Redux state is read-only - react-native

I am trying to pass the result of the button pressed to a Redux state. The user has a choice between "No" 'and "Yes"
I want to add it to the state and then navigate the user to the next screen. Below is how I am declaring the state.
const [state, setState ] = useState ({
isDisabled: true,
showAnswer: false,
uuid: '',
const [value, onChange] = useState('')
const [codeValue, onCodeChange] = useState('')
state = {
animation: new Animated.Value(0),
const handleOnChange = (name, value) => {
[name] : value,
This is the button.
style = {GettingToKnowYouStyle.choices}
onPress={() => navigation.navigate ('Employment')}
I know I am doing a lot wrong here please help.

careful, you're mixing things up here! useState refers to the component state, not the redux state.
you need a redux state (aka reducer), at least one action to dispatch and something to handle side effects (I recommend either rxjs and redux-observable or saga).
the hook into redux then is called useDispatch, as from the docs.
I suggest the following: Dispatch action 1 with the answer, update the state. after successful state reduction dispatch action 2 handling the route change. try reading the docs (basic tutorial is a good point to get started) and come back with detailed questions if you have some.

You should use useDispatch() to change the redux state.


ReactNative UI freezing for a second before rendering a component with a fetch in useEffect()

TL;DR: My UI freezes for .5-1s when I try to render a component that does a API fetch within a useEffect().
I have ComponentX which is a component that fetches data from an API in a useEffect() via a redux dispatch. I'm using RTK to build my redux store.
function ComponentX() {
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
dispatch(fetchListData()); // fetch list data is a redux thunk.
}, [dispatch]);
return <FlatList data={data} /> // pseudo code
as you can see the fetch will happen everytime the component is rendered.
Now I have ComponentX in App along with another component called ComponentY.
Here's a rudamentary implementation on how my app determines which component to show. Pretend each component has a button that executes the onClick
function App() {
const [componentToRender, setComponentToRender] = useState("x");
if (componentToRender === "x") {
return <ComponentX onClick={() => setComponentToRender("y")}/>
} else {
return <ComponentY onClick={() => setComponentToRender("x")}/>
Now the issue happens when I try to move from ComponentY to ComponentX. When I click the "back" button on ComponentY the UI will freeze for .5-1s then show ComponentX. Removing the dispatch(fetchListData()); from the useEffect fixes the issue but obviously I can't do that since I need the data from the API.
Another fascinating thing is that I tried wrapping the dispatch in an if statement assuming that it would prevent a data fetch thus resolving the "lag" when shouldReload is false. The UI still froze before rendering ComponentX.
useEffect(() => {
if (shouldReload) { // assume this is false
}, [dispatch, shouldReload]);
Any idea what's going on here?
I've done a little more pruning of code trying to simplify things. What I found that removing redux from the equation fixes the issue. By simply doing below, the lag disappears. This leads me to believe it has something to do with Redux/RTK.
const [listData, setListData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Sometimes running the code after interactions/animations completed solves the issue.
useEffect(() => {
InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
}, [dispatch]);

How to create an rxjs Observable from TextInput (either onChange or onTextChange)

I want to create an observable from a change event that gets fired on a React Native TextInput component. TextInput comes with 2 change props that I'm aware of (onChangeText and onChange). From what I gather, you need to use onChange if you want access to the native event you need to use onChange.
I don't know much about the native event object. I am trying to create an rxjs observable using fromEvent.
First I created a ref in my functional component like this:
const sqftRef = useRef().current
Then I attached this ref to the TextInput component like this:
ref={sqftRef} // attach a ref
onChangeText={(text) => setText(text)}
onChange={e => {
// somehow create an observable from this event ???
I tried to create an Observable using fromEvent like this but it doesn't work. I get undefined is not an object (evaluating target.addEventListener):
fromEvent(sqftRef, 'onChange').subscribe(value => console.log(value))
I know my approach is all wrong. Hoping someone can point me in the correct direction.
I would emit events you need into a subject, then subscribe to the subject in other parts of your code.
Here's a simple React example that should get you started
function App() {
const textChange = new Subject<string>();
useEffect(() => {
// subscribe to
const subscription = textChange.asObservable().subscribe(console.log)
return () => subscription.unsubscribe()
}, [])
// Emit events with a subject
return <textarea onChange={(e) => {
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
Check out the example here:
I think the problem is with assigning the current directly to the sqftRef. Try to define it without current, but use current when creating the Observable, like the following:
const sqftRef = useRef();
Then create the Observable within useEffect to make sure that the DOM is ready:
useEffect(() => {
fromEvent(sqftRef.current, 'onChange').subscribe((value) =>
OK, I was able to figure it out with the help of Amer Yousuf and Alex Fallenstedt.
I did something similar to what Alex suggested, modifying his solution for React Native. One reason his solution wasn't working for me is that it is important to use the useRef hook to prevent the Observable from being re-created on each render. If the observable is recreated (on a re-render) and useEffect doesn't run again, then we won't have an active subscription to the newly (re-created) observable (useEffect never runs again). That's why my call to sqft$.next was originally only being called once (the first time until we re-render).
My solution looks like this:
let sqft$ = useRef(new BehaviorSubject(0)).current
useEffect(() => {
const sub = sqft$.subscribe({
next: (val) => {
// just testing stuff out here
updateForm('sqft', val)
updateForm('lot', val * 2)
// this is only relevant to my use case
if (activeReport) sqft$.next(activeReport.sqft)
return () => sub.unsubscribe()
}, [activeReport])
and of course I call this in onChangeText:
onChangeText={(text) => {
So this is working right now. I still feel like there may be a better way using onChange(e => ...stuff). I will leave this question open for a little bit in case anyone can break down how to do this using nativeEvent or explain to me how I can access an event off the TextInput component.

React Hooks and useEffect – best practices and server issues

I am using React Native with functional components. componentDidMount() etc. are not available in functional components, instead I use Hooks. But Hooks don't act like lifecycle methods. I am wondering what the best practices are.
Assumed that we have a function like this one:
const ABCScreen = () => {
const [someHook, setSomeHook] = useState<any>()
useEffect(() => {
// some code inside this function which is called on every component update
}, [])
server.asyncCall().then(data => {
return (<View>
{someHook ? (<Text> `someHook` was assigned </Text>) : (<Text> `someHook` was not assigned, display some ActivityIndicator instead</Text>)}
Where to place server.asyncCall()? Inside or outside of useEffect?
I think you have a misunderstanding here. The convention is that all the fetching data is going to be placed inside the componentDidMount lifecycle method. React useEffect hook can replace this easily by placing an empty array of dependencies, which means you can place that call inside the useEffect you already have.
Unlike you mention in your code comment, this hook won't be triggered on each component update. It will be only be triggered once the component is being mounted. So, you should be able to do it as follows:
const ABCScreen = () => {
const [someHook, setSomeHook] = useState<any>()
useEffect(() => {
}, [])//only triggered when component is mounted.
In the future, you might want to check the rules of the hooks.

React-native / redux - how to re-initialize screen via navigation?

I'm developing a react-native / redux app with a bottom-tab-navigator similar to the example at My screens all connect to a Redux store and display shared data, however I'd like at least one of these screens to ignore the current data in the store and instead re-initialize this data each time it's navigated to (instead of continuing to display the data in whatever state it was last left in).
The screen has a method to do this, but I can't figure out how to call it after the first time the screen is rendered (e.g. from the constructor or componentDidMount() method). I can't call it from the render() method as this causes a "Cannot update during an existing state transition" error.
I need my navigator to somehow cause my HomeScreen.initializeData() method to be invoked each time the Home icon is pressed, but how do I do this?
initializeData() {
const initialValue = ...
(resetData() is a dispatch function that re-initializes the Redux store).
Updating state from render() would create an infinite loop. Also, you don’t want to run your state update every time the component re-render, only when the tab button is pressed. This tells me that the proper place to make your state update is some onPress function on the tab button.
So the question now relies on how to implement some onPress function on a tab button. I believe this answer this question:
Is there an onPress for TabNavigator tab in react-navigation?
So I found an answer, it's a little more complicated than might be expected: As Vinicius has pointed out I need to use the tabBarOnPress navigation option, but I also need to make my dispatch function available to this navigation option.
To do this I found I need to pass a reference to my dispatch function (which is available as a property of my screen) into the navigation option, so I've used navigation params to do this and here's what I've ended up with:
componentDidMount() {
this.props.navigation.setParams({ homeProps: this.props });
export const initializeData = (homeProps) => {
const initialValue = ...
tabBarOnPress: ({navigation, defaultHandler}) => {
const routeName = navigation.state.routeName;
if (navigation.state.params === undefined) {
// no params available
} else if (routeName === 'Home') {
let homeProps = navigation.getParam('homeProps', null);
} else if (routeName === ...
I'm passing props as a navigation param rather than my dispatch function (which also works) as it's more flexible (e.g. it makes all of my dispatch functions available).
initializeData() is called both during construction of HomeScreen (for the first time the screen is displayed) and from the navigation icon (for subsequent displays of the screen).
It's necessary to check that params is defined within the navigation option as it'll be undefined the first time the screen is displayed (as screen construction has yet to occur). This also makes it necessary to call initializeData() during screen construction.

Pass variables via `this.props.navigation` multiple times

So, for begging, in react-native-navigation there's a possibility to pass some data via this.props.navigation.navigate().
Here's how you should pass the data :
this.props.navigation.navigate('RouteName', {/*Data to pass*/})
And so, moving to the problem
The case where this problem was encountered :
I have a list of items which I click on and I navigate to the next screen, the data of the pressed item being sent during the navigation process, and when I get to the next screen, the passed data is assigned to state, and I further operate with it. Here are the commands which I use for passing data:
Pass data
this.props.navigation.navigate('Screen2',{param1: value1, param2: value2})
Receive data
ComponentWillMount = () => {
const param1 = this.props.navigation.getParam('param1');
const param2 = this.props.navigation.getParam('param2');
this.setState({param1, param2)}
The Problem itself
My Problem is that if I go back to the first screen, and press on another item, then it's data isn't passed via this.props.navigation.navigate(), the data on the second screen remains unmodified from the first navigation process. How this problem can be resolved?
I think i figured it out,
I was able to replicate the issue using drawerNavigator and tabbed navigator in the react-navigation 3.0.5.
Basically they save the components even when you run navigation.goBack.
The screen isn't being mounted again so it doesnt call componentWillMount() and it doesn't check for data there.
there are 2 (edit 3) ways to fix this.
one is to turn off this performance enhancement
const MyApp = createDrawerNavigator(
Screen1: Screen1,
Screen2: Screen2
unmountInactiveRoutes: true
The second option and the more elegant one is to subscribe to navigation events
componentWillMount() {
const willFocusSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener(
() => {
const thing = this.props.navigation.getParam("thing");
const thing2 = this.props.navigation.getParam("thing2");
this.setState({thing, thing2});
Just dont forget to unsubscribe in componentWillUnmount
componentWillUnmount() {
The third way is basically the same as the second but subscribing declaratively. This means no componentWillMount or WillUnmount.
First a callback to set the state appropriately
willFocus = ({action}) => {
console.debug("willFocus", action);
const thing = action.params["thing"];
const thing2 = action.params["thing2"];
this.setState({thing, thing2});
now in render add the component
render() {
console.log("data is:", this.state.thing);
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
.... rest of render body
This doesn't display anything but it takes care of subscribing and unsubscribing.