Assets build error [webpack-cli] Error: Unknown option '--hide-modules' - orocommerce

I am using orocommerce 4.2.1 from AWS marketplace. I made some changes in scss and want to build the assets. When i run the command php74 bin/console oro:assets:build --env=prod
I get the following:
[centos#ip-172-31-28-85 commerce]$ php74 bin/console oro:assets:build --env=prod
Building assets.
'/usr/bin/node' './node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js' '--hide-modules' '--mode=production' '--env.stats=' '--env.symfony=prod' '--colors'
[webpack-cli] Error: Unknown option '--hide-modules'
[webpack-cli] Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options
In OroAssetsBuildCommand.php line 247:
How can I remove this --hide-modules. I tried removing from package.json but nothing works?

It seems you have upgraded the "webpack-cli" NPM package to 4, but the OroCommerce 4.2 LTS is compatible only with "^3.3.12". To fix an error, you have to downgrade the package back to 3.3.12 version.

It's works for me
You can remove --hide-modules.
However, it is recommended that you use the mix executable. Please refer to the upgrade guide:


error: unknown command 'link' when linking #react-native-community/voice shows

I'm trying to implement speech-to-text function in ReactNative. The steps I've done:
1.Run npm i #react-native-community/voice --save in VSCode terminal
2.react-native link #react-native-community/voice. Then it shows .ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system but I solved it. But another problem occurred, it shows error: unknown command 'link'. I then found that link and unlink commands have been removed from react-native cli. Hence, I have to rely on autolinking, but how do I autolink them or do i have to do it manually? Or is there any other tool that can be used for speech-to-text?
"react-native": "0.70.0",
"#react-native-community/voice": "^1.1.9",
Yeah.. You don't need to manually 'link' libraries as it has been dropped in the newer version of React-Native.

Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure - Error afer PHP 8.1 Update

I have updated my system to PHP 8.1 (XAMPP).
Now I have the problem that when I enter the command "php artisan serve" I get the following error message:
Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated.
Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead
(or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary).
Can you help me what I can do to make it work again?
You need to update laravel dependencies. Simply go to your project root directory and use composer to update dependencies using command prompt.
Command should be:
composer update
composer upgrade laravel/framework --with-all-dependencies
You would need to update laravel/framework with it's dependencies. Instead of running composer upgrade which upgrades all packages, you could just run composer upgrade laravel/framework --with-all-dependencies, shorthand is -W.
From the composer command help -W Update also dependencies of packages in the argument list, including those which are root requirements.
Just delete composer.lock.json, with me resolve and after run composer install

Azure Functions func host start Error: "The gRPC binary module was not installed."

yesterday the VS Code informed me to update azure-functions-core-tools and after updating it, this error was displayed to me after I ran "func host start" :
Couldn't require bundle, falling back to Worker.js. Error: The gRPC binary module was not installed.This may be fixed by running "npm rebuild"
any idea on how to fix this?I tried npm rebuild and it does not worked.
This error often indicates that the grpc library was installed for a platform that is different from the one it is running on. The solution is to run npm install with extra arguments that describe the platform the library will run on. These options are described in the node-pre-gyp README.
For example, to install grpc for use on Node 10.0.0 on a 64-bit Linux that is not Alpine Linux, you can use the following command:
npm install --target=10.0.0 --target_arch=x64 --target_platform=linux --target_libc=glibc
Note: the target_libc option should be omitted for platforms other than Linux.
after 2 hours, installing x86 version of azure-functions-core-tools resolved the error. but this may not be the best solution.

mix_docker npm not found when building the image

With the last version of Alpine-erlang Linux image used in the mix_docker dependency I get a weird npm command not found error.
Takes me time to figure out that on the last version of Alpine npm package seems outside node.
With nodejs-npm package the error is solved.
In my Docker file:
RUN apk add --no-cache --repository nodejs=6.10.3-r1 nodejs-npm=6.10.3-r1
For the segfault errors it seems that node version is conflicting with brunch when compiling assets.
Hope this helps others.

electron-packager: Unable to create OSX package "The strict-ssl parameter is deprecated, use download.strictSSL..."

I am trying to create Electron package for OSX however I am ending up having the following error.
The strict-ssl parameter is deprecated, use download.strictSSL instead
Cannot create symlinks; skipping darwin platform
Please help. Many Thanks.
I am running the following command
electron-packager . --out=dist/osx --platform=darwin --arch=x64
This is a bug. Still not really fixed with 7.0.1.