Google OAuth 2.0 Playground Step 1 Authorize APIs 404 not found - google-oauth

it's my first time to ask question on stackoverflow.
I am trying to write some data from Raspberry Pi to Google Sheets directly, and followed this article "Get Credentials for Google Spreadsheet" to get authentification.
Everything was smooth till Google OAuth 2.0 Playground. I sellected all URLs under Google Sheets API V4, then clicked "Authorize APIs". I got the message: "404 Not Found The resource could not be found."
Please advise the possible steps which I may did wrong, then I can try to figure out the solution. Thank you.


Verification process for google picker

my dev and I would like to implement the google picker on our website. It will allow the web-visitor to upload their files from their Google drive to our website.
My dev is now trying to get the API for the google picker however they are asking for a "demo video that showcases the process to request an OAuth token" and we were wondering how we should do it when we don't have the API from google.
We are doing all of this on the staging site and we were wondering how are we suppose to do this demo video when the API is not provided and not installed.
please enlighten us, thank you!
See the question How can I make sure the verification process is as streamlined as possible? in the FAQ. It explains what the verification team is looking for with the video. Mostly it's just about showing how your product uses OAuth and the various APIs -- in your case how it asks for access to Drive, how the picker is used, etc. You're showing the integration from the user perspective.

Is OAuth2 with Google Gadgets on Google Sites supported?

My various Google Gadgets embedded on Google Sites broke yesterday with the deprecation of OAuth1 by Google. I am unable to find a working example of an oauth2 gadget that works on Google Sites.
Could anybody kindly confirm that this is indeed supposed to work and do you have an example? :)
My fear is that the note on this page:
Note: Writing OAuth gadgets is no longer supported.
spells bad news for me!

How can I get hold of a Google Calendar API?

I'm trying to integrate my Google Calendar with a plugin I installed on my page.
To do so I need the ID and the API of the calendar.
I managed to find the ID following Google's support page, but it's hours now that I've been trying to get hold of the API.
Firstly this and more can be answered here: ...the home to 1-to-1 google api help with lots of videos, guides, examples, templates and code submissions.
see demo:
To get a Google API you need to setup an API script to call the Google servers.
This can be achieved with OAuth Authentication with either:
a Client Account or...
a Service Account
Head to here to setup your API's & Auth:
Head here for official documentation:

Unable to download google data python library/ links on google sites documentation page not working

I am unable to download the client library for java or for python. The link for python libs:
Also, The links
and at
and many other links on the documentation page of Google sites API aren't working. They return "page not found".
Is there a problem with my connection?
Please help
I could download the python client library from just fine.
However the link is broken, "page not found" for me as well...
... however this link works:
Maybe someone at Google just did an update?
You'll have to be more specific about which other links that aren't working.

Google PHP API - (403) Access Not Configured

Im using the Google PHP API Client to retrieve data from the google API.
Logging in thru OAuth2 and fetch user information works like a charm, but when I'm attempting to access the goole analytics api i get this 403 code error every time. Hundreds of users with the same problem forgot to activate the Google Analytics API in the service settings, or simply provided incorrect credentials (client_id & client_secret). I've tried to enable/disable the Google Analytics multiple times, and logging in/out from my google accounts, but no result.
Anyone that has any pointers for me?
(Remember, the OAuth procedure works, since I'm getting both an access_token and refresh_token)
I'm using the simple.php example in the class examples folder...
I'm working on Drive myself and understand the issue. I've been having some troubles understanding Google and their PHP api somewhat. I've finally got it to work with some clarification of examples found around the internet.
Your problem sounds like you didn't set your scope to Google analytics but, please be clear in the steps you've taken as well as the code you've tried using.
The error could be as simple as forgetting this line in your oAuth callback file:
To something complex as understanding if you need a full paid account to access information from Google about your Analytics (not included as free like Google+ and Google drive).