Navbar bootstrap is not working on mobile phone - twitter-bootstrap-3

Navabar is not working mobile devices, on desktopes it is ok.


html5 app freezes in ios13 after navigating to an external url in in-app standalone safari browser and back

My web application built using nuxt and installed as web app on iphone becomes unresponsive after I open or visit an external link from the app. Issue specifically comes iOS 13.4 and above on real devices. Simulators works fine.
iPhone X and XI (all versions) with iOS 13.4 and above
Steps to reproduce
Open url in safari.
Tap on share icon and then add to home screen.
Open app from home screen.
Tap on menu icon.
Tap on second.
Tap on link named ICE.
App will open an external url.
Tap on Back to App button to return to the app.
Tap on second now.
App does not responds. A thin loading bar seems to be in progress, everytime second is tapped. But nothing else happens.
Web app is working fine in iphone8 with ios 13.3.1 and Xcode simulators. There is a similar issue reported on both stack overflow and apple developer forum. Although it specifically mentions microsoft openid, but I am sure, issue comes up with any external url.
PWA freezing on navigation clicks in Safari iOS (13.5) after OpenID Microsoft sign in
Source code for app

does android tv lollipop support WebRTC?

I want to write an app for android 5.0 Lollipop smart tv. I need to know if webRTC is supported by the native Chrome version which is installed in these devices.
Android TV does not have a browser installed.
The 'TV app quality' page has a paragraph (TV-WB) that says: "For web content, the app uses WebView components and does not attempt to launch a web browser app."

How to show pdf on the mobile browser?

I am using iframe to embed a pdf on my web application , it is intended to support for all device , (desktop , mobile browsers) .
The problem is , on the desktop version it show perfectly (as chrome, fx has their own viewer).
However, when I view my website on ios/ android (android almost all browser not working) (ios Safari can show the pdf but without any function (e.g. zoom) ) .
How can I handle the mobile browsers (ios safari) (android chrome, fx and default one) if I need to display the pdf instead of download? thanks
<iframe src=”a.pdf” style=”width:600px; height:500px;” frameborder=”0″></iframe>
PDF's in iframes are not cross-Browser consistent, and there is not a lot you can do about it. The user may have to scroll in some iframes on certain Browsers. You may want to consider
<a href='a.pdf'>PDF Name</a>

MVC 4 Mobile Razor Views not being rendered when deployed on Windows 7 IIS

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC 4 website which has both desktop and mobile views. For example I have a desktop view named Home/Dashboard.cshtml. I then created a mobile layout view with the name Shared/_Layout.Mobile.cshtml and then added a mobile version of Dashboard view with the name Home/Dashboard.Mobile.cshtml.
I run the application from Visual Studio with IIS Express and tested the mobile version by overriding the user-agent from Google Chrome to iPhone and it works perfectly until I published and deployed the same application on IIS (verssion 7.5) of Win7, it doesn't rendered the mobile version of Dashboard view. What is strange here is that it does render the mobile version of Layout which is Shared/_Layout.Mobile.cshtml but not the rendering the mobile version of Dashboard which is Home/Dashboard.Mobile.cshtml.
Note that I also tested the IIS deployed version on Samsung Galaxy S (Android) but same result.
Why IIS is not rendering the mobile version. Anyone faced the same situation? Any ideas?
OK I figured it out. Build Action was somehow set to 'None' instead of 'Content' for Dashboard.Mobile.cshtml so it was not being published to IIS. My bad that I overlooked it.

MVC mobile android not recognizing as mobile device

I have a mobile site with .mobile.cshtml
WIthout putting anything in global.asax iphone works and loads my mobile view.
I saw I may need to add opera mobi.
Do I need to specify every mobile type if they are all going to the same mobile view?
What do I need to do so that it should work for android?
I added code where i manually entered a list of mobile devices .
I would think mvc mobile would have this out of the box.
What am I missing that i need to specify a list of devices.
Just saying ismobiledevice in the global.asax does NOT work
Thank you