App with firebase authentication keeps stopping - firebase-authentication

I have three activities. Login,Create Account activity and PostAccountActivity in my app. When Click Create account button I get a crash with the following output on the logcat window
2021-02-03 11:31:47.430 4954-4989/com.example.fauth E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: grpc-default-executor-0
Process: com.example.fauth, PID: 4954
at io.grpc.internal.DnsNameResolver.getResourceResolver(
at io.grpc.internal.DnsNameResolver.access$500(
at io.grpc.internal.DnsNameResolver$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Go to Firebase console > click your project > cloud firestore > rules.....Edit the timestamp date to a date that you want, probably a future date. Because for me the timestamp date had already passed so I had to adjust to a more future date. Dont forget to change the version of your rules too.
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
// This rule allows anyone with your database reference to view, edit,
// and delete all data in your Firestore database. It is useful for getting
// started, but it is configured to expire after 30 days because it
// leaves your app open to attackers. At that time, all client
// requests to your Firestore database will be denied.
// Make sure to write security rules for your app before that time, or else
// all client requests to your Firestore database will be denied until you Update
// your rules
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if true;
allow read, write: if request.time <, 12, 30);


how to send random local notification message in react-native?

I have an app that needs to send out notification/s everyday with random messages to user depending on how many notification they want (up to 5 notifs per day) and between what time they want (for example notifications will fire only between 6:00am - 9:00am everyday).
To elaborate I'm building a functionality with an idea to send out random inspirational messages that I'm pulling from a hardcoded array variable or json file.
Currently I'm using this package: to create local notification.
I tried the idea of setting a function that returns a string for the message parameter of localNotificationSchedule, but when I do this, instead of using a regular string, it's not showing the notification.
id : '1',
userInfo : { id: userId },
message : () => {
return Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 5); //trying to return random string every time notification fires.
date : moment(, 'seconds').toDate(),
repeatType : 'day',
I considered using other approach such as react-native headless JS but it's for android only.
Also considered using But I have a complex interval for notifications. For example, the user might set the notification to run from 6:00am - 6:30am everyday and set to fire 5 notifications. In this interval, notifications will run every 6 mins.
But react-native-background-fetch' minimal interval is only 15 minutes.
I know that this can be done by using a push notification instead, but with that, user will need a connection in order for them to receive a notification, which is not ideal for this case.
Iv'e seen this from an Ios app so I know this is possible to achieve.
As per the dev, you can try calling PushNotification.localNotificationSchedule multiple times.
What I've done is this:
const messages = [{text:'',time:0}...];>{
//... You can use all the options from localNotifications
channelId: "my-channel",
message: message.text, // (required)
date: new Date( + (60 + message.time) * 1000), // in 60 secs
to show a message from the messages array separated by 5 seconds.

How to trigger a new state in a timed state machine (solidity)

I am creating a perpetual trivia dapp (for learning purposes) that has 3 stages. Each stage should last approximately 30 secs. Example:
enum Stages {
modifier transitionToReveal(uint _playerCount) {
if (stage == Stages.AcceptingEntryFees && now >= creationTime + 30 seconds && _playerCount > 0) {
modifier transitionToComplete() {
if (stage == Stages.RevealQuestion && now >= creationTime + 60 seconds) {
modifier transitionToAcceptingFees() {
if (stage == Stages.Complete && now >= creationTime + 90 seconds) {
function nextStage() internal {
stage = Stages(uint(stage) + 1);
Im struggling with a solution on how to make the stage increment once the time requirement has been met. I don't need exactly 30 seconds by any means.
Take the first transition (accepting fees).
function payEntryFee() external payable transitionToReveal(getPlayerCount()) atStage(Stages.AcceptingEntryFees) {
I currently have it set up where people can pay to play up until the 30 seconds is up. However for the stage to increment a tx has to take place. So for this setup the first person to join after the 30 seconds is up will incur the gas price and trigger the next stage. This is not ideal because what if another player doesn't show for a while.
From my research there is no way to trigger a method internally by time and trying to trigger it from the front end would require gas and then who pays it?
Can anyone think of an elegant solution to this? I would like the stage to increment every ~ 30 seconds without interruption to the game.
You would either need an external entity, like a game master web application which changes the state using its own timer and sending transactions but that would cost you gas for every single transaction.
Or you could keep track of the state on the front end (kind of like syncing) and then whenever the player interacts with the ethereum dapp to make a function call, you could do a fetchState() to get the new state and then route the player to the correct game state.
For example, after the web app frontend gets confirmation that the user has paid, it personally keeps track of the state and presents the user with the UI options related to predicted state of the dapp, then when the user sends something like "submitTriviaAnswer" the dapp would update its state and verify that the user can submit a trivia answer.
function SubmitTriviaAnswer(int responseID) public {

SpringAMQP delay

I'm having trouble to identify a way to delay message level in SpringAMQP.
I call a Webservice if the service is not available or if it throws some exception I store all the requests into RabbitMQ queue and i keep retry the service call until it executes successfully. If the service keeps throwing an error or its not available the rabbitMQ listener keeps looping.( Meaning Listener retrieves the message and make service call if any error it re-queue the message)
I restricted the looping until X hours using MessagePostProcessor however i wanted to enable delay on message level and every time it tries to access the service. For example 1st try 3000ms delay and second time 6000ms so on until i try x number of time.
It would be great if you provide a few examples.
Could you please provide me some idea on this?
Well, it isn't possible the way you do that.
Message re-queuing is fully similar to transaction rallback, where the system returns to the state before an exception. So, definitely you can't modify a message to return to the queue.
Probably you have to take a look into Spring Retry project for the same reason and poll message from the queue only once and retries in memory until successful answer or retry policy exhausting. In the end you can just drop message from the queue or move it into DLQ.
See more info in the Reference Manual.
I added CustomeMessage delay exchange
CustomExchange delayExchange() {
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("x-delayed-type", "direct");
return new CustomExchange("delayed-exchange", "x-delayed-message", true, false, args);
Added MessagePostProcessor
if (message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders().get("x-delay") == null) {
message.getMessageProperties().setHeader("x-delay", 10000);
} else {
Integer integer = (Integer) message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders().get("x-delay");
if (integer < 60000) {
integer = integer + 10000;
message.getMessageProperties().setHeader("x-delay", integer);
First time it delays 30 seconds and adds 10seconds each time till it reaches 600 seconds.This should be configurable.
And finally send the message to
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("delayed-exchange", queueName,message, rabbitMQMessagePostProcessor);

MQL4 How To Detect Status During Change of Account (Completed Downloading of Historical Trades)

In MT4, there exists a stage/state: when we switch from AccountA to AccountB, when Connection is established and init() and start() are triggered by MT4; but before the "blinnnggg" (sound) when all the historical/outstanding trades are loaded from Server.
Switch Account>Establish Connection>Trigger Init()/Start() events>Start Downloading of Outstanding/Historical trades>Completed Downloading (issue "bliinng" sound).
I need to know (in MQL4) that all the trades are completed downloaded from the tradeServer --to know that the account is truly empty -vs- still downloading history from tradeServer.
Any pointer will be appreciated. I've explored IsTradeAllowed() IsContextBusy() and IsConnected(). All these are in "normal" state and the init() and start() events are all fired ok. But I cannot figure out if the history/outstanding trade lists has completed downloading.
UPDATE: The final workaround I finally implemented was to use the OrdersHistoryTotal(). Apparently this number will be ZERO (0) during downloading of order history. And it will NEVER be zero (due to initial deposit). So, I ended-up using this as a "flag".
As the problem was posted, there seems no such "integrated" method for MT4-Terminal.
IsTradeAllowed() reflects an administrative state of the account/access to the execution of the Trading Services { IsTradeAllowed | !IsTradeAllowed }
IsConnected() reflects a technical state of the visibility / login credentials / connection used upon an attempt to setup/maintain an online connection between a localhost <-> Server { IsConnected() | !IsConnected() }
init() {...} is a one-stop setup facility, that is/was being called once an MT4-programme { ExpertAdvisor | Script | TechnicalIndicator } was launched on a localhost machine. This facility is strongly advised to be non-blocking and non-re-entrant. A change from the user account_A to another user account_B is typically ( via an MT4-configuration options ) a reason to stop an execution of a previously loaded MQL4-code ( be it an EA / a Script / a Technical Indicator ) )
start() {...} is an event-handler facility, that endlessly waits, for a next occurrence of an FX-Market Event appearance ( being propagated down the line by the Broker MT4-Server automation ) that is being announced via an established connection downwards, to the MT4-Terminal process, being run on a localhost machine.
A Workaround Solution
As understood, the problem may be detected and handled indirectly.
While the MT4 platform seems to have no direct method to distinguish between the complete / in-complete refresh of the list of { current | historical } trades, let me propose a method of an indirect detection thereof.
Try to launch a "signal"-trade ( a pending order, placed geometrically well far away, in the PriceDOMAIN, from the current Ask/Bid-levels ).
Once this trade would be end-to-end registered ( Server-side acknowledged ), the local-side would have confirmed the valid state of the db.POOL
Making this a request/response pattern between localhost/MT4-Server processes, the localhost int init(){...} / int start(){...} functionality may thus reflect a moment, when the both sides have synchronised state of the records in db.POOL

Yodlee executeUserSearchRequest error

I try to get information from Yodlee API.
I have a test user where I've implemented adding an account and I got refresh OK from the site:
{ siteRefreshStatus: {
siteRefreshStatusId: 8
- siteRefreshMode: {
refreshModeId: 2
refreshMode: "NORMAL"
- updateInitTime: 0
nextUpdate: 1391603301
code: 403
noOfRetry: 0
Now when I try to perform search and get the actual transactions I get this error:
errorOccured: "true"
exceptionType: "com.yodlee.core.IllegalArgumentValueException"
refrenceCode: "_57c250a9-71e8-4d4b-830d-0f51a4811516"
message: "Invalid argument value: Container type cannot be null"
The problem is that I have container type!
Check out the parameters I send:
There is an error occurred while adding the account, which can be interpreted by this parameter code: 403 and hence you will not be seeing that account when you call the getItemSummary API. An account is successfully linked if the code has zero as value. E.g.code:0 . 403 is an error which is show if Yodlee's data agent has encountered an unhandled use case. Hence for any such error you should file a service request using Yodlee customer care tool.
To know more about error codes please visit -
The status is show as completedsiteRefreshStatus: "REFRESH_COMPLETED_WITH_UNCERTAIN_ACCOUNT"because addition of any account is followed by a refresh in which Yodlee's data agent logs into the websites of FIs and try scraping data. Hence completion of this activity is denoted as REFRESH_COMPLETED even when there is an error occurred.
TranasctionSearch issue -
I can see two of the parameters with a "+" sign. Since transactionSlipttype and containerType are dependent on each other the error is thrown.
The right parameters are -