb and it worked!
What am I missing here? Is the list of .jars that are in the lib directory hardcoded somewhere? Very curious how to configure this the right way.

There is a config file, named graphdb-free.cfg, within graphdb-free/appfolder.
Open it and alter the app.classpath property by adding the additional jar(s) for the JDBC driver to the list. Save and restart

For docker-install and posterity, the right directory is /opt/graphdb/dist/lib and you may add this line in your Dockerfile : COPY /driver-jdbc-postgresql/jdbc-driver.jar /opt/graphdb/dist/lib


IntelliJ 2017.1.4 - Refusing to open terminal window

I recently downloaded the latest version of IntelliJ Ultimate (at this time, it is 2017.1.4) for work.
For some reason, I cannot get it to open a new terminal window. When clicking the plus button here:
...nothing happens. Additionally, nothing shows up in the event log. I restarted IntelliJ, my computer, and did the "invalidate caches and restart" option.
Any ideas? Is there a log file I can look at?
It could be a known issue that is already fixed in 2017.2.
Another possible case is that the native terminal library fails to initialize on your system (check idea.log for exceptions). This can be caused by an antivirus or a corrupted IDE installation.
Thanks to #CrazyCoder for reminding me to check idea.log - the native terminal library, as well as other plugins, failed to initialize.
The root cause of the issue is that at my workplace, there is a security restriction to not run any executable that exists outside of C:\Program Files. As a result, IntelliJ cannot run certain plugins, jars, etc. that exist outside of that location, because it will attempt to execute them from your user directory.
To fix this, in IntelliJ, go to Help > Edit Custom Properties and point the config and system path to a known path where you can run executables, like so:
# custom IntelliJ IDEA properties
idea.config.path=C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\.IntelliJIdea2017.2\\config
idea.system.path=C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\.IntelliJIdea2017.2\\system
You will need to make sure to copy the contents of both directories to the new location. Hopefully this helps anyone else who runs into this issue.

HSQL configuration in Weblogic

i am completely new to weblogic and hsql so if the question seems trivial please bear with me, so here's my question.
I have application that uses hsql for backend, the problem is that i am not able to configure hsql for weblogic, whenever i Test Configuration its shows
Connection test failed.
Cannot load driver: org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver
I know it requires hsqldb.jar and i have put it in C:\bea\weblogic92\server\lib, i have used this site for reference go to " Setting up the hsql datasource" here it says "Copy hsqldb.jar to the Weblogic domain's shared library directory: cp $SEAM_HOME/lib/hsqldb.jar $BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/seam_examples/lib" i am not able to understand this also.
Please Help
In general, there are two things to check.
Make sure the HSQLDB Jar is the version you need (2.x).
Which directory to put hsqldb.jar. This directory is either the general jar lib directory where all the jars used by the system are stored, or it is the jar lib directory for your application. The example for seam is for the second type.

How can I get Eclipse to use my IVY_HOME variable when downloading ivy dependencies?

My company uses extensive use of ivy to download dependencies. Some of these dependencies are huge (~500MB) and take a while to download from the remote repositories.
To build our application we have an ant script that will first resolve all the dependencies and the deploy to the server.
I have set an "IVY_HOME" environment variable so that all the dependencies are downloaded to D:\ivy_home instead of C:\Users\.ivy2\ - this is because D: is my SSD which is significantly faster, and it is where my local server directories are located - so copying files from ivy_home to the server is super fast.
But for some reason when I am using IvyDE plugin inside eclipse - it always wants to download a separate copy of all the dependencies and puts them into my C:\ which is causing several issues:
Local publishes from the ant script will not be picked up in eclipse since they are placed into a different location
Dependencies already downloaded in D: will not get picked up which makes the ivy Resolve inside eclipse much slower than it needs to be
The dependencies are in a slower drive in eclipse so performing searches, and executing these jars is also slower
How about creating symlink to replace the .ivy2 in Users to D? I've tried it on my own and it's looks working fine.
Open cmd as root, and then execute this line
mklink /d C:\Users\{username}\.ivy2 D:\.ivy2
I'd create an ivysettings.xml file and specify the location of my cache using the caches directive. See the following answer for example:
can I turn off the .ivy cache all together?
Why don't you set up IVY globally with the ivysettings.xml along with a property file.
This property file could have this:
For individual projects you could uncheck "enable project specific settings" for each IvyDE library management, so they would use IVY global settings, with one extra eclipse environment configuration.

Create project from existing code issue

I'm trying to open an existing project into Idea Community Edition (it is a netbeans project). I tried using create project from existing code.
One of the modules ends with .Lib (something like MyApp.Lib). For some reason Idea doesn't import that module, and even if I try to create a project with just that module it doesn't let me (it doesn't even show up in the directory browser, even though that it is there if I check with windows explorer).
I'm guessing it has to do something with the Lib at the end, probably it considers it as a library folder. Does anyone happen to know a way around this?
Renaming the module is not an option, as it is under version control.
I found the solution to this. Needed to remove .lib from the Ignore files and folders in the Settings>File Types section.

Unable to load dialect 'org.drools.rule.builder.dialect.mvel.MVEL DialectConfiguration:mvel

I am using drools for processing rules. Web-service calls a method in a class which is in jar included in lib directory of web-service. And this method in turn uses drools. Now the problem is web-service is able to find jar that is using drools but not the drools-compiler jar which is residing in same lib directory. And it gives Unable to load dialect 'org.drools.rule.builder.dialect.mvel.MVELDialectConfiguration:mvel' error. It works if I copy all jars in web-service.aar/lib to axis2/WEB_INF/lib. I also tried to set classpath in a way to take web-service.aar/lib jars first then the one's in axis2/WEB_INF/lib by setting classpath in and catalina configurations. But that didn't help either.
What can be the reason/solution?
You probably need to add a newer version of the mvel jar. I added the mvel-1.3.3-java1.5.jar and it did the trick for me, but just remember to restart your IDE.