lightning network, identity cahnnel - bitcoin

I want to make a service that allows to bind private user's channels to a user's account.
The user opens a private channel with my node. But I don't know which user exactly.
To identify the channel, I plan to ask the BOLT11 request from user, with a unique identifier in the description, like an SMS code.
BOLT11 specifies the target address of the payment. I will find a route for this request and thus determine the user's channel.
Is such a scheme safe? Can a fraudster create a BOLT11 request for a channel that does not belong to him? Сan you suggest a better identification scheme?

Can a fraudster create a BOLT11 request for a channel that does not belong to him?
Bolt 11 states:
The recovery ID allows public-key recovery, so the identity of the payee node can be implied
I'm not sure how every implementation matches the specification here. I would assume that all of them perform signature verification, but they might not expose public-key recovery functionality. Your idea of finding a path without actually paying the invoice might work.
However it seems that what you need is actually to identify an existing private channel between your node and the user's. Private channels should be included as routing hints in the invoice, so it might even be easier to get it from there by just decoding the invoice.
An alternative option would be to ask the user to pay an invoice generated by your node, a msat would be enough. For sure she won't be able to craft a payment with a node she doesn't control.

The safest way would be if the user signes a message with one of the keys that he uses to sign commitment transactions. This would certainly bind his identity to the channel. However current implementations don't offer that api. But that does not mean that this would not be possible


Why do webhooks use secrets? Why not use just SSL?

Standard practice is for an event-notification-service to give you a secret when you register your endpoint with them, and then the service signs the messages it sends to your endpoint with that shared secret, so that your server can verify the messages are legitimate.
However why is this necessary? Assuming your endpoint and the event-notification-service are both using HTTPS, shouldn't HTTPS take care of everything you need anyway, making this entire secret and signing process redundant? Is the idea to not rely on SSL-certificates, or allow clients to use endpoints that are not HTTPS?
The signing secret is here to ensure the event does come from Stripe. The signature is also associated with a specific timestamp to avoid "replay attacks".
Without the secret, I could figure out or guess the webhook handler that you built that expects for example the checkout.session.completed event and then I would send you a fake event evt_123 making it look like the payment succeeded for you to give me access to the product for example. There are some ways around this (hard to guess endpoint, allow list for Stripe's IP addresses, secret in the URL, etc.) but they all have downsides.
Similarly, if I can find the payload of an event that works, I could re-use the same exact payload (that I know is valid since you accepted it) and replay it say every day to continue getting daily access to some content. With the webhook signature logic that Stripe built, the signature is associated to a specific timestamp and you can for example reject events if the signature is more than 10 minutes old. Stripe covers this in their docs here.

How technique can i use in making my server accept request from a game i built in unity?

I am creating a unity game where users can post their high scores after a successful match, my problem is that some users can post directly to the api, without playing a match. How do i curb such an issue. I have read some articles about using native mobile encryption to help. but i do not know how this can be applied to Unity since it is a layer above native. what techniques can i use ?
Encryption will only solve a part of the problem, when users send fake requests to your API. But if I were you, I would perform server-side validation based on the parameters sent by the client.
How: Send one request to the server when a match starts, along with necessary details such as the user name. When the match is finished, send another request to the server, check the score against some heuristics based on how long the match took, and whether the score makes sense given the user's specific setup (levels and equipment, etc.) if you keep that information on the server.
Why: There's no reliable way to control what the user does on his client: he can change the values in memory, send forged requests, and so on. If the user meddles with the memory to give himself "100x damage dealt", your client may not know, and will dutifully record the (now tampered) score and send it to the web API. Encryption will not help you here since the request is just like the real thing except it contained a fake score to start with.

Is there a way to secure an API key on a frontend page?

My service allow any HTML documents to be converted to PDF using a POST request.
It is mostly used on the backend of my client's server and thus, the API key used for the communication is kept private.
Now, I'm thinking of a way to let my client's visitors be able to call my service on behalf of my client API key, without exposing this secure API Key.
My main issue here is security. If my client add an XHR POST requests that contains the API key, someone can take that API key and use it for their own purpose and abusing my client's account.
I could filter by domain, but this is easily spoofed so it's not possible.
I was wondering if there was a way to call a private service and be identified without risking its identity to be stolen, from the client ('s client) side?
If you're providing this sublet for authenticated users, then it's fairly trivial to give them unique keys (something that hashes their user ID or session against the API key and an initial timestamp, and checks it / logs it / looks for brutes before accessing the API). If you're doing it on the open web, without any kind of user authentication, then rate limiting gets very tricky indeed. Generally you'd want to use a combination of session hashes, IP address, operating system and browser data to create an anonymous profile that gets a temporary key on the frontend. One fairly solid way to do this is to force users through a CAPTCHA before serving a temporary key that allows them a limited number of uses of the permanent key. Any user whose ip/browser/session matches the existing attributes of a known client key is shunted to that one (and gets to skip the CAPTCHA); anyone who doesn't match an existing profile gets the CAPTCHA. That makes you a less attractive target for spoofing. On top of that, you should always rate-limit the entire thing, within a reasonable number of hits per day based on what kind of traffic you expect (or can afford), just so you don't have any surprises. This is the minimal security you'd want if your client's money is on the line every time their API key is used. It will require a simple database to store these "profiles", track usage, check for brutes and maintain the currently valid client keys. Client keys should always be expired regularly - either with a time diff against when they were created, or a regular cron process, or a maximum number of uses, etc.
One other thing I frequently do is rate-limit based on a curve. If I think 5 uses per minute is reasonable, for example, then after 5 uses in a minute from a session, each usage adds a delay of a fraction of a second * the number of uses in the last minute, squared, before the data is served.
The best answer would be to put this all behind a login system and secure that.
Assuming that you are using OAuth kind of system, In that case, make use of Access Token Mechanism that provides access to private API/User's data on behalf of User(Client) without exposing his/her credentials or API Key(Authentication key), also the access token can be expired based on the time/usage.
Example: The access token is generated against a single endpoint that can be the Html Conversion endpoint and will be expired once the action completion.
And following blog post would be helpful to architect your authentication system
there is no good way to do front-end secure storage but my recommendation is :
is an API that used HMAC signing of requests in combination with OAuth authentication. The API key is actually a signing key. they key does not get transferred. The API key can still get found on the front-end but it becomes useless because you still need the OAuth token to send a valid request.
i know users will have to login in, but you can see this as an advantage because atleast you can log who is using the app by getting information from oauth.
please consider back-end secure storage!
You can use JWT tokens in my opinion. On the basis of username, password or any other info you can generate unique jwt tokens for different users.
Anyone can decipher these jwt tokens but not he unique security token.
If you want to add more more security to tokens, use JWE, encrypted web tokens.
More about these schemes can be found at
Hashing is a decent option and should be done anyway, but for a fully secure method that wouldn't add too much complexity, you could simply abstract away from the authorization/API key by building your own API to interface with the API. This way you could both limit the kinds of things that can be done with the API key and also completely obscure the API key from the user
I don't think you should always go for user auth or JWT, it just doesn't fit all use cases. The idea of using a Captcha is interesting but also somewhat complex.
If complexity is not an issue I would rather use an infrastructure approach, I'm most familiar with AWS so I'll focus on that. Assuming you can change the host of your front end you can have your site hosted on an S3 bucket, served through a CDN, and create a proxy Lambda function that will hold the logic to call your API and store the API key as an encrypted environment variable. This Lambda you call through an API Gateway that can only be called by a specific IAM role which the S3 bucket also uses. You can also use a Cognito User Pool without authentication.
Going back to a simpler alternative the Captcha approach can be implemented as an attestation provider. I know of two services that do this, Firebase and KOR Connect. Due to Firebase using this approach only for their own resources as of the time of this writing I much rather use KOR Connect as it’s a very simple middleware that basically solves this issue. I won't go into detail about these services as it’s not the main concern of this topic but you can check the documentation their respective links.

When working with most APIs, why do they require two types of authentication, namely a key and a secret?

I have been working with APIs and I've always wondered why you have to use a key and a secret?
Why do you need two types of authentication?
When a server receives an API call, it needs to know two things: Who is making the call, and whether or not the call is legitimate.
If you just had one item ("key"), and included it with every call, it would answer both questions. Based on the "key" the server knows who you are, and because only you know the key it proves that the call is actually coming from you. But including the key with every call is bad security practice: if someone can read even one of your messages in transit, your key is compromised, and someone can pretend to be you. So unless you're using HTTPS, this approach doesn't work.
Instead, you can include a digital signature with every call, signed with some "secret" number. (The "secret" number itself is not sent). If an attacker manages to read your message, they won't be able to figure out this "secret" number from the signature. (This is how digital signatures work: they are one-way).
But this doesn't solve the identification question: In the latter case, how does the server know who is making the call? It could try to verify the signature against the "secret" of every single user, but of course this would be very time-consuming.
So, here's what we do: Send both a "key" (that identifies the user), and a signature created using the "secret" number (that proves that the message is legitimate). The server looks up the user based on the key, and then validates the signature using that user's "secret" number.
This is a bit like when you write a check: It has an account number on it (to identify you) and your signature (to prove that you're you). Having just the account number wouldn't prove that you actually wrote the check. Having just the signature without the account number would force the bank to compare your check against all of its signatures for all of its accounts, which would obviously be inefficient.

Licenses and sessions the RESTful way

This question crossed my mind after I read this post:
“Common REST Mistakes: Sessions are irrelevant”
If sessions are indeed discouraged in a RESTful application. How would you handle licenses in such application. I'm specifically referring to concurrent licenses model and not named licenses. i.e. the customer buys X licenses which means the application may allow up to X users to be logged in simultaneously. Which means that the application must hold a state for current logged in users.
I know I can create a resource called licenses, which will set a cookie or generate a unique ID, and then the client will have to send it with every request. But it's the same as creating a session, right?
If I'll adopt the stateless approach and ask the client to create an authentication token for every request how will the application know when to consume and release license for that client?
Is there an alternative? specifically a more RESTful alternative?
Let me try to connect the dots for you, assuming I interpreted your question correctly.
The link you posted has a valid answer, each request should use a HTTP auth. If you need the concept of licences to maintain a certain state for your user, you can most likely link that to the user. You have a (verified) username to go by. You just need to invoke that controller for each request and save its state. There you have your session.
Cookie input should never be trusted for any critical information, but can be very useful for extra verification like a security token. I think adding a random security token field to your on-site links would be the restful approach to that. It should expire with the 'session', of course.
You may want to consider pushing the license handling concerns down the infrastructure stack one level. Sort of like an Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) approach if you will. Instead of handling it in the application tier, perhaps, you can push it in to the web server tier.
Without knowing the details of your infrastructure, it is hard to give a specific recommendation. Using the *nix platform as an example, the license handling logic can be implemented as a module for Apache HTTP server.
This approach promotes a separation of concerns across your infrastructure stack. It allows each layer to focus on what it is meant to. The application layer does not need to worry about licensing at all, allowing it to focus strictly on content, which in turn keeps the URL's clean and "RESTful".
If your licensing is based on concurrent users, implementing HTTP digest is trivial, and will let you enable only the maximum number of concurrent logins. Digest has provision for passing expiration data so your session can be timed-out.
Authentication state is hold by http authetnication and nowhere else, beause it is transparent and ubiquituous.
Maybe a more RESTful way of doing licenses would be to limit the rate at which requests are handled, rather than the number of concurrent sessions. Keep track of the number of requests in the last hour, and if it exceeds the number the customer has paid for, serve a 503 Service Unavailable response, along with some text suggesting the user try again later.