How to define Vue Events on Render Method using createElement - vue.js

I'm using ElementUi NavMenu, and render function with the createElement method to make the items of the menu just using JSON with titles and index of the menu, just HTML and JS files, not .vue files.
The menu is mounted, the submenus are shown when I click it, but the actions of the submenu (el-menu-item) does not work. I even try the attributes click, item-click, v-on: click when creating the-menu-item (the documentation of ElementUi tells that #click must be used, but this causes an error on createElement when the attributes are defined), but no one works, no error occurs, as if the method was not been declared.
Only onclick attribute works on the el-menu-item, but when I use it, the method of vue component is not called, and so I have to make a function outside of component (on a class for example), and when this function is called it performs a call to component method (I try $ emits) and an error occurs, because the method of component is not found.
How can I add #click (or similar) event on the el-menu-item inside render function of the component to call a method of the same component?
Documenation of NavMenu of ElementUI.
How I'm creating menu item:

Actually, this is mentioned in Vue.js documentation.
See .
Vue.component("test", {
render: function(createElement) {
return createElement(
on: {
click: function() {


Vue Component Button is not being disabled dynamically

I have a component command-button wrapping a Vuetify v-btn component.
command-button receives a property called disabled of type boolean, non-required and false by default.
command-button is being used inside another component called toolbar where inside a v-for loop I add the command-button using a configuration array of actions objects passed to toolbar as a property.
v-for="(action, index) in actions"
When I use my toolbar component in my view component like this:
<toolbar :actions="actions"></toolbar>
I declare the actions of the toolbar in the data of my view component, as follows:
data() {
return {
actions: [
label: "Delete",
handler: this.onDelete,
disabled: this.disable // This can be a computed or a data element
label: "Add",
handler: this.onAdd
The issue is that the command-button is not being disabled dynamically, no matter if I use a computed or a member in data. It only works if I use the literal true inside the actions configuration object. Making some debugging, the value received inside toolbar for the disabled attribute of actions element is undefined.
You can't reference a computed property in your data object as it won't be defined when the instance is created. You could add a watcher on this.disable and update the value of actions[0].disabled when it changes.

Why is "event" accessible in Vue v-on methods even without the argument?

According to the page on event handling in the docs for Vue, when you use v-on like v-on:click="handler" the handler function will automatically get the original DOM event as the first argument. This code snippet is directly adapted from those docs.
new Vue({
// Vue config shortened for brevity
methods: {
handler(event) {
// `this` inside methods points to the Vue instance
alert('Hello ' + + '!')
// `event` is the native DOM event
if (event) {
Why the heck can I still access event even if I omit it from the functions parameter list like this:
handler() {
console.log(event); // Still returns the native DOM object even though
// I don't explicitly define `event` anywhere
Shouldn't event be undefined if I don't add it as an argument to the function?
I believe that'll be the global window.event:
Nothing to do with Vue, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that you happened to call it event.
Maybe the docs explains the reason to use event in the handler function as first argument:
You should avoid using this property in new code, and should instead use the Event passed into the event handler function.

How can I capture click event on custom directive on Vue.js?

I am trying to learn Vue.js and came to an practice example where I need to implement a custom directive whice works lice 'v-on'.
This means that i need to capture the click event on my custom directive and call a method.
The template i was thinking of.
<h1 v-my-on:click="alertMe">Click</h1>
The problem is i don't know how to capture the click event in the custom directive. Excuse the clumsy code below.
export default {
methods: {
alertMe() {
alert('The Alert!');
directives: {
'my-on': {
bind(el, binding, vnode) {
Can anyone help me understand how this works? I didn't manage to find any example of something similar.
After some more searching i came to this solution:
<h1 v-my-on:click="alertMe">Click me!</h1>
export default {
methods: {
alertMe() {
alert('The Alert!');
directives: {
'my-on': {
// Add Event Listener on mounted.
bind(el, binding) {
el.addEventListener(binding.arg, binding.value);
// Remove Event Listener on destroy.
unbind(el, binding) {
el.removeEventListener(binding.arg, binding.value);
The solution you found is, as far as I can tell, the very best solution for what you are looking for. However, for those who don't know much about Vue.JS I thought I'd give a quick explanation. I'd also suggest you check out the official Vue documentation for Custom Directives or my Medium article on the concepts.
This is the code that Vlad came to and I would support:
<h1 v-my-on:click="alertMe">Click me!</h1>
export default {
methods: {
alertMe() {
alert('The Alert!');
directives: {
'my-on': {
bind(el, binding) {
let type = binding.arg;
let myFunction = binding.value;
el.addEventListener(type, myFunction);
In short, Vue Directives are called on the lifecyle of the element they are attached to, based on the directive object definition. In the example the function defined is called "bind" so the directive will call that function when the element is bound into the DOM.
This function receives the element it's attached to "el" and the different content of the directive usage in the template "binding". In the binding usage in the template, the value after the colon ":" is the "arg" which in this example is the string literal "click". The value inside of the quotes '""' is the "value" which in this case is the object reference to the function "alertMe".
The vars that are defined by getting binding.arg and binding.value (with their respective content) can then be used to create an event listener contained inside of the element "el" that the directive is used on (el is modifiable). So, when the element is created and bound, this new event listener is created on the "click" event defined by "arg" and it will call the "alertMe" function defined by "value".
Because the modification is contained inside the element, you don't have to worry about cleaning up on unbind, because the listener will be destroyed when the element is destroyed.
And that is a basic description of what is happening in the suggested code. To see more about directives and how to use them, follow the suggested links. Hopefully that helps!
You need to register a listener for the event being emitted within your directive.
// emit a custom event
// binding.expression is alertMe
// listen for the event
export default {
this.$on('alertMe', event => {
This is not calling the method alertMe, rather passing alertMe through to the directive as the binding expression:
<h1 v-my-on:click="alertMe">Click</h1>
#Vlad has an excellent solution!
May I also add an important point: if you wanna pass parameters to your callback, it will confuse you by the way Vue handles your expression. In short, for custom directives, whatever in between quotation marks gets evaluated and the resulted value is passed in (hence, you can get it via binding.value (duh!), while for built-in directives, at least for v-on, the contents between quotation marks get evaluated later on, when event is fired.
Maybe this is best demonstrated with a comparison between custom directive and the built-in v-on directive. suppose you have a "my-on" directive written exactly as what #Vlad does, and you use it side by side with v-on:
<h1 v-on:click="myAlert('haha')"> Click me!</h1>
It works as expected, when button is clicked, alert window pops up.
<h1 v-my-on:click="myAlert('haha')">Click me!</h1>
As soon as button is displayed, the alert window pops up, and when you click on it, the event is fired but nothing visible happens. This is because "myAlert('haha')" is evaluated as soon as binding(?), hence the alert window, and its value gets passed to your directive(undefined or whatever), cuz its value is not a function, nothing seems to happen.
now, the workaround is to have whatever in between the quotation marks returns a function upon evaluation, eg v-my-on:click="() => {myAlert('haha')}"
Hope it helps.
As #Vlad said it worked for me:
Here's my directive:
Vue.directive('showMenu', {
bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
Thanks dude!
Seems like addEventListener works only for native events
To catch events fired with Vue inside the directive use $on
newdirective: {
bind(el, key, vnode){
vnode.componentInstance.$on('event-fired-from-component', someFunction)
You can put this code either inside your component or mixin under directives section like this
directives: {...}
And then connect it to the component you want to receive this event from

Vuejs: How to trigger render function?

I currently have a component with a render function, to which I send data using a slot.
In short my component looks as follows:
export default {
return createElement(
'div', {
'class' : 'className'
There is a bit more inside the render function that creates multiple elements and puts the slot content in each of the element (which is the reason I'm using a render function), but that's not relevant for this example.
I have another component which has this template:
(component 1 being the component with the render function).
This all works nicely, but the problem is that when the word 'foo' changes, the component doesn't get updated. I can send a prop to the component to check wether the content gets changed (by putting a watcher on the prop), but how can I force the component to run the render function again?

Vue.js 2 pass data from component to root instance

I have a component that makes an AJAX request. In the callback function I want to pass a value back to the parent or root instance.
So my callback function for example in the component is:
function callbackFunc(vm, response){
and in my root instance I've tried using a method called setValue like this:
export default {
name: 'app',
data () {
return {
value : ''
methods: {
setValue: function(value){
This doesn't work. The documentation seems to say you need to have an event inside the template for it all to get hooked up but that's not going to work in this case.
Any ideas?
I'm using vue-router. So there's the root element that has an App
component and then there'sthe component called Hello which has the
ajax call
In the parent component's template you will have a <router-view><\router-view> which is where the vue-router will put your child. To wire everything up, you need to add the directive to the template:
<router-view v-on:setValue="parentMethod" ><\router-view>
When the child calls $emit("setValue") after the ajax call, it will triggers parentMethod() on the parent. It's not clear why you say it won't work to hook it up in the template. Without the template, there's not really a parent/child relationship.