How to do math operation with columns on grouped rows - sql

I have Event model with following attributes (I quoted only problem related attributes), this model is filled periodically by API call, calling external service (Google Calendar):
colorid: number # (0-11)
event_start: datetime
event_end: datetime
I need to count duration of grouped events, grouped by colorid. I have Event instance method to calculate single event duration:
def event_duration
((event_end.to_datetime - event_start.to_datetime) * 24 * 60 ).to_i
Now, I need to do something like this:
event =
But this doesnot work for me, as long as I get error that event_duration column doesnot exists. My idea is to add one more attribute to Event model "event_duration", and count and update this attribute during Event record creation, in this case I would have column called "event_duration", and I might be ale to use sum on this attribute. But I am not sure this is good and "system solution", as long as I would like to have model data reflecting "raw" received data from API call, and do all math and statistics on the top of model data.

event_duration is instance method (not column name). error was raised because Event.sum only calculates the sum of certain column
on your case, I think it would be easier to use enumerable methods
duration_by_color_id = {}
grouped_events = Event.all.group_by(&:colorid)
grouped_events.each do |colorid, events|
duration_by_color_id[colorid] = events.collect(&:event_duration).sum
Source :
Enumerable's group_by
Enumerable's collect


splunk date time difference

I am new to Splunk. My goal is to optimize the API call, since that particular API method is taking more than 5 minutes to execute.
In Splunk I searched using context ID, I got all the functions and sub functions call by main API call function for that particular execution. Now I want to figure what which sub function took the maximum time. In Splunk in left side, in the list of fields, I see field name CallStartUtcTime (e.g. "2021-02-12T20:17:42.3308285Z") and CallEndUtcTime (e.g. "2021-02-12T20:18:02.3702937Z"). In search how can I write a function which will give me difference between these two times. I google and found we can use eval() function but for me its returning null value.
Additional Info:
clicked on "create table view" and checked start, end and diff fields in the left side fields list. but all three are coming as null
not sure what wrong I am doing. I want to find out the time taken by each function.
Splunk cannot compare timestamps in string form. They must be converted to epoch (integer) form, first. Use the strptime() function for that.
| eval start = strptime(CallStartUtcTime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%7N%Z")
| eval end = strptime(CallEndUtcTime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%7N%Z")
| eval diff = end - start

error with rec.env[''].search()

def _computebook(self):
sum_a = 0
for rec in self:
for l in rec.env[''].search([('status', 'in', ('sold', 'rent'))]):
if l:
sum_a += 1
rec.currentbook = rec.totalbook - sum_a
I use this compute to calculate current book in library.
But when I run this code, the problem calculate of my each book base on all books.
When you are write any compute method in odoo, in self you will get all the list of browsable objects.
And then you are trying to search data from that browsable object. That's why you get a error.
You have to use self.env instead of rec.env.
Because you can't search data from browsable object you can access only data of that browsable object.
You have to add limit 1 on when you are searching a record of multiple record are than you will get another expected Singleton error.
Either you can you use another loop after searching record.
Let me know if you face any errors again.
this error occured because
whenever you are trying to make a object of another model at that time you should have to use with self.env instead of rec.env because in your method rec is just a record-set of your instance
so please update your method as per the following snippet.
for l in self.env[''].search([('status', 'in', ('sold','rent'))]):

Filter parent data source with a field which is in another table in D365

Some times we need to filter a form grid based on the status of the transaction reference Id. Assume that we want to show purchase orders with confirm document state in arrival overview form. The document state field is located in the purch table. For this aim, I try to outer join WMSArrivalOverviewTmp to purch table and add Range. However the results is not as I expect.
This is the code I have tried in the initialized data source event:
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(WMSArrivalOverview, WMSArrivalOverviewTmp), FormDataSourceEventType::Initialized)]
public static void WMSArrivalOverviewTmp_OnInitialized(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
QueryBuildDataSource qbds = sender.queryBuildDataSource();
QueryBuildDataSource qbdsPO;
qbdsPO = qbds.addDataSource(tableNum(PurchTable));
qbdsPO.clearRange(fieldNum(PurchTable, DocumentState));
qbdsPO.addLink(fieldNum(WMSArrivalOverviewTmp, InventTransRefId ),fieldNum(PurchTable, PurchId),;
qbdsPO.addRange(fieldNum(PurchTable, DocumentState)).value(SysQuery::value(VersioningDocumentState::Confirmed));
This is the query which has been shown :
SELECT FIRSTFAST * FROM WMSArrivalOverviewTmp(WMSArrivalOverviewTmp)
OUTER JOIN FROM PurchTable(PurchTable_1) ON
WMSArrivalOverviewTmp.InventTransRefId = PurchTable.PurchId AND
((DocumentState = 40))
Also, I have changed the event type to query executing but I get errors:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Error converting
data type nvarchar to bigint.
Cannot select a record in Purchase orders (PurchTable). The SQL
database has issued an error.
P.S. I have noticed that the error comes when I click on the update button after I fill one of the field in the filter section(arrival option). For example when I fill account number or warehouse. And also I have noticed that when I click on the update button while the fields are not filled in the filter section the join operation has not applied correctly, i.e., the purchase orders which have draft status are shown.
Your actual query looks correct to me. I would add that you may want to add the link between the WMSArrivalOverviewTmp.InventTransType == InventTransType::Purch (or set qbds.relations(true) so that you use the table's built in relation), but I doubt that is the root of your problem. Of course it wouldn't hurt to make sure your query works in the manner that you expect it to by converting the results of the info() call you have into SQL code and run it in SSMS to double check the result set.
Also, I'm curious why would you put the event on the datasource you are trying to manipulate? I would recommend investigating to see if it can occur on the OnModified event of the "status of the transaction reference Id". Although perhaps I am misunderstanding - if this situation is more of a "we need to happen all the time when the form loads" than a "some times we need" as you start your question off - the place to change the query is to modify it in a handler of the datasource's OnQueryExecuting event.
There are two ways of modifying the query on an event when an event occurs.
FormRun formRun = sender.formRun() as FormRun;
FormDataSource formDataSource = formRun.dataSource(formDataSourceStr(WMSArrivalOverview, WMSArrivalOverviewTmp));
//First way - get the base query and use executeQuery() to reload changes
Query query = formDataSource.query();
//modified query here.
//Second way - get the current queryRun query and use research() to reload changes
Query query = formDataSource.queryRun.query();
//modified query here.

How can I show the most recent events per user with Keen IO?

Suppose you have a Keen IO collection called "survey-completed" that contains events matching the following pattern: <unique autogenerated id>
keen.timestamp: <autogenerated overridable timestamp>
userId: <hex string for user>
surveyScore: <integer from 1 to 10>
How would you create a report of only the most up-to-date satisfaction score for each user that responded to one or more surveys within a given amount of time (such as one week)?
There isn't a really elegant way to make it happen, but for a given userId you could successfully return your the most up-to-date event create a count query with a group_by on [surveyScore, keen.timestamp] and an order_by on the keen.timestamp property. You will want to set limit=1 to select only the most recent surveyScore.
If you'd like to use an extraction, the most straight forward way would be to run an extraction with property_names set to ["userId","keen.timestamp","surveyScore"]. Once you receive the results you can then do some client-side post processing. This is probably the best way if you want to take a look at all of your userIds.
If you're interested in a given userId and want to use an extraction, you can run an extraction with a filter on the userId eq X, define the optional parameter latest set to latest=1. The latest property is an integer containing the number of most recent events to extract. Note: The use of latest will call upon the keen.created_at timestamp instead of keen.timestamp (

pushgateway or node exporter - how to add string data?

I have a cron job that runs an sql query every day, and gives me an important integer.
And I have to expose that integer to the Prometheus server.
As I've seen I have two options; use the pushgateway or node exporter.
But that metric (integer) that I get from the sql query also need some information (like the company name, and the database that I got it from).
What would be a better way?
For instance this is what I made for my metric:
count = some number
registry = CollectorRegistry()
g = Gauge('machine_number', 'machfoobarine_stat', registry=registry).set(count)
push_to_gateway('localhost:9091', job='batchA', registry=registry)
So how do I add key-value pairs to my metric above?
Do I have to change the job name ('batchA') for every single sql count that I get and expose as a metric to the pushgateway, because I can only see the last one?
The best way is to set a general name to your metric, for example animal_count and then specialize it with label. Here is an pseudocode:
g ="animal_count", "Number of animal in zoo")
.labelsName("sex", "classes")
g.labels("male", "mammals")