Testing in Gitlab CI/CD with different dependacies versions - testing

I'm currently developing a (Laravel) package on Gitlab, and i want to automate testing using its CI/CD pipeline.
The problem
I already know ho to set up a pipeline in Gitlab, but what i want to achieve is to automate testing against different versions of the same dependancy, in order to keep checking compatibility with old version and add checking with upcoming new ones.
The case
My Laravel package is not so complex right now and don't use some particular nor specific Laravel features, so i would like to keep it compatible with te more versions of laravel possible: i would trigger different testing stages in my pipeline to run my tests against laravel 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6, 7, and 8.
The question
How do i trigger different testing stages using different laravel/framework versions?
When downloading dependancies composer will go for the latest version available if i define it with '^', so which files do i have to edit?

Ok, i've analyzed the problem a bit more, and made some considerations about it.
I'm writing not to properly answer my question, since i hope someone will eventually came up with a better solution/idea, but to just share some toughts with everyone is facing the same problem.
First: since i'm developing a package for Laravel i cannot declare laravel as dependancy for it, production nor develop, it is my laravel project that need to declare my package as a dependancy.
Second: to test my package compatibility with laravel i'm using orchestra/testbench as a dev-dependancy, and as for its documentation every release target a single and precise Laravel version, so if i want to test my package against different Laravel version i need to test it with different orchestra/testbench releases.
Third: the only dependancy my package has is just php 7.3, so i can easily test against this and subsequent version using Gitlab pipeline and creating a job for each php version that use a docker image with the correct php version and the last composer one.
It is not trivial nor straight to test a Laravel package against different Laravel version.
The only idea i came up with, but not tried since i gave it up aj just test php versions (for now) is to make a branch for each Laravel version i want to test with and update its composer.json dev-dependancy with the correct orchestra/testbench release.
Than i can execute php tests on my features branch merge request, and in case of success merge the develop branch on each "laravel branch" and execute on those the laravel compatibility test.
At last, if every laravel branch pass its tests, or at least the ones i decide to keep deevelopment/support active for, i can merge the develop branch on the master.
I'm not goig for it
I decided to avoid all of this since i'm not quite sure on how implement all of this on the pipeline, and i strongly think that it just adds mantainence burden to this project.
So i just keep the php jobs to check against different php versions, this way i just need to copy/paste a job definition in my gitlab-cy.yml file and change the docker image version accordingly to the new php version to test against.


Managing feature branch versions with npm for component packages

We have a React App which uses some components written by us and published to our internal npm repository. Our code is maintained in Bitbucket Data Center, the build is done with Bamboo and the npm repository is hosted in JFrog Artifactory. We work with feature branches and pull requests for developing new features.
It happens often that a new feature in the app, requires a change in the component. In this case, each repository (the App and the component) will have its own feature branch and pull request. Many times the component interface changes, so that the App needs the pull request version of the component and not the mainline one to build and to be tested.
The build is done exclusively by the build server, so that the bundled javascript files are not committed to git.
Let's say the component has version 1.0.0. A new feature in the App needs a change in the component. In this case, the component version will incremented to 1.0.1. We don't want to publish it to Artifactory, until version 1.0.1 is tested, but at the same time, the build of the new App version needs the changes from version 1.0.1.
Our current solution is to change the package version of the component during the build of feature branches to something like 0.<Ticket #>.<Build #>. This 0.x.x version will be published to Artifactory so that the App feature branch can use it to compile.
We use 0.x.x so that the version is never bigger than the current released version. Once the component is merged to the main branch, it will compile with the right version (1.0.1) and will be published to Artifactory again.
I find this solution cumbersome, it requires some funny build scripts, making sure that the branch name always follows some convention and teaching developers about it.
I wonder if there is a better way for managing pull requests and feature branches using npm, without having to manipulate the package.json during build time, depending if it is a feature branch or the main branch.
Sounds like you are using artifactory like a secondary version / staging for the npm package, just use npm?
I am not in devops, but have worked on a few packages, testing a package that has not been released does not sound like testing the package - what about using a beta tag npm publish --tag beta, pulling that into your app npm i package#beta then testing your application in a staging environment?
As i expect you know if you apply a tag then the tag would need to be specified to be pulled into a repo so you can use it to deter users from using that version of the package - an i believe you can delete versions later if you are dead set on not having it public.
Here is a medium article which may be helpful?

move shopware content of different versions

I want to migrate a shopware with shopware 3.5.4 version to shopware 5 version, but I cannot update it. I'm also trying to transfer its contents and theme to shopware 5, which I just installed. Is there a short way I can do this
There isn't any short way.
You must update to some intermediate version.
If you made it to version 4.2 you can update in these steps:
See also the shopware 5 changelog
In the shopware github repository, you can find all versions since 4.0.1 as tags.
As most old versions of shopware (at least the ones I got to know) are pretty "tinkered", the easy way moving to recent shopware is:
Copy database and local files to a supporting host (keep in mind that you will need older versions of PHP)
Disable (better uninstall) every plugin and theme, switch to default theme
Upgrade to SW4, then upgrade to recent version of shopware 5 by following this guide strictly https://docs.shopware.com/de/shopware-5-de/update-guides
Use import/export tool to export all product and order data
You might as well succeed by skipping step 3, applying all db-migrations, and using the db with your fresh installation, but I guess you will run into trouble with your media files (images etc. might not be usable anymore).
Another way might be writing a small script to export all data to csv and import it with the native tool.
There is no way (that I know of) to make your old theme working in recent versions of SW5. Before creating a new one, keep in mind SW5 will quite soon be EOL, and SW6 is much faster and way ahead in usability. You could use SW6's import functions to move from SW5 to the recent release.

Publish Elm19 package, which first version was published as 18 package at a time Elm19 was already out

Some time after the release of Elm19 I published a library, which I needed for an Elm18 code base: thought2/elm-wikimedia-commons.
This worked well, it's listed in the community driven Elm18 package database: https://dmy.github.io/elm-0.18-packages/, can be installed and all good. Except the fact that the documentation is not shown in the package details, but that I heard is a known bug there. (But still I think this is very bad)
But the main problem is now, how to migrate the library to Elm 19: The actual migration steps are done and live in the master branch of the repo: http://github.com/thought2/elm-wikimedia-commons
The Elm18 versions proceeded to 1.1.0 in the meanwhile and after the migration there had to be done an API change, so I'd assume the latest version to become 2.0.0. If I add this to elm.json, the command elm publish tells me that this would be the first version and I should change this. Which is not right.
After a bit of research, I found out that the package (among other 18 ones that have been published in the same time period) is not listed in this json: https://package.elm-lang.org/all-packages This should contain all packages regardless of versions.
Any ideas what to do? This is really blocking my development, as I'm stuck in both lands now: 18 and 19. Would appreciate a lot if someone has some hints or solutions for me!
You shouldn't need to mess with the version number specified in elm.json.
If you set it back to the version of the package that is already published and run elm bump the elm program will look at the changes you've made to the package's API and set the new version accordingly.
Looking at https://github.com/thought2/elm-wikimedia-commons it doesn't look like any of your upgrade changes were breaking changes to your package API so the version won't be a 2.x.x, it will be a 1.x.x.
You'll need to remove the 2.0.0 git tag as well and instead add a tag for the version that elm bump tells you that your package is.

Differences between aspnetcidev and aspnetvnext?

What are the differences between aspnetcidev and aspnetvnext?
I see that aspnetcidev says "quick builds", but what does this mean?
Jan 29, 2016 edit:
This information is now part of the ASP.NET wiki: https://github.com/aspnet/Home/wiki/NuGet-feeds
The ASP.NET build system uses 3 myget feeds for each branch + nuget.org.
aspnetvolatile<branch> (aspnetvolatiledev/aspnetvolatilerelease)
aspnetci<branch> (aspnetcidev/aspnetcirelease)
aspnetvnext (dev branch)/aspnetrelease (release branch)
After each repo under github.com/aspnet builds successfully, each package produced by it is pushed to the corresponding volatile feed.
After the graph of repos is build, we trigger the Coherence build. This build verifies that the packages have matching versions and their references are correct (that they are coherent). Then, it pushes them to aspnetci<branch>.
Once the Coherence build passes, we run all our tests on the packages in the aspnetci<branch> feed. If the tests pass, we sign the packages and ship them to aspnetvnext or aspnetrelease
So the differences are:
latest packages
possible not coherent
not tested
not signed
updated on every checkin
mostly used to diagnose build failure
possible not latest
not tested
not signed
updated when all repos build successfully
used by our build system
aspnetvnext/ (aspnetrelease|nuget.org)
possible not latest
updated when everything works
used for stable packages
Once the aspnetcirelease feed is stable, we push the packages from it to nuget.org.
Unless you work on developing new features for ASP.NET, I recommend that you use aspnetvnext (for dev bits) or nuget.org (for release bits). The release feed (aspnetrelease) is just a staging feed and it's not always in a good shape.
I think it's easier to understand from a table:
I'm abrade that you can get the exact answer on the question only from Microsoft. You can open https://www.myget.org/gallery and filter for "aspnet" for example and will find many other repositories published for different teams.
For me more interesting is the information displayed by .NET Version Manager: dnvm (without parameters):
Thus, for me, the source https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v2/ (or https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v3/index.json) is the "official" place for the night builds of ASP.NET 5.
On the other side by filtering of https://www.myget.org/gallery "aspnet" you can see that aspnetvnext contains more distinct packages as aspnetcidev.
It's clear that both repositories probably contains different set of packages.
One important example where the repository https://www.myget.org/gallery/aspnetcidev be used is the new .NET Command Line Interface (.NET CLI) which you find on GitHub here. The new dotnet utility uses https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetcidev/api/v3/index.json together with many other sources in https://github.com/dotnet/cli/blob/master/NuGet.Config.
I suppose that AspNetCIDev is the repository of packages required for .NET CLI. It's the utility, which should replace dnx and dnu in RC2 of ASP.NET 5. See the post, this one and some other.

Facing problems in Clearcase 8 plugin for Eclipse Luna for config spec update

I have been using Eclipse Helios/Luna with plugin installation of clearcase plugin 8.0.1.x version and have imported the base code.
Recently, when trying to change the config-spec to update the build files, the process is running for hours continuously even without a single file.
Previously, we had Clearcase version as 7.0.x version and the corresponding plugin installed on Eclipse Helios without facing any issues.
But, have been facing issues during update of files after the upgrade of clearcase server to 8.0.x and with the corresponding client plugin in eclipse.
Also, tried manual update from repository for the whole folder. Still no luck.
But, if I know manually update the file one by one individually, it is going fine.
As the number of files in the project is more, it would not be efficient for us.
Can someone provide some alternatives to resolve this problem?
As a workaround, we have been creating new views everytime there is an update to the config-spec.
One workaround would be to switch to dynamic views, supported in the latest 8.x version of ClearTeam/ClearCase. No reload needed with those kind of views.
The other would be to test with a minimal config spec, and load rules making sure you are loading only as few files as possible (jsut to check that those files do update when you change the config spec).
It can also depends on the exact version of your ClearCase installation.
There are some patches for hanging issue (like "PM48668 Problem: The IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer may hang intermittently when many views are started.")