How to make a single mob go invisible (Minecraft) - minecraft

I'm not sure if this is a command bug or not, but if I have one mob riding the other I can't make a single one invisible. Like if I want a mob to look like it's floating in the air, so I make the bottom mob invisible. The problem is both mobs go invisible, including the one on top. I've used programs like MC Stacker to no avail, any help?

try this
summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {ActiveEffects:[{Id:14b,Amplifier:1b,Duration:999999}], Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:<YOUR_MOB_NAME_HERE>"}]}
if that dosen't work, i'm not sure.


Can't move mouse with touchpad

As the title suggests, my touchpad won't move my mouse. I am therefore unable to select outputs of my commands, but I am able to take screenshots of windows. (Luckily I am used to using keyboard shortcuts)
I have no clue what caused this. I have recently updated my kernel from linux52 to linux53 and linux54. Falling back to either of those versions from linux54 hasn't helped. I have also recently been playing around with a Wacom tablet, using xsetwacom, but I believe my mouse has worked after this.
I know it's not a hardware issue, as libinput debug-events correctly detects my finger running over the trackpad:
The output of 40-libinput.conf in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf is the following. I can't see any error there.
I tried blacklisting the i2c_hid, as suggested in the following question, but to no avail. It fixed an error claiming there was a duplicate mouse, which it decided to ignore. I thought this would help.
What is surprising is that I can click. I can't scroll or move the mouse, though. My trackpad lists the following settings. To my surprise, there is no Accel Speed there, and I can't manually set it with xinput --set-prop 14 'libinput Accel Speed' 1.0, as I need to specify the type and format. I don't know what these are supposed to be, and I don't know if the acceleration is the issue. I read that having a negative value would cause the mouse to never move, though.
Do you have any suggestions as to what to do? What does libinput do with the events after receiving them?
EDIT: Removing the blacklist i2c_hid from the modprobe returns the following Xorg log:
Making a copy of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-synaptics.conf into my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ folder, and commenting out the Option "Ignore" "on" line fixed it.
Had to sudo pkill X after changing it, of course. A reboot would also do the trick.

Getting rid of thousands of widgets on a plasma desktop

I think my trackpad malfunctioned and pressed the middle button on my plasma desktop maybe a thousand times. As a result, I have about a thousand (you guessed it) empty post-it notes icons all across my desktop.
Removing them one by one will take forever. I tried doing the following
mv ~/.local/share/plasma_notes /tmp/foo
but that doesn't seem to be making a difference.
For reference, here's what a small portion of my desktop looks like.
Removing entries from ./plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc did the trick.

Autohotkey works different on different workstations

I wrote a script using autohotkey, which has to execute a few clicks inside a window. Mostly, I used the ControlClick function to do the job, and it works well. I had to click a chechbox, and for that I used the MouseClick function.
I used relative coordinates for the functions (relative meaning x and y starting from the top left corner of the current active window).
If I run the script on my PC, it activates the window I want it to correctly and does what I programmed it to, but when I compile an executable and run it on a different workstation (I change only the workstation, not the programs in use, not even the operating system), it just doesn't work, I have the feeling it confuses x coordinates with y coordinates, the sleep function doesn't work anymore...
My actual question would be how can I make sure the script runs the same in any conditions? How can I make sure I select the right window, can't I select it using something different than it's title? Maybe a class, or something more specific?
Thanks a lot :D !
It was woking differently because the screen resolutions were not the same, so if I clicked at x100 y100 on 1280x1024, it was not the same as x100 y100 on 1920x1080 (relative coordinates), so I had to scale the coordinates, and after doing this, it worked.
If one has same problem as I did, I hope this will be useful :D .

On Space Change - Not After (For Mac Spaces)

I'm new to Mac development, so I can't tell if what I need to do is even possible.
I need to create an application that gets a callback for when a desktop space is about to change and when it successfully does. I also need to override the change to cancel it if need be. For example:
Space Change Initiated -> Run My Code -> Change Space |OR| Cancel Space Change
The only thing that I could find was: NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification which sends a callback when the space has successfully changed. This will not be good enough.
I'm not begging for code btw, just looking for a direction to be pointed in to achieve what I want (if at all possible). I'm open to all suggestions, even if they are in different programming languages.
Thanks in advance.

Making an application pop up over a fullscreen app

I'm trying to figure out how to make an application popup front and above all other windows. That may have been a poor explanation so basically I want the app to act like quicksilver or alfred when a shortcut key is hit.
I couldn't find anything that looked like I wanted in NSWindow... Did I miss something?
Even more specifically, something like:
[newWindow setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
[newWindow setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces];
...will work; the second line is probably additional behavior that you would want, allowing the window to be shown in every space and not just isolated to one.
Also note that in terms of window levels, anything above NSFloatingWindowLevel will work; it is better to used a named constant for clarity.
You can set the level of an NSWindow using setLevel:. The possible constants are listed here, but you can set any integer you want.