Get beacon button click (react native) - react-native

I need to use a beacon button as a panic button in a React Native application. So, I need to identify when the user clicks the beacon button. Is that possible? Is there any library that can help me with that?

Yes, if you have a clickable hardware beacon that turns on when you click on it, you can write an app so that it performs some "panic" procedure when that beacon is detected.
For ReactNative, try this package:


How to goBack when using detox and IOS?

According to the detox docs:
going back is Android only. What would be the recommended way of going back with IOS?
As with any interface element, you should set an identifier to the back button and then tap on it in your test.
The back function in Android simulates the physical back button, which is not available on iOS.

Show a button on screen when the app is in background (React Native)

I'm trying to figure out how the apps like facebook messenger shows a circle of user image on screen when a new message comes, and Uber driver app shows the uber icon on screen when the user minimizes it. Is there anyway that I can show a customized component on phone screen even when the app is not open?
This Stackoverflow thread explains how to replicate in react native by changing the java code as its not supported by react native yet.
this feature is not support directly from react native and also this is not supported in ios therefore only you could implement it with java native code in android. to do that you should write a service in android which handle this element life cycle.
Check this below by lord pooria
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts

Force soft keyboard to be displayed even when hardware keyboard is present

I'm creating an app using react-native, the soft keyboard gets suppressed when there's a hardware keyboard connected. I need it to be shown.
I'm essentially asking the same question as here:Show soft keyboard even though a hardware keyboard is connected but specifically for react native.
You mean an external keyboard for your tablet?
You can try to set the keyboard type to 'null'.
You can also try to add the onPress="blur()" prop in your Input/TextInput

How to hide the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView) in WebView in React native? (iOS)

I use WebView in react native and when clicking input and the keyboard open i get with the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView)
how i can hide this line? or control on this part, like change "done" text?
just referred the issues in react-native-webview and found an ios only props called hideKeyboardAccessoryView which may resolve this issue. following links are the way i find-out it and the source code reference . this feature available version 2.3.0 or greater

need the react native app to receive headset button event when the device is in locked state

How to run react native app in background. I need the app to accept the voice command when i click the headset button even when the device is in locked state.
Basically headset button click event should trigger the app to listen for voice. Currently my app accepting the voice command in foreground mode and works. but my requirement is even if device is locked , up on clicking the head set button i should trigger the app.
It wasn't done before but today you can by adding some libraries to create a background service. I believe you can later capture the event you want. this what you will tell us.
Follow this link to learn how to create the background service
Libraries you will need:
React Native Queue