How to determine whether connected Redis is a single node or cluster mode using StackExchange.Redis? - redis

I only have Azure Redis cache hostname but no other information. Is there any way to tell whether this Redis host name has a Cluster of nodes or just a single node? I am using c# with stackExchange.Redis.

It is not feasible to judge only by Azure Redis cache hostname.
You need at least hostname, groupname, and bearer token.
You can create HttpClient in C# code and use rest api to query the value of shardCount. According to the value of shardCount, you can determine whether your azure redis cache has the cluster function enabled.
If shardCount=1, then it is a single node. If it is greater than 1, it means that the cluster size function is enabled on the portal.
Sample pic:
On portal:
Test rest api online.


Using AWS Elasticache Config Endpoint returns 'READONLY You can't write against a read-only replica'

Disclaimer, I'm new to redis and elasticache.
Referencing an answer in this stackoverflow here.
I have a basic AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster setup:
3 shards, 9 nodes
encryption at rest
However, when I try to connect to the Configuration endpoint I get READONLY You can't write against a read-only replica'.
If I change my connection string to a node endpoint, I connect successfully.
What am I missing here? Why isn't the configuration endpoint navigating me to a non READONLY node?
make sure you are copying the primary end point, replica is only read, Since Redis 2.6, replicas support a read-only mode that is enabled by default. This behavior is controlled by the replica-read-only option in the redis.conf file, and can be enabled and disabled at runtime using CONFIG SET.

How to make AWS Elasticache Redis split read requests across all read replicas?

I have a Redis Elasticache non-clustered instance with one primary node and two read replicas. Using the Stack Exchange Redis client I provide the reader endpoint and make a get request. Based on the documentation I would expect:
A reader endpoint will split incoming connections to the endpoint
between all read replicas in a Redis cluster.
However, 100% of the requests go to one of the read replicas. First question, why? Second question, how do I get Redis to distribute the load across all of the read replicas without having to manage the read instances at an application level?
You should use the "Reader Endpoint" connection string. (the connection string with "-ro")
This will split the connection between your replicas in case you have more than one connection to the Redis Cache server. Also to achieve this you need to have significant CPU usage to the first redis-replica server.

Client's interaction with Redis Cluster

I've started exploring Redis Cluster and it's C client(hiredis). I've been unable to find much info about the client's interaction with the Redis cluster. I've got some queries in this regard:
Does the client make a connection with all the nodes of the cluster(master and slaves) in the beginning?
Is there any coordinator node which proxies the client's request to the correct node?
If not, does the client periodically get the info about the hash-slot holdings of each node in the cluster(in order to send its request to the correct node)?
Which client-cluster connection specific parameters are configurable?
Does the client make a connection with all the nodes?
Yes, the client maintains a connection with all the masters at least.
Is there a coordinator node which proxies the client's request to the correct node?
No, there isn't. By design, redis cluster does not have a proxy.
(Aside: There is some talk of developing a proxy solution for redis - but I don't expect it to be released any time soon.)
Does the client periodically get info about hash slot bindings?
When a client starts up, it builds up a cache of hash-slot mappings. Then, at runtime, if a slot is migrated to another master, redis cluster will return a specific error that will tell the client the new owner for that slot. The client is then expected to cache the new owner, and retry the request against the new node.
As a result of this design, clients usually have a very good cache of every slot and it's owner, and there is very little overhead.
which client connection parameters are configurable?
The most important parameter is the list of server nodes to connect to the cluster. You don't have to specify all the nodes - the client can auto-discover all the masters. As long as even one node is active, the client will discover all the other nodes.
Apart from that, you have connection timeout parameters, parameters to control TLS.

Elasticache with Redis - Client sdks

I have a web farm in amazon and one of my sites need some caching.
I am considering the use of Elasticache redis.
Can anyone shed some ligth on how I would connect and interact with this cache?
I have read about several client sdks like stackexchange redis, service stack etc.
.NET is my preferred platform.
Can these client sdks be used to interact with redis on elasticache?
Anyone know about some documentation and/or code examples using elasticache redis (with the stackexchange redis sdk)?
Im guessing I will have to authenticate using a key / secret pair, is this supported in any of these client sdks?
thanks in advance!
Elasticache is connected to the same way you connect to any other Redis instance. Once you create a new Elasticache instance, you'll be given the hostname to connect to. No need for secret/key pair. All access to the Redis instance there is configured through security groups just like with other AWS instances in EC2, RDS, etc...
With that said, there are two important caveats:
You will only be able to connect to elasticache from within the region and/or VPC in which it's launched, even if you open up the security group to outside IPs (for me, this is one of the biggest reasons not to use Elasticache).
You cannot set a password on your Redis instance. Anyone on a box that is given access to the instance in security groups (keeping in mind the limitations from caveat 1) will be able to get access to your Redis instance with full rights to add/delete/modify whatever keys they like. This is the other big reason not to use Elasticache, though it certainly still has use-cases where these drawbacks are less important.

Failing over with single Replication Group on ElastiCache Redis

I'm testing out ElastiCache backed by Redis with the following specs:
Using Redis 2.8, with Multi-AZ
Single replication group
1 master node in us-east-1b, 1 slave node in us-east-1c, 1 slave node in us-east-1d
The part of the application writing is directly using the endpoint for the master node (
The part of the application doing only reads is pointing to a custom endpoint ( configured in HAProxy, which then points to the two other read slave end points. ( and
Now lets say the primary node (master) fails in us-east-1b.
From what I understand, if the master instance fails, I won't have to change the url for the end point for writing to Redis (, although from there, I still have the following questions:
Do I have to change the endpoint names for the read only slaves?
How long until the missing slave is added into the pool?
If there's anything else I'm missing, I'd appreciate the advice/information.
If you are using ElastiCache, you should make use the "Primary EndpointThe" provided by AWS.
That endpoint actually is backed by Route53, if the primary (master) redis is down, since you enable MutliA-Z, it will auto fail over to one of the read replica (slave).
In that case, you don't need to modify the endpoint of your redis.
I don't know why you have such design, seems you only want write to master, but always read from slave.
For HA Proxy part, you should include TCP check for ALL 3 redis nodes, using their "Read Endpoint"
In haproxy, you can check if the endpoint is SLAVE, if yes, your haproxy should redirect the traffic to that.
Notice that in the application layer, if your redis driver don't support auto reconnect, your script will fail to connect to the new master nodes.
In addition to "auto reconnect", since AWS is using Route53 DNS to do fail over, some lib will NOT do NS lookup again, which means the DNS is still pointing to the OLD ip which is the old master.
Using HAproxy can solve this problem.