How to hide the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView) in WebView in React native? (iOS) - react-native

I use WebView in react native and when clicking input and the keyboard open i get with the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView)
how i can hide this line? or control on this part, like change "done" text?

just referred the issues in react-native-webview and found an ios only props called hideKeyboardAccessoryView which may resolve this issue. following links are the way i find-out it and the source code reference . this feature available version 2.3.0 or greater


How to close UI Kitten modal on back button press in android?

I am using modal for React Native UI kitten.
But the problem is I did't find anything like onRequestClose prop like the React Native provides for the modal. Nothing mentioned on their API also.
So is there anything like I can close the modal on back button press?
I suggest react-native-modal which is easy to use and customize

How to let react-native picker showing items directly instead of dropdown box?

I am using react-native-picker. In iOS it displays as
I expect android could have the same UI but it always shows a dropdown box
Is there any library to support UI in Android the same way as iOS?
I haven't tested these packages on Android, but have you tried them?
Smooth Picker
React Native Scrollable Picker
ScrollView Picker
Scroll Picker
Let me know if they work for you.

react native avoid scrollview/flatlist shrinking while keyboard is open

In my react native app, I have a header with a search option and a body with content which is a flatlist and a footer. The flatlist is shrinking when the keyboard is active and my footer is showing above the keyboard.
I don't want to shrink flatlist while the keyboard is active or don't want to show the footer while the keyboard is active. how I can achieve that?
You can use KeyboardAvoidingView from react-native.
Please check your android manifest it should have
something like this(please check this)

Can i disable hardware overview button (a recent button) on a phone in react native?

I need disable a recent button. It is possible to implement this functionality when using react native?
About disable recent button when use react native i didn't find any thing. The difficulty is that my project uses expo, therefore i don't can use native modules Image for the button which must to be disabled
As I understand your question, you want to hide android navigation bar. There are 2 ways to achieve that:
Use React Native libraries: There are some libraries supporting you to hide navigation bar.
Hide Android Navigation Bar in React Native
How to hide React Native NavigationBar
How to hide android system' s bottom navigation bar in React Native App without changing MainActivity? Maybe through AndroidManifest?
Write a simple native module to do that: First, you need to read React Native document about Native Modules for Android. If you know how to use that, you can start searching: "android hide navigation bar". For example: How to hide navigation bar permanently in android activity?
In case you have any problems about creating native modules, just provide information about them.

React Native- Persist keyboard when dialog show

My react native version is 0.55.4 , when modal showing keyboard dismiss , how can show modal without dismissing keyboard.
You need a little hack!
For example you can auto focus on a input in your modal (More info)
Or use a custom modal that not related with native keyboard (You can write this yourself or use some package like this)