I want to encode a link in react native, no idea which library to use. example link
original 1: HSBC Holdings PLC
original 2:Software & Services
encoded 1: HSBC+Holdings+PLC
encoded 2:Software+%26+Services
what i tried :
import { encode } from "html-entities";
encode("Software & Services", { mode: "nonAsciiPrintable", level: "html5" })
what i got:
Software & Services
In order to get the type of conversion you're looking for (which I'm assuming are the examples you put first in your question), you can use encodeURIComponent -- this is built in to Javascript -- no library required. By default, that uses %20 for spaces, so you can convert those with RegEx to the pluses:
encodeURIComponent("Software & Services").replace(/%20/g, "+")
The HTML entities library you referenced is a little different -- it converts the special charters for use in HTML, not a URL like the examples that you gave.
I want to use the value of my variable in Go template as-is but Go is adding extra quotes around it. E.g., for a Go template like
I want to get the output as
but the template is giving me the following instead:
How can I fix it (get rid of all the extra quotes or better suspend them all)? See https://play.golang.org/p/uKpgXdLv5gM
Go template also changed "orgId=1&refresh=30s" to orgId=1\u0026refresh=30s, how to avoid that?
Moreover, if I add https:// to the front of my url, the output is truncated. How to fix that as well?
Finally, is it possible to escape "`" within "`"?
As per Go HTML template doc:
HTML templates treat data values as plain text which should be encoded so they can be safely embedded in an HTML document. The escaping is contextual, so actions can appear within JavaScript, CSS, and URI contexts.
The security model used by this package assumes that template authors are trusted, while Execute's data parameter is not. More details are provided below.
It means JavaScript escaping is enabled whenever the go HTML template engine detects that it is within a <script> tag, (i.e., it has nothing to do with whether using regular " or not as the first commenter thinks). So
to get the output as
instead of:
Do not wrap it with <script> & </script> tag.
Do the concatenation after template Execute().
Again, with <script> & </script> tag wrapped around, I'm getting:
var url = `"Mysite":"3000"/"from/here"/${othervars}?"orgId=1\u0026refresh=30s"`
vs. without <script> & </script> tag wrapped around it, I'm getting:
var url = `Mysite:3000/from/here/${othervars}?orgId=1&refresh=30s`
Just what I need.
However, my actual case is that I'm using go HTML template engine to process my .html template files, so I cannot really do the concatenation afterwards, as everything is defined in the .html template file. So, just as Martin Gallagher has shown in his code, for such case, using template function seems to be the only option.
But even that might not be a viable option, as this is what I'm getting out of Martin's code:
var url = "Mysite:3000\/from\/here?orgId=1\u0026refresh=30s"
It is still not exactly what I wanted:
var url = `Mysite:3000/from/here/${othervars}?orgId=1&refresh=30s`
So maybe with such case, it indeed has no ideal solution.
I'm building an small application with react native to read the barcode from an ID document, and extract the user information. I use react-native-camera to read the barcode successfully but now I need to decode the binary data. Here is a sample of what is returned when scanned:
A10995848VISITOR000000000000889950JHONSMITH 19990525M201812156814O+US2FMR 20Ú±GôôÅÅP~Zú<Zê-àú-*òZäîF:wZà8[U"#~Z4æUîFjUBö6UFU¸ZÔHYZ:FZ¾äyZT&U¶¢ZP80UÚ¸aZ#ÂZ¦ZàldZÖ¦_UzZp"ZÞvZ,¤PX¾CU7FMR 20Ú±GôôÅÅPòUöPØ ZêU.Z$6xZBZºZΡZÖÔyUÜVZ<ÞZP8ZV Z$fZ´Þ~ZFÖZXðZ &Z$¸¦Zö®U>fZNVPÀjEU$~Ul0K¸¼tZ:~dPZ2Z¬hEU
I can see the information I need, for example the birth date (19990525), names (JHON SMITH), document number (889950), but I can't see a way to isolate it.
You can do this in javascript with js-zxing-pdf417 . there is also a demo for the project.
I am using Aurelia-Validation in my project and trying to validate email address. When I add an email example#g, it passes the validation. Shouldn't email validation have .com, .net, etc extension at the end to pass the validation? See the plunker link as an example.
Here is the screenshot to show what I mean:
This is a bit nit-picky, but like emix already pointed out in comments, the validation regex used by aurelia-validation is currently the widely accepted standard as specified by WHATWG. This is the same regex as documented on MDN and w3.org.
Mozilla seems to follow this specification for validating input type="email" at least. I couldn't find any official sources on chrome or edge though.
The JavaScript version of that regex is:
In simple terms this translates to:
(required) before the # symbol, any number of alphanumeric characters and (certain) symbols
(required) after the # symbol, between 1 and 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens (and cannot start or end with a hyphen)
(optional) same as 2 (but starting with a period), repeated for any number of times
If you want to restrict this validation to emails which are routable in the internet, simply change the asterisk * at the end of the regex to a plus +. That keeps the regex identical except there must now be at least one segment starting with a period.
Made change to my validation rule with below code:
Original code:
Modified code with matches pattern:
See the screenshot:
In the latest versions I think we can use Validators.pattern(REGEX_VALID_EMAIL) instead of Validators.email in the formControl validator.
and REGEX_VALID_EMAIL can be the following.
const REGEX_VALID_EMAIL = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+$/
I have a Scrapy spider that is fetching a web page (from ESPN as it happens) and then extracting a JSON string from the web page using Selector.re()
sel = Selector(response)
j = sel.re(u'window\.espn\.scoreboardData[ \t]*=[ \t]*{.*?};')
I then parse the JSON as so:
start = j[0].index('{')
json_data = json.loads(j[0][start:-1])
This works fine until the JSON string contains a string with an embedded quote character. If I look at the web page with the browser's View Source, I see something like this as part of the JSON string:
"shortLinkText":"Georgia Tech and "Fab Three" beat Jackson State"
The embedded quote character has been encoded as the HTML equivalent. However, in the string I get back within Scrapy, that has been decoded into a quote character:
"shortLinkText":"Georgia Tech and "Fab Three" beat Jackson State"
This causes the JSON parser to fail for obvious reasons.
Is there any workaround for this situation? A way to force Scrapy not to decode the HTML character?
I am developing an iOS Application for scanning QR Codes. I am successfully able to scan and get code from QR code.
My question is what are possible data types and format I can expect from QR Codes?
During my search on google I found QR Code can be used for
Contact data
Calendar data
Email address
Phone number
Plain text
Geo location
Is this the complete list and is there same standard to represent above data in QR Codes? Means same way of generating QR Code for above QR types.
Is there any standard way of generating and representing data in QR Code?
Basically your text information has to be identifiable for what it is:
There is a very good summary here.
Contact data - use MeCard, or vCard (much more verbose), e.g.: MECARD:Surname, First;ADR:123 Some St., Town, Zip Code, Country;EMAIL:some_name#some_ip.com;TEL:+11800123123;BDAY:19550231;;
Calendar data - There are two formats about iCalendar (.ics) & vCalendar (.vcs). These formats can also include location, alarm, to-do items, etc. Note that these are both verbose formats and you may be better off using a short URL to an online file in the file format but the person scanning needs to have internet connectivity and be willing to trust the QR code not to be doing anything bad.
URL: Start your url with the standard format specifier such as http://, e.g.: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19900835/qr-code-possible-data-types-or-standards
Email address - Start with mailto:SomeOne#SomeWhere.org gives:
Phone number - Start with tel: e.g. tel:+1-212-555-1212 gives:
SMS - See the RFC 5724.
Plain text - Just include the text.
Geo location - Use the geo:lat,long,alt format URI: geo:40.71872,-73.98905,100 (100 feet above Googles offices) gives:
WIFI - (ssid is 'abc' and password is '1234'). For WEP encryption: WIFI:S:abc;T:WEP;P:1234;;. For WPA/WPA2: WIFI:S:abc;T:WPA;P:1234;;. Without encryption: WIFI:S:abc;T:nopass;P:1234;;.
All the above example were generated with the Python qrcode package from the command line.
Basically, QR Code returns text data that can be of any type. You can put any type of data in any string format in QR Code. It totally depends on you.
You can consider it as
[NSString stringWithFormat].
Github - Zxing (Barcode Contents) has a summary.
There may or may not be a standard.
If you are looking for non-standard formats,
please update your documentation and contribute to open source.