splunk date time difference - splunk

I am new to Splunk. My goal is to optimize the API call, since that particular API method is taking more than 5 minutes to execute.
In Splunk I searched using context ID, I got all the functions and sub functions call by main API call function for that particular execution. Now I want to figure what which sub function took the maximum time. In Splunk in left side, in the list of fields, I see field name CallStartUtcTime (e.g. "2021-02-12T20:17:42.3308285Z") and CallEndUtcTime (e.g. "2021-02-12T20:18:02.3702937Z"). In search how can I write a function which will give me difference between these two times. I google and found we can use eval() function but for me its returning null value.
Additional Info:
clicked on "create table view" and checked start, end and diff fields in the left side fields list. but all three are coming as null
not sure what wrong I am doing. I want to find out the time taken by each function.

Splunk cannot compare timestamps in string form. They must be converted to epoch (integer) form, first. Use the strptime() function for that.
| eval start = strptime(CallStartUtcTime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%7N%Z")
| eval end = strptime(CallEndUtcTime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%7N%Z")
| eval diff = end - start


How to make pie chart of these values in Splunk

Have the following query index=app (splunk_server_group=bex OR splunk_server_group=default) sourcetype=rpm-web* host=rpm-web* "CACHE_NAME=RATE_SHOPPER" method = GET | stats count(eval(searchmatch("true))) as Hit, count(eval(searchmatch("found=false"))) as Miss
Need to make a pie chart of two values "Hit and Miss rates"
The field where it is possible to distinguish the values is Message=[CACHE_NAME=RATE_SHOPPER some_other_strings method=GET found=false]. or found can be true
With out knowing the structure of your data it's harder to say what exactly you need todo but,
Pie charts is a single data series so you need to use a transforming command to generate a single series. PieChart Doc
if you have a field that denotes a hit or miss (You could use an Eval statement to create one if you don't already have this) you can use it to create the single series like this.
Lets say this field is called result.
|stats count by result
Here is a link to the documentation for the Eval Command
Good luck, hope you can get the results your looking for
Since you seem to be concerned only about whether "found" equals either "hit" or "miss", try this:
index=app (splunk_server_group=bex OR splunk_server_group=default) sourcetype=rpm-web* host=rpm-web* "CACHE_NAME=RATE_SHOPPER" method=GET found IN("hit","miss")
| stats count by found
Pie charts require a single field so it's not possible to graph the Hit and Miss fields in a pie. However, if the two fields are combined into one field with two possible values, then it will work.
index=app (splunk_server_group=bex OR splunk_server_group=default) sourcetype=rpm-web* host=rpm-web* "CACHE_NAME=RATE_SHOPPER" method = GET
| eval result=if(searchmatch("found=true"), "Hit", "Miss")
| stats count by result

How do I evaluate value which potentially is not supplied?

I'm trying to make Azure monitor workbook with Azure Resource Graph (ARG) query as backend. There is dropdown presented to use to choose datetime value which is passed as parameter to ARG to filter results. It's expressed as {dateCreated:start} value in query. This works fine as long as there is something selected by user in dropdown, problem is that if nothing is selected in datetime field then condition essentially becomes coalesce(todatetime(),todatetime('2016-11-09T02:53:17.4582226Z')) which obviously fails validation logic since todatetime() expects something being passed to it. Is there something in KQL which will allow to overcome this?
| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| where tags['datecreated'] > coalesce(todatetime({dateCreated:start}),todatetime('2016-11-09T02:53:17.4582226Z') )
iff() and isempty() will do the trick for you:
| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| where tags['datecreated'] > iff(isempty({dateCreated:start}), todatetime('2016-11-09T02:53:17.4582226Z'), todatetime({dateCreated:start}))

How can I show the most recent events per user with Keen IO?

Suppose you have a Keen IO collection called "survey-completed" that contains events matching the following pattern:
keen.id: <unique autogenerated id>
keen.timestamp: <autogenerated overridable timestamp>
userId: <hex string for user>
surveyScore: <integer from 1 to 10>
How would you create a report of only the most up-to-date satisfaction score for each user that responded to one or more surveys within a given amount of time (such as one week)?
There isn't a really elegant way to make it happen, but for a given userId you could successfully return your the most up-to-date event create a count query with a group_by on [surveyScore, keen.timestamp] and an order_by on the keen.timestamp property. You will want to set limit=1 to select only the most recent surveyScore.
If you'd like to use an extraction, the most straight forward way would be to run an extraction with property_names set to ["userId","keen.timestamp","surveyScore"]. Once you receive the results you can then do some client-side post processing. This is probably the best way if you want to take a look at all of your userIds.
If you're interested in a given userId and want to use an extraction, you can run an extraction with a filter on the userId eq X, define the optional parameter latest set to latest=1. The latest property is an integer containing the number of most recent events to extract. Note: The use of latest will call upon the keen.created_at timestamp instead of keen.timestamp (https://keen.io/docs/api/#the-keen-object).

How to do math operation with columns on grouped rows

I have Event model with following attributes (I quoted only problem related attributes), this model is filled periodically by API call, calling external service (Google Calendar):
colorid: number # (0-11)
event_start: datetime
event_end: datetime
I need to count duration of grouped events, grouped by colorid. I have Event instance method to calculate single event duration:
def event_duration
((event_end.to_datetime - event_start.to_datetime) * 24 * 60 ).to_i
Now, I need to do something like this:
event = Event.group(:colorid).sum(event_duration)
But this doesnot work for me, as long as I get error that event_duration column doesnot exists. My idea is to add one more attribute to Event model "event_duration", and count and update this attribute during Event record creation, in this case I would have column called "event_duration", and I might be ale to use sum on this attribute. But I am not sure this is good and "system solution", as long as I would like to have model data reflecting "raw" received data from API call, and do all math and statistics on the top of model data.
event_duration is instance method (not column name). error was raised because Event.sum only calculates the sum of certain column
on your case, I think it would be easier to use enumerable methods
duration_by_color_id = {}
grouped_events = Event.all.group_by(&:colorid)
grouped_events.each do |colorid, events|
duration_by_color_id[colorid] = events.collect(&:event_duration).sum
Source :
Enumerable's group_by
Enumerable's collect

Zoho Creator making a custom function for a report

Trying to wrap my head around zoho creator, its not as simple as they make it out to be for building apps… I have an inventory database, and i have four fields that I call to fill a field called Inventory Number (Inv_Num1) –
First Name (First_Name)
Last Name (Last_Name)
Year (Year)
Number (Number)
I have a Custom Function script that I call through a Custom Action in the form report. What I am trying to do is upload a CSV file with 900 entries. Of course, not all of those have those values (first/last/number) so I need to bulk edit all of them. However when I do the bulk edit, the Inv_Num1 field is not updated with the new values. I use the custom action to populate the Inv_Num1 field with the values of the other 4 fields.
Heres is my script:
void onetime.UpdateInv()
for each Inventory_Record in Management
FN = Inventory_Record.First_Name.subString(0,1);
LN = Inventory_Record.Last_Name.subString(0,1);
YR = Inventory_Record.Year.subString(2,4);
NO = Inventory_Record.Number;
outputstr = FN + LN + YR + NO;
Inventory_Record.Inv_Num1 = outputstr;
I get this error back when I try to run this function
Error in executing UpdateInv workflow.
Error in executing For Each Record task.
Error in executing Set Variable task. Unable to update template variable FN.
Error evaluating STRING expression :
Even though there is a First Name for example, it still thinks there is none. This only happens on the fields I changed with Bulk Edit. If I do each one by hand, then the custom action works—but of course then the Inv_Num1 is already updated through my edit on success functions and makes the whole thing moot.
this may be one year late, you might have found the solution but just to highlight, the error u were facing was just due to the null value in first name.
you just have put a null check on each field and u r good to go.
you can generate the inv_number on the time of bulk uploading also by adding null check in the same code on and placing the code on Add> On Submt.( just the part inside the loop )
the Better option would be using a formula field, you just have to put this formula in that formula field and you'll get your inventory_number autogenerated , you can rename the formula_field to Inv Number or whaterver u want.
Since you are using substring directly in year Field, I am assuming the
year field as string.else you would have to user Year.tostring().substring(2,4) & instead of if(Year=="","",...) you have to put if(Year==null , null,...);
so here's the formula
if(First_Name=="","",First_Name.subString(0,1))+if(Last_Name =="","",Last_Name.subString(0,1)) + if(Year=="","",Year.subString(2,4)+Number
Let me know ur response if u implement this.
Without knowing the datatype its difficult to fix, but making the assumption that your Inventory_Record.number is a numeric data item you are adding a string to a number:
The "+" is used for string Concatenation - Joiner but it also adds two numbers together so think "a" + "b" = "ab" for strings but for numbers 1 + 2 = 3.
All good, but when you do "a" + 2 the system doesn't know whether to add or concatenate so gives an error.