Need help finding SSH Token for Immersive Labs Going Places - ssh

I am trying to complete the Immersive Labs Going Places Lab. Using SCP I need to copy a file from a server to the host. I have no problem copying the file and opening it on the host machine. The question is "Copy the file ‘ssh_key’ from ‘alice’ back to localhost. What is the token you receive?" I have no idea what they are talking about when they say token. I have tried copying the contents of the file I copied but it isn't the write answer.
I bet it is something incredibly simple that I am just missing.
I am using the command scp alice#serverip:ssh_key targetfile.txt
As I said, I can copy the file no problem, but IDK what a token is!

As mentioned here, "token" can be used to reference the public key.
Since you have copied a private key, you can extract its public key with:
ssh-keygen -y -f targetfile.txt >

The below worked for me:
scp alice#serverip:ssh_key ssh_key


SSH suddenly asking for DSA

After allowing an application to install ssh keys on my local machine, I can no longer connect to my Digital Ocean shell. (The app is not related to DO; totally different.) I get a
Permission denied (public key)
error that, with -vvv, debugs to
Trying private key: /Users/macbook/.ssh/id_dsa
no such identity: path/.ssh/id_dsa: No such file or directory
My keys are rsa. I have no idea why the machine is asking for dsa.
My .ssh/config file (which I have never read until now) has only information about the application I allowed access. Maybe it was overwritten. If this is the case, could you tell me how to rewrite my .ssh/config file?
My keys on my cloud server (accessed through a DO gui shell) and on my machine still match up. The folder permissions are ok. I've been using this for months with no trouble until now.
Any suggestions?
This was probably a result of the third party application overwriting my .ssh/config file. Because the writing of this file was always automated for me, I never took any notice of it. If you try:
regenerating new keys
appending the new public key to the authorized_keys file on your server on a new line
writing a new .ssh/config file as so:
User bob
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/new_file.pem
then you might make it. Somehow now I can't get a passphrase to work on the new keys.

Getting a PDF out of the SSH to the own system

Connection to the Uni's secure shell like this:
me#my_computer~$ ssh <my_name>
Welcome to Unixyz. You now can access a terminal on system unixyz:
my_name#unixyz~$ ls
Desktop Documents Pictures Music desired_document.pdf
Getting the desired_document.pdf to my own system. I have thought of some options so far:
1)Since i can access an editor like nano I could write a C/Java programm , compile it in the home directory and make that program send the pdf. Problem with that: Had to code a client on the Uni machine and a server on my own system. On top of that I only know how to transfer text given to the stdin and no pdf's. And its obviously too much work for the given task
2) I found some vague information about commands: scp and sftp. Unfortunately, I can not figure out how it is done exactly.
The latter is basicly my questions: Are the commands scp and sftp valid options for doing the desired and how are they used?
I received a first answer and the problem persists: As stated, i use:
scp me# /some/local/dir
which gives me:
/some/local/dir: no such file or directory
I'm not sure in which environment you are.
Do you use Linux or Windows as your every-day operating system?
If you are using windows, there are some ui-based scp/ssh implementations that enable you to transfer these files using an explorer based ui.
For example there is
You can indeed use scp to do exacty that, and it's easier than it might look:
scp your_username# /some/local/dir
The key is the colon after the servername where you add your path
Optionally you can pass in the password as well, but that's bad practice, for obvious reasons.
I actually got the answer myself and the error that I was having. Both, the guy with the answer and the commentor where right. BUT:
scp must be launched when you are in YOUR terminal, I always tried to do it while I was connected to the remote server.
2 hours wasted because of that.

still asking for password even after setting up the machine for Password-less SSH Login

I need to copy a file from a remote machine to my local machine and I need to automate it.
I've tried SCP command and it's working, however, I could not automate the part wherein it is asking for the password of the user of the local machine and the remote machine.
Based on this article I can Perform SSH Login Without Password Using ssh-keygen & ssh-copy-id
after following all the instructions written there, I tried to access the remote machine using this
ssh lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
it works, it doesnt ask for the password anymore. But when I tried copying a file from that machine using the command below,
scp lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:'/a/b/c.txt' lelele#XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:'/b/c/'
it still asks for the password of the localmachine which is the lelele#XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY
I wonder if I did something wrong? what could it be? is there something wrong with the format of the command?
BTW, im using Centos, and I'm planning to code it using python
If you are copying to your local machine why don't you just do
scp lalala#XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:'/a/b/c.txt' /b/c/
I tried your line on some machine with similar setup and didn't get asked for password; I got an error instead, but this is probably due to differences in our configurations. I tried mine and it worked.
Regarding whether your connection succeeds in the remote machine you could tail this file there:
tail -f /var/log/secure
If you see no error there you can be sure (well, never say always) your layout with the generated keys is working.
In this case I bet you'll see no error there
I think you may have multiple ssh keys and set identies only as yes. If so, please check this answer:

Best way to encrypt a file, and keep it handy

I am using dozens of different web services, and I keep a password file in a remote Linux machine. The file contains my usernames, passwords and answers for security question.
This server happens to be offline to often, and I'm looking for a way to keep the password file on my own computer, or on a service like DropBox. Obviously, I want to keep the file encrypted, but handy - I want to be able to print its contents using one shell (or cygwin) command, perhaps using a passphrase.
Any good ideas how to do it?
You can use GPG's symmetric option to encrypt files with pass-phrases.
gpg --symmetric filename
That will result in an encrypted file named filename.gpg. To redirect the output to STDOUT instead of a .gpg file:
gpg --symmetric -o - filename
You can later decrypt the file with:
gpg --decrypt filename.gpg
I use PasswordSafe encrypted files in exactly this configuration. GUIs are available for Windows/Mac/Unix/Java. cliPSafe gives it a command line interface.
THe original code was written by Bruce Schneier, well known in the security world, but I've never used cliPSafe.
As already noted GPG solves the problem. Using the gpg command directly for encrypting text files may be a bit cumbersome though, especially as you would often decrypt the file to a seperate file, add some text (passwords in this case) and the reencrypt it (which will possibly expose your unencrypted data).
Vim has a very good plugin called gnupg for trasparently handling encrypted files using GPG. Using this plugin the unencrypted data will never be written to disc and you can just treat it as any other file (except for the passphrase question popping up of course).

Using expect to pass a password to ssh

How can I use expect to send a password to an ssh connection.
say the password was p#ssword
and the ssh command was
ssh me#
What would I do with expect to a make it input the password when it says
me#'s password:
The proper action of using an SSH key pair isn't an option because I would have to use ssh (scp) to put the key on the server, which would ask for a password.
I always used the "proper" solution, but I used expect in other situations.
Here I found following suggestion:
spawn sftp -b cmdFile
expect "password:"
send "shhh!\n";
Would it not be easier to use public key authentication and use a key with no passphrase?
As the user on the source machine do this to make an RSA key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Now copy ~/.ssh/ to the target machine and append it to the authorized_keys file of the target user
Your quickest way forward (unless you want to become a Tcl expert, which would be... unusual... in 2009) is probably to use autoexpect. Here's the man page:
In short, fire up autoexpect, run your ssh session, finish up what you need to do, stop autoexpecting and then beat your keyboard over the resulting mess until it works :) I'm assuming you don't need anything more than a quick hack to get your keys sorted out and then, well it sounds like you know the score already with that.
And there's this question which already contains an example close to what you seek.
Cygwin has autoexpect just not in the bin package. run setup.exe and search for expect and check the source checkbox. you will see the resulting tree in /usr/src and in there there is a expect/expect/examples directory. in there lives a copy of the autoexpect script.
Key solution will not work... because the keys have to be readable only by the person running ssh. On xp you cannot create key structure with the correct permissions. So ssh will not read them. This may have changed, but last i checked it still not not work.
I'm pretty sure it is not possible to do what you're trying to do. Most *nix applications that prompt for a password read from the TTY directly, not stdin, so you can't pipe the password in. You can, as others have mentioned, configure SSH to not prompt for a password, as explained here.
After I was downvoted for no apparent reason, I went and did a little more research on the expect command and discovered that it has a send_tty command that sends to /dev/tty instead of stdin, which might actually do what you want... I was previously unaware of this feature. I still recommend putting the key on the server, however.