How to wait for variable in window object before render a Vue component? - vue.js

I have a component that need to access variable inside window object. But it renders before it loaded. So is there any solution delay that component render until variable will exists?

you can try to wrap it into a
this.$nextTick(() => {
// ur code here
nextTick is a function which waits till the dom is complete loaded and executes the content inside.


Changing #click event to occur on page load instead in Vue

I have some v-if props and currently to show divs with #click="tada = !tada". Instead, I would like the same divs that I'm currently triggering with the #click, to appear when the page finishes loading and occur only once.
I have tried onload, load and other things to know avail. Thanks for any help
I suspected it had to do with mounted but wasn't sure, so thank you for the hint.
mounted: function () {
this.tada = true
You should use the mounted lifecycle hook in your main vue instance. This function is called when the component is rendered to the document for the first time. You can read more here.

Trying to get vue.js to render something conditionally based on a method in created()

I have a call in my created method which has an await.
I want to know that the results of that call are loaded so that i can conditionally show/hide things in the DOM.
Right now it looks like the DOM is being rendered before that method has completed. But I though that methods in created were called before the DOM rendered?
You're correct in assuming that the created hook runs before the component mounts. However, the lifecycle hooks are not waiting for async calls to complete. If you want to wait for that call to be completed and data to load, you can do so by using a Boolean that you set to true when your data has loaded.
Your template:
<div v-if='dataLoaded'>Now you can see me.</div>
in your vue instace
export default {
data () {
return {
dataLoaded: false
created () {
loadMyData().then(data => {
// do awesome things with data
this.dataLoaded = true
This way you can keep your content hidden until that call has resolved. Take care with the context when you handle the ajax response. You will want to keep this as a reference to the original vue instance, so that you can set your data correctly. Arrow functions work well for that.

Problem with creating a div into the document (DOM)

I have some problems with this fragment, it creates a div into the DOM so that div appears in every page as it is normal, which is an image.
How can I change it so this div is only being created when I access at this custom component (Model.vue) and no longer being visible once I'm out of the component page.
container = document.createElement( 'div' );
document.body.appendChild( container );
If your HTML is predictable you should probably add it in your template (as HTML or as a component) and then show/hide it with v-if or v-show
If you need static content, for example depending on the user input, then v-html is the way.
If you need dynamic content (e.g. with event bindings), then check out render functions.
There's also dynamic component like <component :is="someComponent">, where someComponent can be either a string name of the component, or the component itself. But you should probably try the other solution first.
First of all direct DOM manipulation(Add/Del elements) is not at all preferred in vuejs. You can use v-if instead to show the element conditionally.
Or else if you still want to do direct manipulation then you can write the above lines of code in mounted hook of your model.vue component.
mounted() {
container = document.createElement('div');
container.setAttribute("id", "divId");
And then in before destroyed hook you can remove this element from the DOM as below.
beforeDestroy() {
var elem = document.querySelector('#divId');

How to define Vue Events on Render Method using createElement

I'm using ElementUi NavMenu, and render function with the createElement method to make the items of the menu just using JSON with titles and index of the menu, just HTML and JS files, not .vue files.
The menu is mounted, the submenus are shown when I click it, but the actions of the submenu (el-menu-item) does not work. I even try the attributes click, item-click, v-on: click when creating the-menu-item (the documentation of ElementUi tells that #click must be used, but this causes an error on createElement when the attributes are defined), but no one works, no error occurs, as if the method was not been declared.
Only onclick attribute works on the el-menu-item, but when I use it, the method of vue component is not called, and so I have to make a function outside of component (on a class for example), and when this function is called it performs a call to component method (I try $ emits) and an error occurs, because the method of component is not found.
How can I add #click (or similar) event on the el-menu-item inside render function of the component to call a method of the same component?
Documenation of NavMenu of ElementUI.
How I'm creating menu item:
Actually, this is mentioned in Vue.js documentation.
See .
Vue.component("test", {
render: function(createElement) {
return createElement(
on: {
click: function() {

Vuejs: How to trigger render function?

I currently have a component with a render function, to which I send data using a slot.
In short my component looks as follows:
export default {
return createElement(
'div', {
'class' : 'className'
There is a bit more inside the render function that creates multiple elements and puts the slot content in each of the element (which is the reason I'm using a render function), but that's not relevant for this example.
I have another component which has this template:
(component 1 being the component with the render function).
This all works nicely, but the problem is that when the word 'foo' changes, the component doesn't get updated. I can send a prop to the component to check wether the content gets changed (by putting a watcher on the prop), but how can I force the component to run the render function again?