How to hide grey background color on click (react-native-popup-menu) - react-native-popup-menu

I'm using React native popup menu and on click I have a grey background color that appears on the menu.
So i read the docs and it says to change customStyles in Menu Trigger but I tried many different things and it doesn't work.
I just want that when I press the menu I have no background color.


XAML AppBarButton Hover Colors

I'm developing a Universal Windows App in VS2015 (C#, XAML).
I have an AppBarButton on a RelativePanel, The panel's background is black.
When I move the mouse over the button (Hover), it turns black with a darkgray background, which is not visible on a dark background:
Please tell me how to change the colors for the button in all mouse states: hover, mousedown,...etc.
Thank you
You need to create custom style template for button to overwrite the hover effect and behaviour.
Please open the button in Blend by using Edit A copy and then edit its template! you might need to remove some element.
Mostly it shall be a button as the property of changing color is exhibited by a button control

How to customize minimized icon?

Using setApplicationIconImage I was able to change the icon in the dock and command+tab menu. However it's not taking affect on the minimized window icons. Please see image below. The red arrow points to the minimized icon, it's not matching the first icon we see in the command+tab or the dock pointed to with blue arrow.
How can I make this minimized window icon match my setApplicationIconImage icon?

Xcode Interface Builder set highlighted image for button

I'm making an cocoa application from Mac OS X, not for iphone.
I am able to set the background image of a button and uncheck bordered in the attribute inspector. However, I do not know how I set the image for when you click on it (highlighted/on click, whatever you want to call it). I want to do this because
I have found guides on google to do this with UIbutton but this isn't helpful since I'm making this for Mac.
I am using InAppStoreWindow and the button is in the Title bar. When I click on the button with the custom image, the background goes white:
Thank you very much!
You are getting white background when button is clicked because You're using incorrect type. You need to change button's type to Momentary Change. You can change it in Attributes inspector:
Or change programatically:
[buttonOutlet setButtonType:NSMomentaryChangeButton];
And for highlighting: just add another image as alternate image in Attributes Inspector and it will be shown when button pressed.

How to open color palette on button click in mac application

I have to open the color palette on button click in mac application,now how to use NSColorPalette.
Add a colorwell object instead of button. Clicking on the colorwell automatically shows you the color palette. You can set and get the color from color palette through color well. See the NSColorWell documentation.

Why and how do I change my buttons style, my the other compose button is fine?

I've changed my navigation bar style to black opaque but my done button remains blue, yet the compose button is fine / black.
Why is is happening and more importantanly how do I fix this ?
The buttons was added in IB and shows blue there, while the nav bar is black.
The best thing to do is to make sure you're using the UIBarButtonSystemItemDone system button item, unaltered. If you really want to change the appearance of your Done button, you will need to assign a custom view to the bar button item's customView property. Then you'll be able to control every aspect of its appearance.