Kernel error in gem5 when running it in X86 full system simulation.(fatal: fatal condition !kernelObj occurred: No kernel to load.) - gem5

I want to run gem5 in full simulation mode in X86 processor but doesn't able to run.When try to run the command "./build/X86/gem5.opt ./configs/example/ " getting kernel error.
I also tried to run using command " ./build/X86/gem5.opt ./configs/example/ --kernel=x86_64-vmlinux- " giving kernel option but it fall in runtime error.
I have seen some post over here but it doesn't help. So, please give me some idea how i can come up with solution ?


hashcat [CommandLine Error: Option 'polly' registered more than once! & LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options]

root#kali:~/Downloads/Compressed/hashcat-6.0.0# ./hashcat.bin -I
hashcat (v6.0.0) starting...
: CommandLine Error: Option 'polly' registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options
I don't know how to fix this?
Remove Libre Office, or roll it back to a previous version.
I don't know the finer details, but I noticed the current version has a bug that seems to interfere with OpenCL compatible software.
Not an ideal solution, but it's all I got at the moment.
My only clue was this post.

nvprof shows error with TensorFlow

I am trying to run nvprof with
I am using following command
/home/ibm/tensorflow/third_party/gpus/cuda/bin/nvprof python
It starts the application but after sometime it shows following errors and application exits.
==140659== Warning: Some profiling data are not recorded. Make sure cudaProfilerStop() or cuProfilerStop() is called before application exit to flush profile data.
======== Error: Application received signal 11
Any idea whats going wrong. File runs just fine without using nvprof.
Note: I have 0.12.0 version installed and I am on IBM PPC64le machine.

caffe.set_mode_cpu() error in Caffe

I have built caffe with only cpu support. Is the command 'caffe.set_mode_cpu() ' only used when we have built with gpu support so that we can switch to cpu when needed? I thought I might need it just to make sure that Caffe is using my cpu but I guess the build takes care of that. Also is this command required even when I have built with cpu support only?
Error I get-
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
E1220 14:26:00.833413 17923 common.cpp:117] Cannot create Cublas handle. Cublas won't be available.
E1220 14:26:00.833684 17923 common.cpp:124] Cannot create Curand generator. Curand won't be available.
E1220 14:26:00.833871 17923 common.cpp:128] Cannot create cuDNN handle. cuDNN won't be available.
F1220 14:26:00.834089 17923 _caffe.cpp:61] Check failed: error == cudaSuccess (35 vs. 0) CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
Aborted (core dumped)
Problem posted on caffe users group
This is my output of 'ccmake ..' . It says that CPU_ONLY is off even after removing the comment on CPU flag. How do I make it build with CPU for sure?
To build Caffe, I used cmake .. instead of make as I got convert_imageset.bin error. So I followed the instructions in the link and I got it to build properly.
Now I was looking at my cmake output and realised that the "CPU_ONLY" option was set to off. So i followed this link where i used "cmake -DCPU_ONLY=ON" to set it ON.
But I'm still getting Cuda error even when cmake option "CPU_ONLY=ON" is there. I am not sure why it is still being built with GPU?
Looking at my cmake output again, I found this error-
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:85 (add_dependencies): The dependency target "pycaffe" of target "pytest does not exist.
Is this fine since anyways we have to do make pycaffe to build with python?

Systemtap libdwfl error on Linux

I am tying to work/setup the Systemtap tool for profiling OS procesess, on a Virtual Linux. I am using VirtualBox to run the image. Via
rpm -q kernel
cat /proc/version
The version obtained is:
Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian 2.6.32-48squeeze4)
I have correctly downloaded and installed the tool and wrote a simple program (.stp). However I keep getting the same error, which I have searched information in many places without success:
After executing:
sudo stap my_profiler.stp
I get:
semantic error: libdwfl failure (all kernel modules found): no error
Pass 3: translation failed. Try again with another '--vp 001' option.
According to
⁠semantic error: libdwfl failure
There was a problem processing the debugging information. In most cases, this error results from the installation of a kernel-debuginfo package whose version does not match the probed kernel exactly. The installed kernel-debuginfo package itself may have some consistency or correctness problems.
I have found no relevant information on the "kernel-debuginfo" package. I have also tried the verbose option without benefit. I even tried with an old Snapshot of the VM. Any ideas?
The code of the .stp program I ran:
probe timer.profile{
printf("Process: %s\n", execname())
printf("Process ID: %d\n", pid())
Found the problem!!!! It seemed that I was using the wrong version of the Linux Kernel. I was using the default kernel supplied by the version I wrote in the question. It seems that that version (the 2.6.32-5-686 one) has problems with the debug-info so all I did was try the same with another version (the Linux version 3.9.6 with gcc version 4.7.2 Debian 4.7.2-5) and it worked without trouble :)

Code Injection using mach_star

I was trying to inject code into the Finder process using mach_inject . I am currently using given the source given here
The code seems to get the PID of the finder process correctly. There is a bundle mach_inject_bundle which is to be injected.
The following error comes every time I run the injector.
mach_inject failing.. (os/kern) invalid address
error: (os/kern) invalid address
I am running the build using sudo from the terminal. I am using Snow Leopard MAC OS X 10.6.8.
I found some similar issues reported by others here . But no solution seems to work.
Can someone please help me out ??
In the Architectures setting for the project just set x86_64.