LINQ - No data to copy to datatable error -

I encountered an error whenever there's no data to copy to datatable. I'm not able to assign the copied datatable to my variable.
My code ResultDT as Datatable format:
ResultDT = (From d In MainDT.AsEnumerable
Group d By k=d("UPDATED_BRN").ToString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let check = grp.Any(Function ( r ) CheckOrderDT.AsEnumerable.Any(Function (x) x("ACCNT_ID").ToString.Trim.Equals(r("ROW_ID").ToString.Trim )))
From g In grp
Let ra = New Object(){g(0),g(1),g(2),g(3),g(4),g(5),g(6),g(7),g(8),g(9), If(check, "Available",g(10))}
Select ResultDT.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
So I try to change it to check first before copy to datatable but I got a different error.
I change it to - FilteredRows as System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Data.DataRow>:
FilteredRows = (From d In MainDT.AsEnumerable
Group d By k=d("UPDATED_BRN").ToString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let check = grp.Any(Function ( r ) CheckOrderDT.AsEnumerable.Any(Function (x) x("ACCNT_ID").ToString.Trim.Equals(r("ROW_ID").ToString.Trim )))
From g In grp
Let ra = New Object(){g(0),g(1),g(2),g(3),g(4),g(5),g(6),g(7),g(8),g(9), If(check, "Available",g(10))}
Select ResultDT.Rows.Add(ra))
ResultDT = If(FilteredRows.Any, FilteredRows.CopyToDatatable, MainDT.Clone)
But still encountered an error - Cannot assign to ResultDT.
Can anyone suggest a better idea to cater if there's not data in the datatable?


Unable to cast a object of type 'WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2 [VB $ AnonymousType_8`9

I have written a query by using the linq to Datatable, but I don't know what is the type to use to declare my variable queryArchi? I have tried the type System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection(Of Object) but I get a message error :
Unable to cast a object of type 'WhereSelectEnumerableIterator2 [VB $ AnonymousType_89
Dim queryArchi As System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection(Of Object)
Dim queryStructure
If tf = 0 Then
queryArchi = (From b In DataBien.AsEnumerable()
Group b By b!code_projet, b!code_operation, b!code_type, b!Designation_part, b!code_part Into Group
Select code_projet, code_operation, code_type, NBP = Group.Count())
queryArchi = (From b In DataBien.AsEnumerable()
Group b By b!code_projet, b!code_operation, b!code_type, b!Designation_part, b!code_part, b!Titré Into Group
Select code_projet, code_operation, code_type, Titré, NBP = Group.Count())
End If
If vil <> "" Then queryArchi = queryArchi.Where(Function(d) d.code_projet = vil)
queryStructure = queryArchi.ToList

linq to sql The Grid view

I make sales and procurement system and when I work a query, or search the invoice number, the results appear in palm leaves View, but appears only in a row while the bill by no more than one row
And this was used by code
i.m used and database sql and b yway linq to sql
Dim data = (From d In DBVariable.Data.masterfatoras
From f In DBVariable.Data.fatoras
From na In DBVariable.Data.asnafs
From sup In DBVariable.Data.suppliers
Where d.ID = f.mid Where d.num.Contains(txt)
Select d, f, na, sup).FirstOrDefault
TextBoxX1.Text = data.d.num
nammord.Text = (From supp In DBVariable.Data.suppliers Where data.d.idmord = supp.ID Select supp.Name).Single()
txtmord.Text = (From supp In DBVariable.Data.suppliers Where data.d.idmord = supp.ID Select supp.Code).Single()
adrmord.Text = (From supp In DBVariable.Data.suppliers Where data.d.idmord = supp.ID Select supp.Address).Single()
nodaf.Text = data.d.nodfa
' ''نفاصيل الفاتورة
For p As Integer = 0 To gridshraa.Rows.Count - 1
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(2).Value = (From asna In DBVariable.Data.asnafs Where data.f.idname = asna.ID Select asna.Name).Single()
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(1).Value = (From asna In DBVariable.Data.asnafs Where data.f.idname = asna.ID Select asna.code).Single()
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(3).Value = (From asna In DBVariable.Data.asnafs Where data.f.idname = asna.ID Select asna.unit).Single()
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(4).Value = data.f.qty
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(5).Value = data.f.price
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(6).Value = data.f.totprice
End Try

Linq IEnumerable to entity cast error

Please refer to my following code. An exception error occurs at the return value.
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery1[VB$AnonymousType_23[System.String,System.String,System.String]]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyEntities.stk_cust]'.
Public Function GetCustomerProdListToGrid() As List(Of stk_cust)
Dim result = From s In Db.stk_cust
Group Join d In Db.s_armaster On d.dbcode Equals s.dbcode Into stk_ar = Group
From d In stk_ar.DefaultIfEmpty()
Order By s.stk_code, s.dbcode Ascending
Select s.stk_code, s.dbcode,
Return result
End Function
I've tried the following method at select section but error turns out the same
Select New With {.stk_code = s.stk_code,
.dbcode = s.dbcode,
.name =
Any help is highly appreciated.
If you want to return a List(Of stk_cust) you need to create instances of stk_cust instead of using an anonymous type. Presuming that those are the properties:
Select New stk_cust() With {
.stk_code = s.stk_code,
.dbcode = s.dbcode,
.name =
Return result.ToList()
Maybe you could also select the object directly without needing to create a new one:
Dim result = From s In Db.stk_cust
Group Join d In Db.s_armaster On d.dbcode Equals s.dbcode Into stk_ar = Group
From d In stk_ar.DefaultIfEmpty()
Order By s.stk_code, s.dbcode Ascending
Select s
Return result.ToList()

how to perform groupby in linq on DataTable inside vb code?

How do I perform group in LINQ inside vb code ( v4.0) with DataTable and sum on the group?
In the sample below I need to add group by GroupName, ProductName and perform sum on QTY. The columns, order and where should remain as in sample, I just need to add the group and sum. The format should remain the same (getting row using e("FieldName")).
Dim ordersTable As DataTable = _dsProd.Tables("tblProductSummary")
Dim query =
(From e In ordersTable
Where (e("Type").ToString() = "1" Or IsDBNull(e("Type")))
Order By e("GroupSortOrder") Ascending, e("ProductName")
GroupName = e("GroupName"),
ProductName = e("ProductName"),
QTY = e("QTY"),
Type= e("Type")
Dim query =
(From e In ordersTable
Where (e("Type").ToString() = "1" Or IsDBNull(e("Type")))
Order By e("GroupSortOrder") Ascending, e("ProductName")
Group e By Key = New With {
.ProductName = e("ProductName"),
.GroupName = e("GroupName")
} Into Group
Select New With {
.ProductName = Key.ProductName,
.GroupName = Key.GroupName,
.Sum = Group.Sum(Function(x) x("QTY"))

Linq To SQL: left join and vb.NET

I have this SQL query:
SELECT TOP 1 r.* FROM dbo.Request r
LEFT JOIN dbo.Process p
ON r.IdReq = p.IdReq
I want write it in a procedure, using Linq To SQL syntax:
Private Function getOldestRequest() As Request
Dim dc As ProcessDataContext = new ProcessDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("...").ConnectionString);
Dim pr = From r In dc.Request
From p In dc.Process.Where(Function(v) v.IdReq = r.IdReq And v.idProcess Is Nothing)
Select New {Request = r}
Return pr
End Function
This is what I wrote, but I get error, on the Return line.
LINQ statements return IEnumerable objects, and your method is returning a single Request object. In your case looks like you only need to return the first result of the LINQ statement.
Something like:
Dim pr = (From r In dc.Request
From p In dc.Process.Where(Function(v) v.IdReq = r.IdReq And v.idProcess Is Nothing)
Select New {Request = r}).FirstOfDefault
Return pr
Change your Select to
Select r
And your return to
Return pr.OrderBy(Function(v) v.RecDate).FirstOrDefault