My application generates the following SQL-request to get the records matching teamkey:
select cr.callid, t.teamname, u.userfirstname
from callrecord cr
left join agentrecord ar on cr.callid = ar.callid
left join users u on ar.agentkey = u.userkey
left join teams t on u.teamkey = t.teamkey
where t.teamkey in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
This works fine.
When I tried to get the records NOT matching teamkey, the first idea was:
select cr.callid, t.teamname, u.userfirstname
from callrecord cr
left join agentrecord ar on cr.callid = ar.callid
left join users u on ar.agentkey = u.userkey
left join teams t on u.teamkey = t.teamkey
where t.teamkey not in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
This returns no data. Seems this requires completely different SQL request.
Please help to switch my mind in proper direction.
Record from callrecord table may have no matching record in agentrecord table, also record from users table may have no matching record in teams table, but I want them in the output.

Your query should work, for example a team key of 17 should be returned.
The condition is not exactly the negation of the original because in SQL null values never compare as true (look up SQL three-valued logic, they evaluate as unknown).
Only is null and is distinct from (standard but not supported by most RDBMS) can be used to compare nulls.
So the only rows you might be missing are those that don't have a team. If teamkey is null (in the table or because one of the join did not match), it would not be returned.
You can get those results back by changing your condition to t.teamkey not in (...) or t.teamkey is null


Multiple joins on the same table, Results Not Returned if Join Field is NULL

SELECT organizations_organization.code as organization, as Created_By, as Assigned_To,
from tickets_ticket
JOIN organizations_organization on tickets_ticket.organization_id =
JOIN core_user on tickets_ticket.created_by_id =
Left JOIN core_user as assinees on = tickets_ticket.currently_assigned_to_id
In the above query, if tickets_ticket.currently_assigned_to_id is null then that that row from tickets_ticket is not returned
> Records In tickets_ticket = 109
> Returned Records = 4 (out of 109 4 row has value for currently_assigned_to_id rest 105 are null )
> Expected Records = 109 (with nulll set for Assigned_To)
Note I am trying to achieve multiple joins on the same table
LEFT JOIN can not kill output records,
your problem is here:
JOIN core_user on tickets_ticket.created_by_id =
this join kills non-matching records
LEFT JOIN core_user on tickets_ticket.created_by_id =
First, this is not the actual code you are running. There is a comma before the from clause that would cause a syntax error. If you have left out a where clause, then that would explain why you are seeing no rows.
When using left joins, conditions on the first table go in the where clause. Conditions on subsequent tables go in the on clause.
That said, a where clause may not be the problem. I would suggest using left joins from the first table onward -- along with table aliases:
select oo.code as organization, as Created_By, as Assigned_To,
from tickets_ticket tt left join
organizations_organization oo
on tt.organization_id = left join
core_user cu
on tt.created_by_id = left join
core_user a
on = tt.currently_assigned_to_id ;
I suspect that you have data in your data model that is unexpected -- perhaps bad organizations, perhaps bad created_by_id. Keep all the tickets to see what is missing.
That said, you should probably be including something like in the result set to identify the specific ticket.

Difference between Where and Join on Id

I recently saw this query, which finds all the party a client can go to:
FROM Party
INNER JOIN Organizer on Organizer.OrganizerId = Party.OrganizerId
LEFT JOIN Client on Client.ClientID = 1
LEFT JOIN PartyRegistration on PartyRegistration.PartyId = Party.PartyId
WHERE Party.OrganizerId = 0
AND (Party.HasGuestList = 0 OR PartyRegistration.ClientId = Client.ClientId)
I had never seen a join on a specific value before. Is it normal to see SQL code like this?
I don't have much knowledge of left joins but it can apply to any join, for example, how would this:
FROM Party
INNER JOIN Organizer on Organizer.OrganizerId = 0
compare to that since the results are the same:
FROM Party
INNER JOIN Organizer on Organizer.OrganizerId = Party.OrganizerId
WHERE Organizer.OrganizerId = 0
This is very good practice -- in fact, you cannot (easily) get this logic in a WHERE clause.
A LEFT JOIN returns all rows in the first table -- even when there are no matches in the second.
So, this returns all rows in the preceding tables -- and any rows from Client where ClientId = 1. If there is no match on that ClientId, then the columns will be NULL, but the rows are not filtered.
This can only be a matter of good/bad practice if you compare to an alternative. Putting a test in a left join on vs a where does two different things--so it's not a matter of good/bad practice.
If that is the correct left join condition, meaning you want inner join rows on that condition plus unmatched left table rows, then that is the left join condition. It wouldn't go anywhere else.
Learn what left join on returns: inner join on rows plus unmatched left table rows extended by nulls. Always know what inner join you want as part of a left join.
That is true. Left join on a specific value is really bad practice. But some times, we may need to all the column from one table though we don't have common columns to join and required to join by specific condition like A="some value". In this case adding LEFT JOIN on specific condition bad practice, though we can little better way, below is updated code, Please let me know if you have any questions, I would be happy to help you on this.
FROM Party
INNER JOIN Organizer on Organizer.OrganizerId = Party.OrganizerId
LEFT JOIN PartyRegistration on PartyRegistration.PartyId = Party.PartyId
WHERE CLIENTID=1 AND Party.OrganizerId = 0
AND (Party.HasGuestList = 0 OR PartyRegistration.ClientId = Client.ClientId)

Why is LEFT JOIN deleting rows?

I have been using sql for a long time, but I am now working in Databricks and I am getting a very strange result. I have a table called block_durations with a set of ids (called block_ts), and I have another table called mergetable, which I want to left join to that table. Mergetable is indexed by acct_id and block_ts, so it has many different records for each block_ts. I want to keep the rows in block_durations that don't match, and if there are multiple matches in mergetable I want there to be multiple corresponding entries in the resulting join, as you would expect from a left join.
But this is not happening. In order to demonstrate this, I am showing the result of joining mergetable, after filtering for a single acct_id so that there is at most one match per block_ts.
select count(*) from mergetable where acct_id = '0xfbb1b73c4f0bda4f67dca266ce6ef42f520fbb98'
select count(*) from block_durations
select count(*) from
block_durations bd
left outer JOIN mergetable mt
ON mt.block_ts = bd.block_ts
where acct_id='0xfbb1b73c4f0bda4f67dca266ce6ef42f520fbb98'
) countTable
As you can see, even though there are >80000 records in block_durations, most of them are getting lost in the left join. Why is this happening? I thought the whole point of a left join is that the non-matching rows of the left table are kept. This is exactly the behavior I would expect from an inner join -- and indeed when I switch to an inner join nothing changes.
Could someone please help me figure out what's going on?
All rows from left side of the join are preserved, but later on you run WHERE ... condition on that which removed rows not matching the condition.
Merge your WHERE condition into JOIN condition:
block_durations bd
left outer JOIN mergetable mt
ON mt.block_ts = bd.block_ts AND acct_id='0xfbb1b73c4f0bda4f67dca266ce6ef42f520fbb98'
You can also filter mergetable before you run JOIN on the results:
block_durations bd
left outer JOIN (SELECT * FROM mergetable WHERE acct_id='0xfbb1b73c4f0bda4f67dca266ce6ef42f520fbb98') mt
ON mt.block_ts = bd.block_ts

Mysql statement (syntax error on FULL JOIN)

What is wrong with my sql statement, it says that the problem is near the FULL JOIN, but I'm stumped:
SELECT `o`.`name` AS `offername`, `m`.`name` AS `merchantName`
FROM `offer` AS `o`
FULL JOIN `offerorder` AS `of` ON of.offerId =
INNER JOIN `merchant` AS `m` ON o.merchantId =
GROUP BY `of`.`merchantId`
Please be gentle, as I am not a sql fundi
MySQL doesn't offer full join, you can either use
a pair of LEFT+RIGHT and UNION; or
use a triplet of LEFT, RIGHT and INNER and UNION ALL
The query is also very wrong, because you have a GROUP BY but your SELECT columns are not aggregates.
After you convert this properly to LEFT + RIGHT + UNION, you still have the issue of getting an offername and merchantname from any random record per each distinct of.merchantid, and not even necessarily from the same record.
Because you have an INNER JOIN condition against o.merchant, the FULL JOIN is not necessary since "offerorder" records with no match in "offer" will fail the INNER JOIN. That turns it into a LEFT JOIN (optional). Because you are grouping on of.merchantid, any missing offerorder records will be grouped together under "NULL" as merchantid.
This is a query that will work, for each merchantid, it will show just one offer that the merchant made (the one with the first name when sorted in lexicographical order).
SELECT MIN( AS offername, AS merchantName
FROM offer AS o
LEFT JOIN offerorder AS `of` ON `of`.offerId =
INNER JOIN merchant AS m ON o.merchantId =
GROUP BY `of`.merchantId,
Note: The join o.merchantid = is highly suspect. Did you mean of.merchantid = If that is the case, change the LEFT to RIGHT join.

Combining OUTER JOIN and WHERE

I'm trying to fetch some data from a database.
I want to select an employee, and if available, all appointments and other data related to that employee.
This is the query:
tblemployee AS TE
LEFT OUTER Join tblappointment AS TA ON TE.employeeid = TA.employee_id
Inner Join tblthreatment AS T ON TA.threatment_id = T.threatmentid
Inner Join tblappointments AS TTS ON = TA.appointments_id AND
TTS.appointment_date = '2009-09-28'
INNER Join tblemployeeinfo AS TEI ON TEI.employeeinfoid = TE.employeeinfoid
Inner Join tblcustomercard AS TCC ON TCC.customercardid = TTS.customercard_id
TE.employeeid = 4
The problem is, it just returns null for all fields selected when there are no appointments. What am I not getting here?
For clearity, i removed some of the collumns. I removed one too many. TEI.displayname should at least be displayed.
Looking at the list of columns returned by your query, you will notice that they all come from the "right" side of the LEFT OUTER JOIN. You do not include any columns from the "left" side of the join. Therefore, the expected result is the one you are observing — NULL values supplied for all right-hand columns in the result set for those rows that have no right-hand rows returned.
To see data even for those rows, include some columns from TE (tblemployee) in the result set.
Looking at your query I'm guessing that the situation is a bit more complex and that some of those tables on the right-hand side of the join should be moved to the left-hand side and, furthermore, that some of the other tables might possibly require their own OUTER joins to participate correctly in the query.
Edited w/ response to questioner's comment:
You have an odd situation (maybe not odd at all, depending on your application) in which you have an employee table and a separate employee information (employeeinfo) table.
Because you are joining the employeeinfo to the appointments table with an INNER join you can effectively think of them as a single table in terms of how they contribute to the final result set. Because this combined table REQUIRES a record in the appointments table and because this combined table is joined into the main result set with a LEFT OUTER join, the effect is that the employeeinfo record is not found if there's no appointment to link it to.
If you move the employeeinfo table to the left side of the join, or replace the employee table w/ the employeeinfo table, you should get the results you want.
In your query, you LEFT OUTER JOIN to the tblappointment table, but then you INNER JOIN to the tblthreatment and tblappointments tables.
You should try and structure your query in the order that you expect data to be there. Then in most simple queries, once you perform an OUTER join, most tables after that will be an OUTER join. This is by NO MEANS a rule and complex queries can vary, but in the marjority of simple queries its a good practice.
Try something like this for your query.
tblemployee AS TE
tblemployeeinfo AS TEI
TEI.employeeinfoid = TE.employeeinfoid
tblappointment AS TA
TE.employeeid = TA.employee_id
tblthreatment AS T
TA.threatment_id = T.threatmentid
tblappointments AS TTS
ON = TA.appointments_id
TTS.appointment_date = '2009-09-28'
tblcustomercard AS TCC
TCC.customercardid = TTS.customercard_id
TE.employeeid = 4
The issue is that the way you're joining (most of everything is joining to your left outer-joined table) whenever you're joining off of that, if the value in the outer joined table is nothing, there is nothing for the other fields to join to. Try to re-adjust your query so everything is joining off of your employeeID. I normally use left joined tables after I've limited everything down as much as possible with inner joins.
So my query would be something like:
tblemployee AS TE
INNER Join tblemployeeinfo AS TEI ON TEI.employeeinfoid = TE.employeeinfoid
Inner Join tblthreatment AS T ON TA.threatment_id = T.threatmentid
Inner Join tblappointments AS TTS ON = TA.appointments_id AND
TTS.appointment_date = '2009-09-28'
Inner Join tblcustomercard AS TCC ON TCC.customercardid = TTS.customercard_id
LEFT OUTER Join tblappointment AS TA ON TE.employeeid = TA.employee_id
TE.employeeid = 4
where the last outer join just gives me one column worth of information, not using it all to join more things onto. For speed, you also want to try to limit your information down as fast as possible with your first few inner joins, and then you do the outer joins last to join possible null values on to the smallest dataset you can. I hope this helps, if it's confusing, I'm sorry... I haven't had my caffeine yet.
The query is performing as it should.
A left out join will select all records from one table, join them with the records in another, and produce nulls where no records in the second table are found that match the join condition.
If you're looking for a separate behavior, you may want to think about two separate queries.