React native Rest API call in background process when app in foreground - react-native

In React native., How to call REST API on background process when move from one screen to another and also get individual reference of called API when back to that screen to showcase the status of sync API and it will work when application in foreground.

I recommend to use state management like redux to access data from anywhere in your app
and take a look to this liperares


API calls are blocking other touchables in the screen - React Native

When a API call is happening, Im not able to click any touchables in the screen. They wont respond until the API call is done. Is there any solution for this?
I tried with many react native components like TouchableOpacity, TouchableHighlight, Pressable but the main issue is onPress itself is not trigger when the API call is in process.
You must use async/await or .then while making api calls. if you are not using these your app will stop working until api call completes or promise resolves.
Can you open the dev tool and set show perf monitor on and check the JS FPS?
Async functions usually don't block touchables while they are running in the background. Regardless if you use async/await or .then.
According to what you have provided, it seems that your JS thread is freezing which means there are many processes running in the background.
Can you please share a snippet of the code you are running?

How can I control push notification ON/OFF according to conditions? in React Native

I am making a push notification feature using reactnative push notification.
If I create a channel according to the reactnative push notification official statement, I can control it only when I enter the notification category in the application information of the application.
Can I use the reactnative push notifictaion library to control when I create a component within the app like Youtubemusic (below Image) and implement the push setting ON OFF control function? It doesn't seem to be in the official documentation.
I'm trying to implement this feature within the app, but I'm curious about how it's implemented in practice!
i'm not using local notification just remote
Basically, you have 2 way to achieve this: on backend side or on frontend side.
Send to backend current state of toggle settings inside your app. When backend want to send push to client, it is internally checks state of this toggle and make a decision send or not.
All your push notifications must be send as data only and with high priority (contentAvailable: true, priority: 'high').
After that, only mobile app will control showing of push notifications, because data only push not display anything, just trigger mobile app about new message.
So, when your frontend app receive new push message, it check current user settings and make decision display it or not.

How to read data in background in React Native

I have an app in React Native, that uses the bluetooth connection to read data from external devices.
I need a way to continue to read this data in background when, for example, the user starts a reading session and put the app in background.
What should I use to do this?
My code is divided in two parts:
Scan and Connect
Reading Data from external devices.
You need a background service for this. The following link for Android will help you.
github => react-native-foreground-service
If you want, you can do it yourself as described on the RN official site. But you'll have to write Java code for it.
React Native => Native Module

react native background geolocation

I have a requirement to save user's geolocation when react-native app is running in background. I know react-native-background-geolocation is available for this but I don't want to use any third party tool for this. Is there a way I can fetch users current location even if the app is running in the background?
With the last Expo SDK 32 you should be able to to it.
We’re excited to announce that this release includes initial support for background location, a highly requested feature from many Expo users. You can now define simple JavaScript tasks in your app and register them to receive location updates in the background. Additionally, you can set up geofencing tasks that are triggered when the device enters or leaves specific geographic regions

Geofencing in React Native

At the time of this post I believe that there are no geofencing modules available for react native so I would like to implement an alternative poor man's strategy. I discovered react native's geolocation module however the official doc is not clear:
1) Does the Geolocation module run in the background and get the current user coordinates automatically (even if the app is in the background)? If yes, are these stored in a variable or a state?
2) If (1) is true, how can I detect a change in state? Because once I detect a change in state (i.e. user's location) I would like to push this new location to a remote server and store it in a database. On the other hand I do not want to store each and every inch the user is moving!
Does this strategy make sense at all? My concerns are battery consumption as well of course..
1) You need to enable this feature in xcode Then save the location you get from the 'navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition' callback somewhere in you app e.g. in your AsyncStorage
2) The callback is only getting called if the location is changed. So you don't need explicitly detect any location change.