Difference between Where and Join on Id - sql

I recently saw this query, which finds all the party a client can go to:
FROM Party
INNER JOIN Organizer on Organizer.OrganizerId = Party.OrganizerId
LEFT JOIN Client on Client.ClientID = 1
LEFT JOIN PartyRegistration on PartyRegistration.PartyId = Party.PartyId
WHERE Party.OrganizerId = 0
AND (Party.HasGuestList = 0 OR PartyRegistration.ClientId = Client.ClientId)
I had never seen a join on a specific value before. Is it normal to see SQL code like this?
I don't have much knowledge of left joins but it can apply to any join, for example, how would this:
FROM Party
INNER JOIN Organizer on Organizer.OrganizerId = 0
compare to that since the results are the same:
FROM Party
INNER JOIN Organizer on Organizer.OrganizerId = Party.OrganizerId
WHERE Organizer.OrganizerId = 0

This is very good practice -- in fact, you cannot (easily) get this logic in a WHERE clause.
A LEFT JOIN returns all rows in the first table -- even when there are no matches in the second.
So, this returns all rows in the preceding tables -- and any rows from Client where ClientId = 1. If there is no match on that ClientId, then the columns will be NULL, but the rows are not filtered.

This can only be a matter of good/bad practice if you compare to an alternative. Putting a test in a left join on vs a where does two different things--so it's not a matter of good/bad practice.
If that is the correct left join condition, meaning you want inner join rows on that condition plus unmatched left table rows, then that is the left join condition. It wouldn't go anywhere else.
Learn what left join on returns: inner join on rows plus unmatched left table rows extended by nulls. Always know what inner join you want as part of a left join.

That is true. Left join on a specific value is really bad practice. But some times, we may need to all the column from one table though we don't have common columns to join and required to join by specific condition like A="some value". In this case adding LEFT JOIN on specific condition bad practice, though we can little better way, below is updated code, Please let me know if you have any questions, I would be happy to help you on this.
FROM Party
INNER JOIN Organizer on Organizer.OrganizerId = Party.OrganizerId
LEFT JOIN PartyRegistration on PartyRegistration.PartyId = Party.PartyId
WHERE CLIENTID=1 AND Party.OrganizerId = 0
AND (Party.HasGuestList = 0 OR PartyRegistration.ClientId = Client.ClientId)



My application generates the following SQL-request to get the records matching teamkey:
select cr.callid, t.teamname, u.userfirstname
from callrecord cr
left join agentrecord ar on cr.callid = ar.callid
left join users u on ar.agentkey = u.userkey
left join teams t on u.teamkey = t.teamkey
where t.teamkey in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
This works fine.
When I tried to get the records NOT matching teamkey, the first idea was:
select cr.callid, t.teamname, u.userfirstname
from callrecord cr
left join agentrecord ar on cr.callid = ar.callid
left join users u on ar.agentkey = u.userkey
left join teams t on u.teamkey = t.teamkey
where t.teamkey not in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
This returns no data. Seems this requires completely different SQL request.
Please help to switch my mind in proper direction.
Record from callrecord table may have no matching record in agentrecord table, also record from users table may have no matching record in teams table, but I want them in the output.
Your query should work, for example a team key of 17 should be returned.
The condition is not exactly the negation of the original because in SQL null values never compare as true (look up SQL three-valued logic, they evaluate as unknown).
Only is null and is distinct from (standard but not supported by most RDBMS) can be used to compare nulls.
So the only rows you might be missing are those that don't have a team. If teamkey is null (in the table or because one of the join did not match), it would not be returned.
You can get those results back by changing your condition to t.teamkey not in (...) or t.teamkey is null

Is it true that all joins following a left join in a SQL query must also be left joins? Why or why not?

I remember this rule of thumb from back in college that if you put a left join in a SQL query, then all subsequent joins in that query must also be left joins instead of inner joins, or else you'll get unexpected results. But I don't remember what those results are, so I'm wondering if maybe I'm misremembering something. Anyone able to back me up on this or refute it? Thanks! :)
For instance:
select * from customer
left join ledger on customer.id= ledger.customerid
inner join order on ledger.orderid = order.id -- this inner join might be bad mojo
Not that they have to be. They should be (or perhaps a full join at the end). It is a safer way to write queries and express logic.
Your query is:
select *
from customer c left join
ledger l
on c.id = l.customerid inner join
order o
on l.orderid = o.id
The left join says "keep all customers, even if there is no matching record in ledger. The second says, "I have to have a matching ledger record". So, the inner join converts the first to an inner join.
Because you presumably want all customers, regardless of whether there is a match in the other two tables, you would use a left join:
select *
from customer c left join
ledger l
on c.id = l.customerid left join
order o
on l.orderid = o.id
You remember correctly some parts of it!
The thing is, when you chain join tables like this
select * from customer
left join ledger on customer.id= ledger.customerid
inner join order on ledger.orderid = order.id
The JOIN is executed sequentialy, so when customer left join ledger happens, you are making sure all joined keys from customer return (because it's a left join! and you placed customers to the left).
The results of the former JOIN are joined with order (using inner join), forcing the "the first join keys" to match (1 to 1) with the keys from order so you will end up only with records that were matched in order table as well
Bad mojo? it really depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
If you want to guarantee all records from customers return, you should keep "left joining" to it.
You can, however, make this a little more intuitive to understand (not necessarily a better way of writing SQL!) by writing:
(SELECT * from customer) c
(SELECT * from ledger) l
c.id= l.customerid
) c_and_l
(SELECT * FROM order) as o
ON c_and_l.orderid (better use c_and_l.id as you want to refer to customerid from customers table) = o.id
So now you understand that c_and_l is created first, and then joined to order (you can imagine it as 2 tables are joining again)

returned no of rows different on left join

i have two sql query in one of them i perform left outer join, both should return same no of records but returned no of rows are different in both the sql queries
select Txn.txnRecNo
from Txn
inner join Person on Txn.uwId = Person.personId
full outer join TxnInsured on Txn.txnRecNo = TxnInsured.txnRecNo
left join TxnAdditionalInsured on Txn.txnRecNo = TxnAdditionalInsured.txnRecNo
where Txn.visibleFlag=1
and Txn.workingCopy=1
returned 20 records
select Txn.txnRecNo
from Txn
inner join Person on Txn.uwId = Person.personId
full outer join TxnInsured on Txn.txnRecNo = TxnInsured.txnRecNo
where Txn.visibleFlag=1
and Txn.workingCopy=1
returned 15 records
I suspect that the TxnAdditionalInsured table have duplicate records. use distinct
select distinct Txn.txnRecNo
from Txn
inner join Person on Txn.uwId = Person.personId
full outer join TxnInsured on Txn.txnRecNo = TxnInsured.txnRecNo
left join TxnAdditionalInsured on Txn.txnRecNo = TxnAdditionalInsured.txnRecNo
where Txn.visibleFlag=1
and Txn.workingCopy=1
A left join will produce all rows from the left side of the join at least once in the result set.
But if your join conditions are such that there are multiple rows from the right side that match a particular row on the left, that left row will appear multiple times in the result (as many times as it is matched with a right row).
So, if the results are unexpected, your join criteria aren't are strict as they need to be or you do not understand your data as well as you thought you did.
Unlike the other answers, I would not suggest just adding distinct - I'd suggest you investigate your data and determine whether your ON clause needs strengthening or if your data is in fact incorrect. Adding distinct to "make the results look right" is usually a poor decision - prefer to investigate and get the correct query written.
Try this:
select distinct Txn.txnRecNo --> added distinct here
from Txn
inner join Person on Txn.uwId = Person.personId
full outer join TxnInsured on Txn.txnRecNo = TxnInsured.txnRecNo
left join TxnAdditionalInsured on Txn.txnRecNo = TxnAdditionalInsured.txnRecNo
where Txn.visibleFlag=1
and Txn.workingCopy=1

When I add a LEFT OUTER JOIN, the query returns only a few rows

The original query returns 160k rows. When I add the LEFT OUTER JOIN:
the query returns only 150 rows. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
All I need to do is add a column to the query, which will bring back a code from a different table. The code could be a number or a NULL. I still have to display NULL, hence the reason for the LEFT join. They should join on the "id" columns.
SELECT <lots of stuff> + the new column that I need (called "code").
dbo.Table_A A WITH (NOLOCK)
dbo.Table_B B WITH (NOLOCK) ON A.Id = B.Id AND A.version = B.version
--this is where I added the LEFT OUTER JOIN. with it, the query returns 150 rows, without it, 160k rows.
Table_Z Z WITH (NOLOCK) ON A.Id = Z.Id
Table_E E WITH (NOLOCK) ON A.agent = E.agent
Table_D D WITH (NOLOCK) ON E.location = D.location
AND E.type = 'Organization'
AND D.af_type = 'agent_location'
(SELECT X , MAX(Version) AS MaxVersion
GROUP BY agemt) P ON E.agent = P.location AND E.Version = P.MaxVersion
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the issue?
When you perform a LEFT OUTER JOIN between tables A and E, you are maintaining your original set of data from A. That is to say, there is no data, or lack of data, in table E that can reduce the number of rows in your query.
However, when you then perform an INNER JOIN between E and P at the bottom, you are indeed opening yourself up to the possibility of reducing the number of rows returned. This will treat your subsequent LEFT OUTER JOINs like INNER JOINs.
Now, without your exact schema and a set of data to test against, this may or may not be the exact issue you are experiencing. Still, as a general rule, always put your INNER JOINs before your OUTER JOINs. It can make writing queries like this much, much easier. Your most restrictive joins come first, and then you won't have to worry about breaking any of your outer joins later on.
As a quick fix, try changing your last join to P to a LEFT OUTER JOIN, just to see if the Z join works.
You have to be very careful once you start with LEFT JOINs.
Let's suppose this model: You have tables Products, Orders and Customers. Not all products necessarily have been ordered, but every order must have customer entered.
Task: Show all products, and if the product was ordered, list the ordering customers; i.e., product without orders will be shown as one row, product with 10 orders will have 10 rows in the resultset. This calls for a query designed around FROM Products LEFT JOIN Orders.
Now someone could think "OK, Customer is always entered into orders, so I can make inner join from orders to customers". Wrong. Since the table Customers is joined through left-joined table Orders, it has to be left-joined itself... otherwise the inner join will propagate into the previous level(s) and as a result, you will lose all products that have no orders.
That is, once you join any table using LEFT JOIN, any subsequent tables that are joined through this table, need to keep LEFT JOINs. But it does not mean that once you use LEFT JOIN, all joins have to be of that type... only those that are dependent on the first performed LEFT JOIN. It would be perfectly fine to INNER JOIN the table Products with another table Category for example, if you only want to see Products which have a category set.
(Answer is based on this answer: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic247971-8-1.aspx -> last entry)

Combining OUTER JOIN and WHERE

I'm trying to fetch some data from a database.
I want to select an employee, and if available, all appointments and other data related to that employee.
This is the query:
tblemployee AS TE
LEFT OUTER Join tblappointment AS TA ON TE.employeeid = TA.employee_id
Inner Join tblthreatment AS T ON TA.threatment_id = T.threatmentid
Inner Join tblappointments AS TTS ON TTS.id = TA.appointments_id AND
TTS.appointment_date = '2009-09-28'
INNER Join tblemployeeinfo AS TEI ON TEI.employeeinfoid = TE.employeeinfoid
Inner Join tblcustomercard AS TCC ON TCC.customercardid = TTS.customercard_id
TE.employeeid = 4
The problem is, it just returns null for all fields selected when there are no appointments. What am I not getting here?
For clearity, i removed some of the collumns. I removed one too many. TEI.displayname should at least be displayed.
Looking at the list of columns returned by your query, you will notice that they all come from the "right" side of the LEFT OUTER JOIN. You do not include any columns from the "left" side of the join. Therefore, the expected result is the one you are observing — NULL values supplied for all right-hand columns in the result set for those rows that have no right-hand rows returned.
To see data even for those rows, include some columns from TE (tblemployee) in the result set.
Looking at your query I'm guessing that the situation is a bit more complex and that some of those tables on the right-hand side of the join should be moved to the left-hand side and, furthermore, that some of the other tables might possibly require their own OUTER joins to participate correctly in the query.
Edited w/ response to questioner's comment:
You have an odd situation (maybe not odd at all, depending on your application) in which you have an employee table and a separate employee information (employeeinfo) table.
Because you are joining the employeeinfo to the appointments table with an INNER join you can effectively think of them as a single table in terms of how they contribute to the final result set. Because this combined table REQUIRES a record in the appointments table and because this combined table is joined into the main result set with a LEFT OUTER join, the effect is that the employeeinfo record is not found if there's no appointment to link it to.
If you move the employeeinfo table to the left side of the join, or replace the employee table w/ the employeeinfo table, you should get the results you want.
In your query, you LEFT OUTER JOIN to the tblappointment table, but then you INNER JOIN to the tblthreatment and tblappointments tables.
You should try and structure your query in the order that you expect data to be there. Then in most simple queries, once you perform an OUTER join, most tables after that will be an OUTER join. This is by NO MEANS a rule and complex queries can vary, but in the marjority of simple queries its a good practice.
Try something like this for your query.
tblemployee AS TE
tblemployeeinfo AS TEI
TEI.employeeinfoid = TE.employeeinfoid
tblappointment AS TA
TE.employeeid = TA.employee_id
tblthreatment AS T
TA.threatment_id = T.threatmentid
tblappointments AS TTS
TTS.id = TA.appointments_id
TTS.appointment_date = '2009-09-28'
tblcustomercard AS TCC
TCC.customercardid = TTS.customercard_id
TE.employeeid = 4
The issue is that the way you're joining (most of everything is joining to your left outer-joined table) whenever you're joining off of that, if the value in the outer joined table is nothing, there is nothing for the other fields to join to. Try to re-adjust your query so everything is joining off of your employeeID. I normally use left joined tables after I've limited everything down as much as possible with inner joins.
So my query would be something like:
tblemployee AS TE
INNER Join tblemployeeinfo AS TEI ON TEI.employeeinfoid = TE.employeeinfoid
Inner Join tblthreatment AS T ON TA.threatment_id = T.threatmentid
Inner Join tblappointments AS TTS ON TTS.id = TA.appointments_id AND
TTS.appointment_date = '2009-09-28'
Inner Join tblcustomercard AS TCC ON TCC.customercardid = TTS.customercard_id
LEFT OUTER Join tblappointment AS TA ON TE.employeeid = TA.employee_id
TE.employeeid = 4
where the last outer join just gives me one column worth of information, not using it all to join more things onto. For speed, you also want to try to limit your information down as fast as possible with your first few inner joins, and then you do the outer joins last to join possible null values on to the smallest dataset you can. I hope this helps, if it's confusing, I'm sorry... I haven't had my caffeine yet.
The query is performing as it should.
A left out join will select all records from one table, join them with the records in another, and produce nulls where no records in the second table are found that match the join condition.
If you're looking for a separate behavior, you may want to think about two separate queries.