linq to sql The Grid view -

I make sales and procurement system and when I work a query, or search the invoice number, the results appear in palm leaves View, but appears only in a row while the bill by no more than one row
And this was used by code
i.m used and database sql and b yway linq to sql
Dim data = (From d In DBVariable.Data.masterfatoras
From f In DBVariable.Data.fatoras
From na In DBVariable.Data.asnafs
From sup In DBVariable.Data.suppliers
Where d.ID = f.mid Where d.num.Contains(txt)
Select d, f, na, sup).FirstOrDefault
TextBoxX1.Text = data.d.num
nammord.Text = (From supp In DBVariable.Data.suppliers Where data.d.idmord = supp.ID Select supp.Name).Single()
txtmord.Text = (From supp In DBVariable.Data.suppliers Where data.d.idmord = supp.ID Select supp.Code).Single()
adrmord.Text = (From supp In DBVariable.Data.suppliers Where data.d.idmord = supp.ID Select supp.Address).Single()
nodaf.Text = data.d.nodfa
' ''نفاصيل الفاتورة
For p As Integer = 0 To gridshraa.Rows.Count - 1
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(2).Value = (From asna In DBVariable.Data.asnafs Where data.f.idname = asna.ID Select asna.Name).Single()
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(1).Value = (From asna In DBVariable.Data.asnafs Where data.f.idname = asna.ID Select asna.code).Single()
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(3).Value = (From asna In DBVariable.Data.asnafs Where data.f.idname = asna.ID Select asna.unit).Single()
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(4).Value = data.f.qty
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(5).Value = data.f.price
gridshraa.Rows(p).Cells(6).Value = data.f.totprice
End Try


Linq :Query Join And Equals( variable) Not Work

Dim ID_Section as Int32 = 10
Dim Query = From Book1 In db.Book1
Group Join Section In db.Section On CInt(Book1.ID_Section) Equals Section.ID_section _
And Section.ID_section Equals (ID_Section) Into Section_join = Group
From Section In Section_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
ID_section = Section.ID_section,
Name_Section = Section.Name_Section
The error appears in the variable id_Section, since the Linq does not accept values ​​from the outside, as it seems to me of course.
Here Error :
And Section.ID_section Equals (ID_Section)
In SQL Query Use At :
Declare #ID_Section int
SELECT Book.ID_Book, Book.Name_Book, Section.ID_section, Section.Name_Section
Section ON Book.ID_Section = Section.ID_section and Section.ID_section = #ID_Section
where Book.ID_Book =1
Using Where on db.Section with lambda syntax:
Dim Query = From Book1 In db.Book1
Group Join Section In db.Section.Where(Function(s) s.ID_section = ID_Section)
On CInt(Book1.ID_Section) Equals Section.ID_section _
Into Section_join = Group
From Section In Section_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
ID_section = Section.ID_section,
Name_Section = Section.Name_Section
Alternatively you can apply the Where to the Join results:
Dim Query = From Book1 In db.Book1
Group Join Section In db.Section
On CInt(Book1.ID_Section) Equals Section.ID_section _
Into Section_join = Group
From Section In Section_join.Where(Function(s) s.ID_section = ID_Section).DefaultIfEmpty()
ID_section = Section.ID_section,
Name_Section = Section.Name_Section

Update a table from another table

I have got 2 tables "animal_breeds" and "ztmp.ztmp_509810_anims_out". In "animals breed" every animal has key and breed name and percentage. Few animals might have 2 different breeds with different percentage. Now based on the animals key in "animals_breeds" i want to update "ztmp.ztmp_509810_anims_out"
i am using this code which i know is wrong
update ztmp.ztmp_509810_anims_out
alt_id1 = ab.breed
,alt_id2 = pcnt
,alt_id3 = ab.breed
,alt_id4 = pcnt
,alt_id5 = ab.breed
,alt_id6 = pcnt
,alt_id7 = ab.breed
,alt_id8 = pcnt
from animal_breeds ab
where ab.soc_code = ztmp_509810_anims_out.soc_code and ab.animals_key = ztmp_509810_anims_out.animals_key
and ab.soc_code = 'AUNDB';
could i use a for loop inside an update statement?
UPDATE ztmp.ztmp_509810_anims_out AS z
SET soc_code = q.soc_code,
animals_key = q.animals_key,
alt_id1 = breeds[1],
alt_id2 = pcnts[1],
alt_id3 = breeds[2],
alt_id4 = pcnts[2]
FROM (SELECT soc_code, animals_key,
array_agg(breed) breeds, array_agg(pcnt) pcnts
FROM animal_breeds
GROUP BY soc_code, animals_key
) q
WHERE z.soc_code = q.soc_code
AND z.animals_key = q.animals_key;
If there can be more than 2 breeds per animals_key, add breeds[3] and pcnts[3] and so on.

Why is this dropdown not populating?

I have three dropdowns; the second one (Members) populates based on what's in the first (Units), and the third one (Customers) SHOULD populate based on what's in the second; but it doesn't.
Here's the query that works in LINQPad (returns a list of Company names):
select distinct companyname from customers C left join members M on M.MemberNo = C.MemberNo where M.MemberNo = '052' order by companyname
...but does not work in the following code:
'Populate the Members dropdown
Dim selectedUnit As String = DropDownListUnits.Text
Dim membersDT As DataTable
sql = "select distinct shortname, M.memberno from members M left join memberunitproducts mup on M.MemberNo = mup.MemberNo where unit = '" + selectedUnit + "' order by shortname"
retDS = sqlDAL.runSQLDataSet(sql)
membersDT = retDS.Tables(0)
DropDownListMembers.DataSource = membersDT
DropDownListMembers.DataTextField = "shortname"
DropDownListMembers.DataValueField = "memberno"
'Populate the Customers dropdown
Dim selectedMember As String = DropDownListMembers.DataValueField
Dim customersDT As DataTable
sql = "select distinct companyname from customers C left join members M on M.MemberNo = C.MemberNo where M.MemberNo = '" + selectedMember + "' order by companyname"
retDS = sqlDAL.runSQLDataSet(sql)
customersDT = retDS.Tables(0)
DropDownListCustomers.DataSource = customersDT
DropDownListCustomers.DataTextField = "companyname"
DropDownListCustomers.DataValueField = "companyname"
The third (Customers) dropdown remains unpopulated when this runs - why?
It's probably not needed, but here is the code for the first ("Units") dropdown:
'Populate the Units dropdown
Dim unitsDT As DataTable
sql = "Select distinct unit from masterunits where abs(active) = 1"
retDS = sqlDAL.runSQLDataSet(sql)
unitsDT = retDS.Tables(0)
DropDownListUnits.DataSource = unitsDT
DropDownListUnits.DataTextField = "unit"
DropDownListUnits.DataValueField = "unit"
What am I missing or doing wrong?
I had to change this:
Dim selectedMember As String = DropDownListMembers.DataValueField this:
Dim selectedMember As String = DropDownListMembers.SelectedItem.Value

sql to linq in

I have to convert it to Linq in I am new to sql to linq. Guidance welcomed
select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.StartDt,112) datenew,
COUNT(distinct(b.EmployerAccountOid)) companymoved,
COUNT(distinct(c.EmployerAccountOid)) companyfailed,
COUNT(distinct(d.ProductAccountOid)) planmoved,
COUNT(distinct(e.ProductAccountOid)) planfailed
from ebp.MgnCOREDCDataGroupMigrationRun a
left join ebp.MgnCOREDCMigrationRun b
on a.MigrationRunID = b.MigrationRunID
And TypeCd = 1 and a.MigrationStatusCd = 4
left join ebp.MgnCOREDCMigrationRun c
on a.MigrationRunID = c.MigrationRunID
and TypeCd = 1 and a.MigrationStatusCd = 5
left join ebp.MgnCOREDCMigrationRun d
on a.MigrationRunID = d.MigrationRunID
and TypeCd = 2 and a.MigrationStatusCd = 4
left join ebp.MgnCOREDCMigrationRun e
on a.MigrationRunID = e.MigrationRunID
and TypeCd = 2 and a.MigrationStatusCd = 5
group by CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.StartDt,112)
I tried to convert it to Linq with fail.
Dim query1= (From migrationgroup In UnitOfWork.DbContext.Set( Of MgnCOREDCDataGroupMigrationRun)()
Group Join migration In UnitOfWork.Set(of MgnCOREDCMigrationRun)() On migrationgroup.MigrationRunID Equals migration.MigrationRunID And migrationgroup.TypeCode = 1 And migrationgroup.MigrationStatusCode=4 _
Into migrationErrorGrp = Group
From mgeg In migrationErrorGrp.DefaultIfEmpty()
Group Join migration1 In UnitOfWork.Set(of MgnCOREDCMigrationRun)() On migration1.MigrationRunID Equals migrationgroup.MigrationRunID And migrationgroup.TypeCode = 1 And migrationgroup.MigrationStatusCode=4 _
Into migrationErrorGrp1 = Group
From mgeg1 In migrationErrorGrp1.DefaultIfEmpty()
Group Join migration2 In UnitOfWork.Set(of MgnCOREDCMigrationRun)() On migration2.MigrationRunID Equals migrationgroup.MigrationRunID And migrationgroup.TypeCode = 2 And migrationgroup.MigrationStatusCode=5 _
Into migrationErrorGrp2 = Group
From mgeg2 In migrationErrorGrp2.DefaultIfEmpty()
Group Join migration3 In UnitOfWork.Set(of MgnCOREDCMigrationRun)() On migration3.MigrationRunID Equals migrationgroup.MigrationRunID And migrationgroup.TypeCode = 2 And migrationgroup.MigrationStatusCode=5 _
Into migrationErrorGrp3 = Group
From mgeg3 In migrationErrorGrp3.DefaultIfEmpty()
Group By CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),migrationgroup.StartDt,112) into g
select New With{CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),migrationgroup.StartDt,112),
Count(distinct(migration.EmployerAccountOid)) ,
If IsNothing(query1) Then
Return Nothing
End If
coredcmigrationhistory =
From coredcmigrationrow In query1()
My query is non-queryable. Can anybody guide me where I m goin wrong

Query not updating the correct Rows

Trying to update the fact table with late coming dimension data. See Code below
UPDATE FactVehicleStock
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_BidDateTime] = B.Bid_Date_and_Time,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_AuctionDate] = B.Date_opened_for_tender,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_OriginalLoadDate] = B.Original_Load_date,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_ServiceHistory] = B.Service_History,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_ReservedPrice] = B.Reserve_price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_BidPrice] = B.Bid_Price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_OriginalReservedPrice] = B.Original_Reserve_Price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_NoOfTimesReloaded] = B.Number_of_times_reloaded
FROM BMR_DWH.dbo.FactVehicleStock as A
INNER JOIN BMR_STAGE.dbo.STG_Traders_Online as B
ON A.StockbookNumber = B.Stock_Number
INNER JOIN BMR_DWH.[dbo].[DimDealership] as C
FROM BMR_DWH.[dbo].[DimDealership]
INNER JOIN [BMR_STAGE].[dbo].[STG_Traders_Online] E
Try to use the right UPDATE SELECT Syntaxe.
If you look at the code I did, I had to change a bit your query to do the joins. See if it fits to you.
UPDATE BMR_DWH.dbo.FactVehicleStock as a
INNER JOIN BMR_STAGE.dbo.STG_Traders_Online as B
ON A.StockbookNumber = B.Stock_Number
FROM BMR_DWH.[dbo].[DimDealership] as C
INNER JOIN [BMR_STAGE].[dbo].[STG_Traders_Online] E
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_BidDateTime] = B.Bid_Date_and_Time,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_AuctionDate] = B.Date_opened_for_tender,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_OriginalLoadDate] = B.Original_Load_date,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_ServiceHistory] = B.Service_History,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_ReservedPrice] = B.Reserve_price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_BidPrice] = B.Bid_Price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_OriginalReservedPrice] = B.Original_Reserve_Price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_NoOfTimesReloaded] = B.Number_of_times_reloaded