Method for updating tables that users are looking at? - sql

I'm looking for a method or solution to allow for a table to be updated that others are running select queries on?
We have an MS SQL Database storing tables which are linked through ODBC to an Access Database front-end.
We're trying to have a query run an update on one of these linked tables but often it is interrupted by users running select statements on the table to look at data though forms inside access.
Is there a way to maybe create a copy of this database table for the users to look at so that the table can still be updated?
I was thinking maybe a transaction but can you perform transactions for select statements? Do they work that way?
The error we get from inside access when we try to run the update while a user has the table open is:
Any help is much appreciated,

As a general rule, this should not be occurring. Those reports should not lock nor prevent the sql system from not allowing inserts.
For a quick fix, you can (should) link the reports to some sql server views for their source. And use this for the view:
SELECT * from tblHotels WITH (NOLOCK)
In fact in MOST cases this locking occurs due to combo boxes being driven by a larger table in from SQL server - if the query does not complete (and access has the nasty ability to STOP the flow of data, then you get a sql server table lock).
You also can see the above "holding" of a lock when you launch a form with a LARGE dataset If access does not finish pulling the table/query from SQL server - again a holding lock on the table can remain.
However, I as a general rule NOT seen this occur for reports.
However, it not all clear how the reports are being used and how their data sources are setup.
But, as noted, the quick fix is to create some views for the reports, and use the no-lock hint as per above. That will prevent the tables from holding locks.
Another HUGE idea? For the reports, if they often use some date range or other critera? MAKE 100% sure that sql server has index on the filter or critera. If you don't, then SQL server will scan/lock the whole table. This advice ALSO applies VERY much to say a form in which you filter - put indexing (sql server side) on those common used columns.
And in fact, the notes about the combo box above? We found that JUST adding a indexing to the sort column used in the combo box made most if not all locking issues go away.
Another fix that often works - and requires ZERO changes to the ms-access client side software?
You can change this on the server:
The above also will in most cases fix the locking issue.


Full SQL Statement History

I am facing a problem on a particular table in my database. The rows are being deleted without any reason (I have some procedures and triggers that modify the information inside the table but they are already tested).
So I need to see which DML statements are executed against the table.
I have already tried some methods, like using this query:
filtering by the name of my table, or tried the SQL log.
Both methods don't show me the complete history of SQL executed (for example I can't see the statements executed by the procedures).
Can anyone give me some advice of where I can see ALL the DML executed in the database?
You're using a few terms that aren't defined within the context of Oracle Database, both 'sentence' and 'register.'
If you want to see WHO is touching your data in a bad place, causing it to be deleted or changed, then you have 2 options.
Immediately, check your REDO logs. We have a package, dbms_logmnr, that will allow you to see what activity has been logged. Assuming that your tables weren't created with NOLOGGING clause, those UPDATEs and DELETEs should be recorded.
Tim has a nice article on this feature here.
The better solution going forward is AUDITING. You'll want to enable auditing in the database to record WHO is doing WHAT to your tables/data. This is included as part of the Enterprise Edition of the database. There is a performance hit, the more you decide to record, the more resources it will require. But it will probably be worth paying that price. And of course you'll have to manage the space required to maintain those logs.
Now, as to 'SQL Developer' and it's HISTORY feature. It ONLY records what you are executing in a SQL Worksheet. It won't see what others are doing. It can't help you here - unless this is a 1-man database, and you're only making changes with SQL Developer. Even then, it wouldn't be reliable as it has a limit, and only records changes done via the Worksheet.

Include but not Delete SQL Schema Compare

I am attempting to use SQL Schema Compare in Visual Studio 2013/15 and am running into the problem that discluding tables from delete removes them from being processed at all.
The issue is that the tables it is trying to delete are customer made tables, so when we sync our version against their databases it asks to delete them. We do not want to delete them, but some of their tables have constraints on ours so when it attempts to CCDR it fails due to table constraints. Is there a way to add the table to be (re-created? like the rest of them?), without writing scripts for each client to do what SQL Schema Compare already does just for those few tables?
Red-Gate's SQL Compare does this somehow, but it's hidden from us so not quite sure how it's achieved. Discluding doesn't delete, but does not error on the script either.
The option "Drop constraints not in source" does not appear to work correctly. It does drop some, however there are others that it just does not drop the constraints. In red-gate's tool, when we compared I found how to get the SQL from it, and their product doesn't say the table needs to be updated at all, while Visual Studio's does. They seem to work almost identical, but the tables that fail are the ones that shouldn't be update at all (read below)
Update 2:
Another problem I've found is "Ignore column collation" also doesn't work correctly, as tables that shouldn't be getting dropped are being told they need to be updated even though it's only order of column changes, not actual column or data changes, which makes this feel like more of a bug report than anything.
My suggestion with these types of advance data calculations is to not use Visual Studio. Put the logic on the Sql engine and write the code for this in Sql. Due to the multi user locking issues of a Sql engine these types of processes are prone to fail when the wrong combinations of user actions happen at the same time. The Visual Studio tool can not interface with the data locking issues due to records changing that the Sql engine can. If you even get this to work it will only be safe to run if you are in single user mode.
It is a nice to use tool, easier than writing Sql but there are huge reliability and consistency risks for going down this path.
I don't know if this will help but I've found this paragraph
on the following page:
The update will fail because our change involves changing a column
from NOT NULL to NULL and as a result causes data loss. If you want to
proceed with the update, click on the Options button (the fifth one
from the left) on the toolbar for the Schema Compare and uncheck the
block incremental deployment if data loss option.

connecting to remote oracle database in SQL

I need to do some data migration between two oracle databases that in different servers. I've thought of some ways to do it like writing a jdbc program but i think the best way is to do it in SQL itself. I can also copy the entire table over to the database I am migrating to but these tables are big and doesnt seem like a "elegant" solution.
Is it possible to open a connection to one DB in SQL developer then connect to the other one using SQL and writing update/insert functions on tables as if they were both in the same connection?
I have read some examples on creating linked tables but none seem to be oracle specific or tell me how to open the external connection by supplying it the server hostname/port/SID/user credentials.
thanks for the help!
If you create a Database Link, you can just select a from different database by querying TABLENAME#dblink.
You can create such a link using the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.
It depends if its a one time thing or a normal process and if you need to do ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) or not, but ill help you out based on what you explained.
From what i can gather from your explanation, what you attempt to accomplish is to copy a couple of tables from one db to another, if they can reach one another then its really simple, you could just create a DBLINK ( and then do a SELECT AS INSERT from either side using the DBLINK for one of the tables and the local table as the receiver or sender. Its pretty straight forward.
But if its a one time thing i would just move the table with expdp and impdp since that will be a lot faster and a lot less strain on the DB.
If its something you need to maintain and keep updated, why not just add the DBLINK and use that on both sides, this will be dependent on network performance though.
If this is a bit out of you depth or you cant create dblinks due to restrictions, SQL Developer has had a database copy option for a while and you can go as far a copying individual tables, but its very heavy on the system where its being run (

Is there downside to creating and dropping too many tables on SQL Server

I would like to know if there is an inherent flaw with the following way of using a database...
I want to create a reporting system with a web front end, whereby I query a database for the relevant data, and send the results of the query to a new data table using "SELECT INTO". Then the program would make a query from that table to show a "page" of the report. This has the advantage that if there is a lot of data, this can be presented a little at a time to the user as pages. The same data table can be accessed over and over while the user requests different pages of the report. When the web session ends, the tables can be dropped.
I am prepared to program around issues such as tracking the tables and ensuring they are dropped when needed.
I have a vague concern that over a long period of time, the database itself might have some form of maintenance problems, due to having created and dropped so many tables over time. Even day by day, lets say perhaps 1000 such tables are created and dropped.
Does anyone see any cause for concern?
Thanks for any suggestions/concerns.
Before you start implementing your solution consider using SSAS or simply SQL Server with a good model and properly indexed tables. SQL Server, IIS and the OS all perform caching operations that will be hard to beat.
The cause for concern is that you're trying to write code that will try and outperform SQL Server and IIS... This is a classic example of premature optimization. Thousands and thousands of programmer hours have been spent on making sure that SQL Server and IIS are as fast and efficient as possible and it's not likely that your strategy will get better performance.
First of all: +1 to #Paul Sasik's answer.
Now, to answer your question (if you still want to go with your approach).
Possible causes of concern if you use VARBINARY(MAX) columns (from the MSDN)
If you drop a table that contains a VARBINARY(MAX) column with the
FILESTREAM attribute, any data stored in the file system will not be
If you do decide to go with your approach, I would use global temporary tables. They should get DROPped automatically when there are no more connections using them, but you can still DROP them explicitly.
In your query you can check if they exist or not and create them if they don't exist (any longer).
IF OBJECT_ID('mydb..##temp') IS NULL
-- create temp table and perform your query
this way, you have most of the logic to perform your queries and manage the temporary tables together, which should make it more maintainable. Plus they're built to be created and dropped, so it's quite safe to think SQL Server would not be impacted in any way by creating and dropping a lot of them.
1000 per day should not be a concern if you talk about small tables.
I don't know sql-server, but in Oracle you have the concept of temporary table(small article and another) . The data inserted in this type of table is available only on the current session. when the session ends, the data "disapear". In this case you don't need to drop anything. Every user insert in the same table, and his data is not visible to others. Advantage: less maintenance.
You may check if you have something simmilar in sql-server.

Log changes made to all fields in a table to another table (SQL Server 2005)

I would like to log changes made to all fields in a table to another table. This will be used to keep a history of all the changes made to that table (Your basic change log table).
What is the best way to do it in SQL Server 2005?
I am going to assume the logic will be placed in some Triggers.
What is a good way to loop through all the fields checking for a change without hard coding all the fields?
As you can see from my questions, example code would be veeery much appreciated.
I noticed SQL Server 2008 has a new feature called Change Data Capture (CDC). (Here is a nice Channel9 video on CDC). This is similar to what we are looking for except we are using SQL Server 2005, already have a Log Table layout in-place and are also logging the user that made the changes. I also find it hard to justify writing out the before and after image of the whole record when one field might change.
Our current log file structure in place has a column for the Field Name, Old Data, New Data.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
Updated 12/22/08: I did some more research and found these two answers on Live Search QnA
You can create a trigger to do this. See
How do I audit changes to sq​l server data.
You can use triggers to log the data changes into the log tables. You can also purchase Log Explorer from and use that to read the transaction log to see what user made the change. The database needs to be in full recovery for this option however.
Updated 12/23/08: I also wanted a clean way to compare what changed and this looked like the reverse of a PIVOT, which I found out in SQL is called UNPIVOT. I am now leaning towards a Trigger using UNPIVOT on the INSERTED and DELETED tables. I was curious if this was already done so I am going through a search on "unpivot deleted inserted".
Posting Using update function from an after trigger had some different ideas but I still believe UNPIVOT is going to be the route to go.
Quite late but hopefully it will be useful for other readers…
Below is a modification of my answer I posted last week on a similar topic.
Short answer is that there is no “right” solution that would fit all. It depends on the requirements and the system being audited.
Advantages: relatively easy to implement, a lot of flexibility on what is audited and how is audit data stored because you have full control
Disadvantages: It gets messy when you have a lot of tables and even more triggers. Maintenance can get heavy unless there is some third party tool to help. Also, depending on the database it can cause a performance impact.
Creating audit triggers in SQL Server
Log changes to database table with trigger
Advantages: Very easy to implement, natively supported
Disadvantages: Only available in enterprise edition, not very robust – if you change the schema your data will be lost. I wouldn’t recommend this for keeping a long term audit trail
Reading transaction log
Advantages: all you need to do is to put the database in full recovery mode and all info will be stored in transaction log
Disadvantages: You need a third party log reader in order to read this effectively
Read the log file (*.LDF) in sql server 2008
SQL Server Transaction Log Explorer/Analyzer
Third party tools
I’ve worked with several auditing tools from ApexSQL but there are also good tools from Idera (compliance manager) and Krell software (omni audit)
ApexSQL Audit – Trigger based auditing tool. Generated and manages auditing triggers
ApexSQL Log – Allows auditing by reading transaction log
Under SQL '05 you actually don't need to use triggers. Just take a look at the OUTPUT clause. OUTPUT works with inserts, updates, and deletes.
For example:
INSERT INTO mytable(description, phone)
OUTPUT INSERTED.description, INTO #TempTable
VALUES('blah', '1231231234')
Then you can do whatever you want with the #TempTable, such as inserting those records into a logging table.
As a side note, this is an extremely easy way of capturing the value of an identity field.
You can use Log Rescue. It quite the same as Log Explorer, but it is free.
It can view history of each row in any tables with logging info of user, action and time.
And you can undo to any versions of row without set database to recovery mode.