Error when trying to create a maskig policy: "Unsupported feature 'MASKING POLICY" - masking

I get the following error when trying to create a masking policy. Below is the screenshot of the Snowflake sql command and error.
Thank you

This feature is only available with Enterprise Edition of Snowflake. Which edition are you running?


SSMA Oracle Error While Collecting Data

I am encountering an error "Error While Collecting Data" even with successful connection.
How can I begin to troubleshoot this item? I am using oracle 10.2.0
What are some alternatives to using SSMA to migrate data from Oracle to SQL Server?
This similar post says it may be a permissions issue along with the following blog.
Permissions Blog

Solrj - SQL Query with SQL Editor

I am working with Solr Cloud. The Solr version is 4.10.3. I use the following version of solrj: solr-solrj-6.0.0.jar. I have implemented the driver Software
to Squirrel or DBVisualizer.
I am able to connect to the cluster over zookeeper. After that I tried to query
my collection and get the following error:
Error: java.sql.SQLException: --> http://myserver:8983/solr/cloudera_tutorial_tweets_shard2_replica1/: An exception has occurred on the server, refer to server log for details.
SQLState: null
ErrorCode: 0
I am not able to find more log information on my servers in solr log.
So, maybe someone can give me some advice for further debugging.
Could it be possible that my version of solr is to old for using sql-queries?
Yes, your Solr version is (way) too old. The SQL interface (/sql, named ParallelSQL) was introduced with Solr 6.

HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error

While deploying the application in Worklight 6.3 we are encountering this error:
"Failed to deploy application 'app_name' to MobileFirst Server: : HTTP
500 - Internal Server Error"
Please can you check and help. Let me know if more information is required.
Try this: Go to Command Prompt > Right Click > Run as administrator.
If you are using Holoviews and jupyter notebook, then instead of using plotting dataframe on server, try plotting series values in the server. I had this same issue and changing to series helped. I dont know the exact reason for this.
Hope this helps :)

How I can fix the following error in replication RDF in virtuoso OpenSource?

I'm trying to do replication RDF triples in Virtuoso, but I have an error when connecting with the pulbicador server via repl_server. function () says:
Error 42S22: [OpenLink] [Virtuoso ODBC Driver] [Virtuoso Server]
SR242: No system status variable st_repl_server_enable
Please help with this error.
You're trying to use a feature of the Commercial Edition, but you're running the Open Source Edition.

Import Azure Database to Local Not Supported

I have a database, currently hosted out on Microsoft Azure. I exported the database to my storage account and I attempted to import the database to a local instance of SQL 2012.
When importing, I am able to copy the BACPAC file from Azure, but I get an error on "Creating database on target," with the error reading:
Count not load schema model from package. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac)
Internal Error. The internal target platform type
SqlAzureDatabaseSchemaProvider does not support schema file version
I have installed SQL Server Data Tools for 2012 from this download, which still was not able to fix the problem.
This was an old bug being reported a couple of years back that was fixed by an update to SSDT in 2012. Have you got this update:
More discussion on Technet about this issue: