Connecting Remote Cache Manager to Embedded Cache Manager - infinispan

Infinispan community,
I am trying to deploy Embedded Cache Manager on each node in the network then creating a Remote Cache Manager that can connect to these Embedded ones. I didn't find where to configure the port of communication for the embedded cache manager so I can connect to using the Remote Cache Manager.
Help !!

Have a look at which shows how to wrap a Hot Rod server around an embedded instance.


Setup monitoring for API load testing

I'm new to API Load Testing. Before we started to do API load testing, we need to configure some monitoring setup to monitor CPU usage and JVM heap memory as the test is executed. FYI I'm using Apache JMeter tool to execute the load tests.
For own exercise, I'm trying to do load test using this one sample REST web service:
How can I setup monitoring for the server of the sample web service when the web service is not hosted in my own PC? I've tried the JMeter plugin (Perfmon) but I guess this only works when the server is hosted at our own PC. Appreciate for your kind suggestions. Thanks!
Based on your environment set up & access:
If you have rdp or ssh access to server(application under test) , you can use visualVm , Jconsole to monitor CPU & Heap memory.
In case, you don't have access to remote server - then please work with IT or concerned team to help you configure these tools by opening remote JMX port for performance monitoring.
but I guess this only works when the server is hosted at our own PC - that's not true, you can monitor whatever host where the PerfMon Server Agent is running.
Of course you will need access to the host in order to launch the PerfMon Server Agent so you cannot deploy it onto a random machine in the Internet.
Alternative option is using SSHMon Listener, in this case you don't need to install anything but you need to have SSH connectivity to the machine(s) you want to monitor.

Connect MQTTBox with RabbitMQ Server for load testing

I was trying to connect mqttbox(Chrome extension) to rabbitmq server for load testing. The client created in mqqtbox is connecting properly but its not able to do load testing.
No much to change, just enable the guest user with administrator permission will resolve the issue.

Is Weblogic Node Manager SSL setup required while implementiing SSL for Application

In Weblogic, I have more than one Machines created using Node Manager. We have been told to setup SSL implementation for our Application which is deployed across created machines in a single Weblogic Admin Console.
So for the Application we had configured certificate using .jks file and configured SSL listen port by enabling it.
However we have been told to secure Node Manager machines in which application are deployed across as well. While enabling Node Manager type to SSL instead of Plain I am getting SSLException. By the fact we no need to secure Machines which were created using Node Manager, only securing Application is sufficient. Is am I right. Else is it required to Secure Machines -> Node Manager as well.
When I am turning SSL in Machines -> Node Manager, what are the things I have to consider to avoid SSLException. Is the Weblogic restart required If configure this or so. For now I do not have UNIX access, hence I couldn't do that at this moment.
Please advise on this situation. Without securing Machines -> Node Manager I am able run the application. But not able to access it using https. Only http for the Application is working.
Please advise on the situation.
SSL for node manager is optional as there's no application related sensitive data that flows in this layer.
You mention even after configuring jks you can't get the server and hence the application listening on https. Could you elaborate what steps did you follow. Note this has nothing to do with node manager

Microsoft Azure VPN WebApp not communicating with external SQL

The problem I have is that we're trying to use our WebApp in Microsoft Azure to connect to an external SQL-database (not our own) through a VPN. The SQL-database is only allowing connections from our local IP-addresses that we put up as a Network (for example
We are now connected to the same virtual private network, and through our Azure-VM we can now connect to the SQL-Server through SQL Server Management Studio.
Now we want to do the same with a WebApp, but we're not getting through to the server. It gets "Not authenticated" before reaching the SQL-Server (probably the server isn't accepting our IP from the WebApp).
The different problems I have tried to look through is:
Do we only try to connect through our Outbound IPs?
Is the WebApp not connected to the VPN?
I have unfortunatley not found any real answers, and neither any solutions to my problem. If you have any ideas of how to solve our problem, or maybe know how I could tunnel all of the SQL-calls through the VM, the help would be very much appreciated!
Hybrid connection is one option. What you can also do is enable point-to-site in your VPN. Once you do that, you can directly integrate your web app to the vnet and your connections will work. (Go to your web app -> Settings -> Networking -> VNet Integration)
If your Vnet is V1(older way of creating VNs) then enabling point to site is very straightforward. You can do it through portal. For V2 Vnets you have to do it through powershell commands.
Here is a link for the documentation which explains both the options.
There's a way to "tunnel all of the SQL-calls through the VM". You may want to use hybrid connections (cf
The principle is to have an agent installed on the VM that can access the database with the correct IP address.
Suppose you can access the SQL DB as mysqldbsrv from the VM. You add an hybrid connection associated to your web app, you install the agent on the VM. Then, when you connect to mysqldbsrv from the Web App, you go through the VM.

Where is guacamole-client?

I've followed the instructions here:
This says
Guacamole is separated into two pieces: guacamole-server, which provides the guacd proxy and related libraries, and guacamole-client, which provides the client to be served by your servlet container, usually Tomcat.
guacamole-client is available in binary form, but guacamole-server must be built from source. Don't be discouraged: building the components of Guacamole from source is not as difficult as it sounds, and the build process is automated. You just need to be sure you have the necessary tools installed ahead of time. With the necessary dependencies in place, building Guacamole only takes a few minutes.
And then proceed to describe how to install guacamole-server and use it. I can now go to http://localhost:8080/guacamole/ and access the server and see which clients have connected.
How do I connect a client though? I see no documentation of where the remote desktop needs to browse to in order to run the guacamole-client?
Or have I totally misunderstood this?
The key phrase in the quoted documentation is:
... guacamole-client, which provides the client to be served by your servlet container, usually Tomcat.
"guacamole-client" is the web application and the client. When a user visits the URL for your Guacamole server, logs in, and clicks on a connection, they are connected to the corresponding remote desktop via Guacamole's JavaScript client which is served to their browser like any other web application.
I can now go to http://localhost:8080/guacamole/ and access the server and see which clients have connected.
The list you see when you first log in to your Guacamole server is not the list of clients that have connected; it is the list of connections to remote desktops which are available. If you click on one of those connections, you will be connected using Guacamole's own built-in JavaScript client.
How do I connect a client though? I see no documentation of where the remote desktop needs to browse to in order to run the guacamole-client?
The remote desktop does not need to do anything - Guacamole will simply connect to it. You can see a video of the overall user experience on the Guacamole website which may hopefully clear things up for you:
You deploy guacamole-client (the web application) and install guacamole-server (the remote desktop proxy that the web application uses in the backend). The combination of these two pieces of software makes up a typical Guacamole server.
You and your users can log in through the web application and connect to remote desktops using a web browser.
You do not need to explicitly run a client.
It looks like this
Internet -> Guacamole server (on the local network) -> Desktop pc
I installed Guacamole in a vmware enviroment on Ubuntu.
There is a file in /etc/guacamole what is called user-mapping.xml
In that file you add or edit the connections available to the user you want.
A connection for that user must be set between the <connection> tags