Blender Eevee render not working properly - rendering

So I am new to Blender (v 2.91) and I was trying out these render options i.e Eevee and Cycle. The Cycle (only CPU) option works fine for me but in the Eevee option, the cube/object appears black or sometimes disappears (As shown in the screenshot below).
I am not sure why this is happening. I tried googling it but didn't get a proper resolution. I am attaching some screenshots for reference also with my current preferences in Blender.
enter image description here
This is Cycle render with CPU option (works fine)
enter image description here
This is Cycle render with GPU option (does not work fine)
enter image description here
This is Eevee render (does not work fine)
enter image description here
System Preferences
Please help :(

I had just the same problem today. I also use 2.91 and my objects were not visible in Materials preview and Eevee render.
But I found the right switch:
Render Properties (on the menu on the right) --> Performance --> turn on High Quality Normals.
That worked for me, I hope it also works for you.


rebrand GUI icons of Chromium

I am building my browser from Chromium on Windows. I carried out steps from this page:
It builds successfully and browser runs well. I also rebranded all pics in src\chrome\app\theme\chromium, but the logo icons in GUI are still chromium ones
Where can I change these in code?
To change those logo you can refer to my answer here
Now to change the vectorized icon which is displayed in the tab bar, you should modify this file
You can find more info about vectorized icons here
This is how the code of vectorized icon looks like here
Hope that helps!

Use my own default picture on roboter Peppers tablet

I am using Aldebaran-Softbanks Pepper robot. Per default it's tablet shows an animtion with colored dots.
I want to change that to my own png-picture.
I still have a project/package with a "Show Image" behaviour which displays my picture without problems. I installed this package to the robot and set the autostart flag.
While starting Pepper the picture is shown for some seconds and then it disapears because of the deffault-start-pepper-behaviour which shows a softbank logo, an animated cloud of colored dots and fancy things like that.
My current workaround is to add a "Wait" box between the start-event and the "ShowImage" box. The wait is 22 seconds.
There is a similar looking question but the topic doesn't really fit.
Create empty application. Make a folder named 'html' and place your image inside it.
Add this setup to your robots database either here or via SSH
Restart the robot

In IE elements are get hide then after hover on them they get visible

I am working with IE11. After loading my website elements like checkbox, radio button, drop down arrow get automatically hidden then after hover on them they get visible then after click anywhere in page they again get hide. All this element are present and style are applied tested with developer tool but still they was giving problem. Then after check "use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" option from settings->Internet option->Advanced->"use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" everything got ok. Now my website element not getting hide all style applied perfectly. But I doesn't understand why this happen? How this setting fixed issues. Please any idea help!

IE (10) Does not render Box shadow well on inputs

I created the following jsbin to show the problem. If you run this in any browser but IE10 and focus the input then the box shadow outline looks great like this:
But if you run this in IE10 (or IE9+) it doesnt render the top portion of the box shadow on focus like this:
Is there any way to fix this without increasing the box shadow size (last option?)
I tested the link you provided and checked it out in different versions of IE (11, 10 and 9) and they all showed the input box being highlighted when it held the focus. (I used the IE toolbar Emulation to view the differences)
If you are still having problems with this you could try adding a script that helps older IE browsers support HTML5. Modernizr is one of these scripts that will help in this way. There is also HTML5 Shiv but that only supports IE browsers 9 and older.
Another suggestion would be to try MS Visual Filters and Transitions and apply it to your INPUT class:
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius=3,MakeShadow=true,ShadowOpacity=0.30);
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius=3,MakeShadow=true,ShadowOpacity=0.30)";

For intelliJ 12.X how do i get the console back in the debugger?

Just like this question here:
IntelliJ: After hiding my "Output" sub-panel within the "Debug" panel, how do I get it back?
I canno get the log/console viewer back in debug mode.
The suggested solution in the given question no longer works the "restore layout" button does nothing, and the "certain spot" on the debug is extremely vague at best.
Is there a way to retrieve the console if it gets vanished (or better yet, just stop that button for vanishing it from even existing)?
I am using IntelliJ 12 Ultimate. If the restore layout didn't work for you either, this should fix the problem:
Open the Debug panel.
Keep mouse on the Debug tab and move it straight right to the Watches icon.
You may see a few more more icons here, and Output may or may not be visible (not visible for me)
If visible, click it and the Output view will be restored.
If not visible, move your mouse slowly to either side of the Watches icon and an empty block would highlight indicating that you are hovering over an icon. There may be several of these. Use tooltip to figure out which is Ouput and click it.
Worked for me, I hope it works for you too.
click the button on the left of Debug View called "restore layout",then the console will go back in the Debug View! 1
Syed explained it pretty well, but a picture could be even better:
A view can be hidden via its context menu, then restored by clicking the corresponding icon (with red circle) to the right.
You can restore the layout using this button as of 2018.1.8
In 2016.2, I had to re-run in debug mode for it to reappear. I could not find a way to un-hide the console in the debug window.
You don't say which version of IntelliJ you're using, but I've just tried this in version 12 and the console window minimises to the far right of the debugger tabs. Look at where it says 'Debugger' and then eyes right until you see one or more icons over the Watches panel. Try clicking on them. If you're not using version 12, then only god can help you :)
In v. 2020.1 there is Layout Settings on the top right corner of Debug window
I've just spent an hour trying to get my console output back, and although this answer didn't solve it, it did help.
I'm on Intellij 11.1 Ultimate Edition, and Restore layout didn't help. Nor did I have any icons above the Watches window in the debugger, but I clicked around above the Watches anyway - and suddenly my console output was restored.
I've tried clicking around there again to see if I can provide more concrete steps, but without success. Can only suggest you keep clicking till it reappears.