I want to log the value of the options on change.
The only problem is that I am using it inside string interpolation.
createStickyToolBox() {
const fonts = ['Pacifico', 'VT323', 'Quicksand', 'Inconsolata', 'Times New Roman'];
const options = fonts.map((font) => `<option value="${font}"> ${font} </option>`);
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'container';
div.innerHTML = `<select id="test" name="form-select" ${options} </select>`;
div.className = 'sticky-toolbox';
div.style = `position: absolute; top: ${topOffset}px; left: ${leftOffset}px;`;
In the innerHtml element is the select tag with the options defined above. How can I access the values and log them for example?
One of the super-powers of Vue.js relies on its component-oriented architecture.
While your snippet above could, in theory, work, it doesn't benefit from the advantages that Vue.js has to offer as a framework.
A much cleaner approach, would be to create a Vue.js component:
<div :style="{ top: topOffset + 'px', left: leftOffset + 'px' }" id="container">
<select id="test" name="form-select">
<option #change="log" v-for="option in options" :value="option">
{{ option }}
export default {
props: ['options', 'topOffset', 'leftOffset'];
data() {return {};},
methods: {
log(event) {
<style scoped>
#id {
positon: absolute;
And, in the parent component, use the children as follows:
<div id="canvas-wrapper">
<button #click="addContainer" type="button"> Add new container </button>
<custom-container v-for="container in containers" :options="container.options" :topOffset="container.topOffset" :leftOffste="container.leftOffset"/>
import Container from './Container.vue';
export default {
components: { Container },
data() {
return {
containers: []
methods: {
addContainer() {
let newContainer = {
options: ['Pacifico', 'VT323', 'Quicksand', 'Inconsolata', 'Times New Roman'],
topOffset: 5,
leftOffset: 10,
<style scoped>
#id {
positon: absolute;
I have a BaseMenuItem component that has normal button elements as well as special news elements.
I have added a ticker effect to the news type els and want to stop the ticker on that element when it's clicked. Currently the click event stops the ticker effect on the whole group.
How can I target a single element from that group?
There are two methods, openNews one showing the specific news article that the element is linked to.
And clearItemType that clears the itemType upon recieving the emitted event from the BaseMenuItem component.
I'm just not sure which element to target to change it's itemType.
Does Vuejs have a way to make an unique data value for dynamically generated elements?
If you need anymore information please let me know!
<q-btn align="left" dense flat class="main-menu-item" v-on="$listeners">
<div class="flex no-wrap items-center full-width">
<iconz v-if="iconz" :name="iconz" type="pop" color="black" class="mr-md" />
<q-icon v-if="menuIcon" :name="menuIcon" class="text-black mr-md" />
<div #click="$emit('stop-ticker')" v-if="itemType === 'news'" class="ellipsis _ticker">
<div class="ellipsis _ticker-item">{{ title }}</div>
<div v-else>
<div class="ellipsis">{{ title }}</div>
<div class="ml-auto"></div>
<div class="_subtitle mr-md" v-if="subtitle">{{ subtitle }}</div>
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_right" class="_right-side" />
<ComingSoon v-if="comingSoonShow" />
<style lang="sass" scoped>
// $
display: block
font-size: 15px
position: relative
width: 100%
border-bottom: 1px solid #F5F5F5
color: #000000
margin-left: auto
opacity: 0.7
position: absolute
font-weight: bold
margin-left: 2em
width: 82%
display: inline-block
padding-left: 100%
animation: ticker 8s linear infinite
#keyframes ticker
transform: translateX(-100%)
import { iconz } from 'vue-iconz'
export default {
name: 'MainMenuItem',
components: { iconz },
props: {
comingSoonShow: { type: Boolean, default: false },
title: { type: String, default: 'menu' },
subtitle: { type: String, default: '' },
menuIcon: { type: String, default: '' },
iconz: { type: String, default: '' },
itemType: { type: String, default: '' },
<div class="eachMenuGroup" v-if="newsList.length">
v-for="news in newsList"
:class="{ readLink: readNewsList[news.id] }"
<style lang="sass" scoped>
font-weight: 500
methods: {
openNews(postInfo) {
dbAuthUser().merge({ seenNewsPosts: { [postInfo.id]: true } })
Browser.open({ url: postInfo.url, presentationStyle: 'popover' })
clearItemType() {
this.itemType = ''
EDIT: I edited since your latest comment. See below
To target the exact element within your v-for that fired the event, you can use $refs by using an index :
<MainMenuItem v-for="(item, index) in items" :ref="`menuItem--${index}`" #stop-ticker="clearItemType(index)" />
In your method:
// this is the DOM el that fired the event
Edited version after your comments:
If you pass the exact same prop to each el of your v-for you wont be able to modify its value just for one child in the parent context.
Instead, keep an array of distinctive values in your parent. Each child will receive one specific prop that you can change accordingly in the parent either by listening to an child emitted event or by passing index as click event as I've done below for simplicity.
See snippet below
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
const Item = {
name: 'Item',
props: ['name', 'isActive'],
template: `<div>I am clicked {{ isActive }}!</div>`,
const App = new Vue({
el: '#root',
components: {
data: {
items: ["item1", "item2"],
activeItemTypes: []
methods: {
toggle(index) {
this.activeItemTypes = this.activeItemTypes.includes(index) ? this.activeItemTypes.filter(i => i !== index) : [...this.activeItemTypes, index]
template: `
<Item v-for="(item, i) in items" :name="item" #click.native="toggle(i)" :isActive="activeItemTypes.includes(i)"/>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
index.vue -
<Header />
<div class="container">
<SearchForm />
const Cookie = process.client ? require('js-cookie') : undefined
export default {
data() {
return {
form: {
email: '',
password: ''
show: true
methods: {
logout() {
// Code will also be required to invalidate the JWT Cookie on external API
this.$store.commit('setAuth', {
auth: null,
user_type: null
.container {
/* margin: 0 auto; */
/* min-height: 100vh; */
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
jobs.vue -
<Header />
<SearchForm />
<b-container class="main_container">
<h1> Results for "{{q}}"</h1>
<ul id="array-rendering">
<li v-for="item in results" :key="item.job_id">
{{ item.job_title }}
{{ item.job_city }}
{{ item.job_state }}
{{ item.job_work_remote }}
const Cookie = process.client ? require('js-cookie') : undefined
export default {
// middleware: 'notAuthenticated',
watchQuery: ['q'],
data() {
return {
q: null,
results: []
async fetch() {
this.q = this.$route.query.q
this.results = await this.$axios.$get('/api/job/search', {
params: {
keyword: this.q,
methods: {
.container {
align-items: center;
text-align: center;
SearchForm.vue component -
<div id='searchFormDiv'>
<b-form inline #submit.prevent="onSubmit">
<label class="sr-only" for="inline-form-input-name"> keyword</label>
<b-form-input v-model="form.keyword" id="inline-form-input-name" class="mb-2 mr-sm-2 mb-sm-0" placeholder="Job title or keyword" size="lg"></b-form-input>
<label class="sr-only" for="inline-form-input-username">location</label>
<b-input-group class="mb-2 mr-sm-2 mb-sm-0">
<b-form-input v-model="form.location" id="inline-form-input-username" size="lg" placeholder="City, state or zip"></b-form-input>
<b-button type="submit" variant="primary">Find Jobs</b-button>
import {
} from 'bootstrap-vue'
export default {
data() {
return {
form: {
keyword: '',
location: ''
created () {
this.form.keyword = this.$route.query.q
methods: {
onSubmit() {
path: 'jobs',
query: {
q: this.form.keyword
components: {
#searchFormDiv {
margin-top: 50px
The route for "http://localhost:3000/" returns the index.vue page.
In this vue page, I have a component with a search form. Once you complete these form and hit the seach button, it will re-direct to a results page
if this.form.keyword = "Data", the next URL will be "http://localhost:3000/jobs?q=Data" and it will be using the jobs.vue page.
The issue I'm running into is the CSS is not being loaded from the jobs.vue page. It's still coming from the index.vue page for some reason. If I refresh the page, then the CSS from jobs.vue is loading. I need the CSS to load from jobs.vue on the initial redirect. All of the query data is working as expected so thats a plus.
However, the following CSS is being applied from index.vue for some reason instead of the CSS from the jobs.vue page -
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
Does anyone know whats going on here? This app is SSR and not SPA.
You have to scope your css from the index.vue page to the other pages with the scoped directive (see docs https://vue-loader.vuejs.org/guide/scoped-css.html)
<style scoped>
/* local styles */
/* global styles */
You can add your global CSS in your layouts/default.vue file.
This solved the issue -
methods: {
onSubmit() {
window.location = 'http://localhost:3000/jobs?q=' + this.form.keyword;
I have array of cards like this
<nuxt-link :to="{ name: 'portfolio-slug', params: { slug: card.slug } }">
<a :href="card.link>Go to href</a>
click on card with nuxt-link should opening page with details of card
click on a href should open external site
but when i clicking on a-href its open details and ignoring a-href
tried use some tags for nuxt-link but not helped
If you click that <a> inside an <a> (it's just what <nuxt-link> generates) you are actually sending the click event to both elements. That it's not good practice (even stopping the propagation with js). just don't nest it
Perhaps absolute position it with css if it has to be on top of the "card".
Try something like:
<div class="card">
<nuxt-link :to="{ name: 'portfolio-slug', params: { slug: card.slug } }">
{{ card.content }}
<a class="card__cta" :href="card.link>Go to href</a>
.card {
position: relative;
.card__cta {
position: absolute;
bottom: 24px; // depending where you need it, maybe you need top property
right: 24px; // depending where you need it, maybe you need left property
This seems to work for me at this moment
In Parent component
class="nav justify-content-end"
v-for="item in loadedTertiaryMenu"
import NavLink from '#/components/Navigation/NavLink'
export default {
name: 'TheNavigationTertiary',
computed: {
loadedTertiaryMenu() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedTertiaryMenu
components: {
<style scoped lang="scss">
in Child component
:class="[ attributes.cssClasses ]"
class="nav-link active"
{{ attributes.label }}
export default {
name: 'NavLink',
props: {
attributes: {
type: Object,
required: true
methods: {
linkProps (path) {
if (path.match(/^(http(s)?|ftp):\/\//) || path.target === '_blank') {
return {
is: 'a',
href: path,
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
return {
is: 'nuxt-link',
to: path
<style scoped lang="scss">
It is an extension to #ArlanT answer
It adds the <slot/> so you can use it externally as follows.
<hyper-link class="anyClass" :url="myCustomUrl" #click.native="">Here lies my html</hyper-link>
export default {
methods: {
linkProps (path) {
if (path.match(/^(http(s)?|ftp):\/\//) || path.target === '_blank') {
return {
is: 'a',
href: path,
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
return {
is: 'nuxt-link',
to: path
<a :href="card.url" target="_blank">{{ card.title }}</a>
After googling for hours and trying all king examples I still can't figure out how to call to a function that located in a child or pass any data to a child from the parent. I tried so many examples without success and i got really confused with the Vue, is it so complicated to pass a data to a child? Here is what I came up with from one of the examples but it does not work with me, maybe I do something wrong here? Thanks :(
export default {
this.dataTochild = 'Hello Child'
<child :myprop="dataTochild" />
<input #click="this.callToChild" />
export default {
alert('Hello Parent')
By the way, I am using Vue 2 version!
you have a spelling error on return (retrun), and there could be other errors on code you have omitted.
Working live demo
Here it is working on a live demo
<div class="parent">
<child :myprop="dataTochild" />
<button #click="callToChild">Press me!</button>
import Child from "./Child.vue";
export default {
name: "Parent",
data() {
return {
dataTochild: "",
counter: 0
methods: {
callToChild: function() {
this.counter = this.counter + 1;
this.dataTochild = "Hello Child " + this.counter;
components: {
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
button {
width: 200px;
height: 60px;
<div class="child">
<p>{{ myprop }}</p>
export default {
name: "Child",
props: ["myprop"],
watch: {
myprop: function() {
console.log("Hello Parent");
alert("Hello Parent");
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
div.child {
width: 400px;
height: 100px;
margin: auto;
Is it possible to dynamically change the content of a scoped inside a Single File Component?
You could do it using the v-html directive.
Since I don't know your actual code I will just give you the code for a basic proof of concept.
In the template...
<head v-html="styles"></head>
<div class="test">
<p>change this paragraph</p>
<textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10" v-model="csscode"> </textarea>
In the script...
export default {
data() {
csscode: null,
styles: null,
this.styles = '<style>' + val + '</style>';
Inside style tag, no. Its not possible because of build extracts a .css file.
But as an alternative you can use javascript object as an style object.
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function(){
return {
textAreaStyle: {border: '2px solid blue', color: 'red', width: '500px', height: '300px'}
methods: {
updateStyle (event) {
this.$set(this.$data, 'textAreaStyle', JSON.parse(event.target.value));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.13/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<textarea :style="textAreaStyle" #change="updateStyle">{{textAreaStyle}}</textarea>