LDAP Query to check if User is a member of a particular security group - ldap

I am trying to adapt the following query to find out if a user is a member of a specific group (security group) but I do not get it to work and I fail to understand it completely.
in my case, the user is XYZ and the security group is called [SecITGroup].
The user is however located under OU=USERS OU=GO OU=AzureSync.
I have tried the following:
yes, I set the domain name to the actual domain and No result is shown is displayed.
What is the return attribute am I supposed to get back?

I found a solution or a workaround to this.
The LDAP Query is rather to say show me users in the specific group:
The attribute is sAMAccountname which displays the user's name.


how to get groups of a user in ldap by members with attribute value

My question is very similar to how to get groups of a user in ldap but I want to be able to search a group whose member has attribute foo with value bar
ie, from the previous question instead of doing (&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=cn=root,ou=django,dc=openldap))
I want to do something like
but it seems only the full DN can be used for such query. Is there another way to find groups for user matching a pattern?
Since memberOf is available to you, you can search for the users instead of the groups:
(You might have to change the objectClass depending on what it is for users. I'm used to Active Directory, not OpenLDAP.)
Then you can read the memberOf attribute of the users you find.
Update: If you just want to find members of that group with that attribute then you can do it in one query by using memberOf in the query, and looking for the DN of the group:

Searching for a user and associated groups on LDAP in one search

New to LDAP. The way our LDAP is arranged is People and groups. The people have user information such as name, uid, and mail. The groups have group name and multiple member field which has value like cn=First Last,cn=people,dc=comic,dc=com, listing the People that are members of the group.
Currently starting with userid and password, doing two searches:
1) Get user by searching on People base domain on uid=value. Then from the user get the first and last name.
2) Search on Groups base domain based on member=cn=First Last,cn=People,dc=comic,dc=com and iterate over the list of group objects returned to the group name field.
Am just wondering is there way to do all this in one search or are two searches necessary?
Unfortunately you cannot do what would like in one operation.
Also, what you are doing will not always work. Instead of retrieving the users first and last name you should retrieve their distinguished name (dn attribute) and do your group search based on that. First and last names can be modified within LDAP and can happen due to marriage / divorce / etc.
It is possible, provided that you implement a Reverse Group Membership Maintenance Overlay.
To determine which groups an entry is a member of without performing extra searches, the memberOf overlay is exactly what you need.
The memberof overlay updates an attribute (by default memberOf)
whenever changes occur to the membership attribute (by default member)
of entries of the objectclass (by default groupOfNames) configured to
trigger updates. Thus, it provides maintenance of the list of groups
an entry is a member of, when usual maintenance of groups is done by
modifying the members on the group entry.
You may find this Server Fault post useful for a how to.
Once you have memberOf attribute ready to be used, you may have to run ldapmodify manually on each group entries, but just once, so that all members entries can be provisioned with the corresponding group dn in their respective memberOf attribute.
Finally, to perform a group membership search for a given user, you would just search for the user entry and iterate the memberOf attribute to get group dn's.

Reduce Active Directory users in Jira using LDAP Query

I am retrieving users for Active directory in Jira 7 by using LDAP. I am trying to reduce the number of users brought from LDAP to a particular group that we have created. So in order to do that i put (objectCategory=group)(cn=WebAgileDevs) in the group object filter along with the default settings. The only thing i change is the Base DN and credentials required. When i save and test it does show me that it is testing 1 group and 15 users which is what i want!(See the screenshot). BUT, when i go and sync it, it brings in 43000 users!! What am i missing???
Test Remote Directory Screenshot
The group filter is used to filter the list of groups that are imported to JIRA, and the user filter is used to filter the list of users that are imported to JIRA. The two need not necessarily correspond. Your group filter would be instructing JIRA to bring in only that one group (into the list of groups), but without further refinement, your user filter will still be pulling in all users, as you noticed. This means that you need to adjust the user filter too.
From your question, you want to import only those users who are a member of a specific group. Atlassian provides some general guidance here.
The last example on that page is particularly relevant for you:
This tells JIRA to pull in only those user objects that are a member of the group cn=CaptainPlanet,ou=users,dc=company,dc=com. You would want to replace this with your cn=WebAgileDevs (plus whatever trailing qualifiers you need to fully qualify the group name).

How to list users which belongs to specific group in ldap without backlink enabled

What is the search filter to list users belong to specific group like "engineering" in a ldap server which don't have backlink enabled.
For example, if backlink enabled i can use following filter,
Wanted to know corresponding search query without using memberOf attribute.
Try your filter as:
using a base of
and a scope of subtree
Returning attribute "member"
Or even more efficient:
With a base of
and a scope of base
Returning attribute "member"
The main question is: How are the users linked to groups?
One way is by specifying the users as attributes in the group. That can be done either via the uniqueMember- or the memberUid-Attribute. To find the users of a certain group you will have to use two queries. One query will retrieve the DNs or UIDs of the users of a group by fetching the uniqueMember or memberUid attribute of the group in question depending on your setup. Then you can retrieve the users by either using (&(objectclass=person)(uid=<uid>)) or (&(objectclass=person)(dn=<dn>)).
The other way is by storing the grous as attributes in the user, which you described above.
Hope that helps.

checking if a user belongs to a group in ldap

I'm new to LDAP and have a question.I want to check if particular user belongs to a particular group or not. i figured out how to query the ldap server.So it is right now able to check if the user exists on the server or not. but i couldn't figure out how to check the user with the right group (line below is what i have used)
l_retval := DBMS_LDAP.search_s(l_session,l_ldap_base, DBMS_LDAP.scope_subtree, 'objectclass=*', l_attrs, 0, l_message);
My main purpose is to authorize users of a particular group (not authenticate)
I have two bases-one for authorization (uid=anders,ou=ourusers,o=company) and one for the groups (cn=programmers,ou=groups,o=company)
Could anyone please guide me so as how to proceed!
Use this filter, and make the search DN to be the DN of the group you want to check with.
The [userDN] is the full DN of the user to search for like cn=bob,ou=bar,o=foo. It won't work if it is not a full DN. If you just have a username, first get a DN of the user, and then use this filter.
Use memberOf or isMemberOf to determine if an entry is a member of a group. See also this question.
I'm new in the active directory too, but I have the feeling that skipping one generation, and directly use System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement is the way to go.
One article I'be been reading is:
I'll try to get back to your question later
There also seems to be a bug in the verion 4 of the .Net framework: it will bug if there is a group in the group you are looking at. Maybe a correction in version 4.5.