How to show pdf on the mobile browser? - pdf

I am using iframe to embed a pdf on my web application , it is intended to support for all device , (desktop , mobile browsers) .
The problem is , on the desktop version it show perfectly (as chrome, fx has their own viewer).
However, when I view my website on ios/ android (android almost all browser not working) (ios Safari can show the pdf but without any function (e.g. zoom) ) .
How can I handle the mobile browsers (ios safari) (android chrome, fx and default one) if I need to display the pdf instead of download? thanks
<iframe src=”a.pdf” style=”width:600px; height:500px;” frameborder=”0″></iframe>

PDF's in iframes are not cross-Browser consistent, and there is not a lot you can do about it. The user may have to scroll in some iframes on certain Browsers. You may want to consider
<a href='a.pdf'>PDF Name</a>


problem of html video operational with netfront browser 4.1 : aspx

for my project, i want to embedded an html video tag in aspx page. this tag is operational on edge, google chrome and firefox but it's not operational on old mobile phone with "netfront browser 4.1 by power access" ; there is nothing, the htlml video tag doesn't appear. have you got a solution to embed this html video tag or to embed an other type of video tag on old mobile phones.
the following code is :
thanks you for your contribution.

Agora SDK compatibility with Safari - both macos and ios

I am building a PWA with Agora broadcasting API. I managed to get the video stream playing on desktop Chrome, but not on Safari. The documentation says Safari is supported on both MacOS and iOS, but it doesn't seem like the case.
When I opened the client page on Safari, instead of playing the video stream, it just create a video player without content. I don't see any data being streamed in the inspector view, or there isn't any activity going on at all.
Do I need to do something different with Safari? provided an auto-diagnostic page for their Web SDK, which may be useful for you:

Unable to share a link on whatsapp from Safari

I am trying to share a link from html on whatsapp using
This works fine for all browsers except safari.
In safari , When the share link is present on am trying to share the link of the page I am standing on) page,if I try to share the link, only title text is shared, the link is not shared.
The whats app message generated is
despite of title
Try encoding the text parameter using encodeURIComponent.
In your case that would be:
We usually differ link at desktop view and mobile view to offer better support for safari and other browser.
for desktop view we use
for mobile, we follow whatsapp best practice
Tested on
Chrome for mac
safari for mac
android chrome
Ps: not tested when mac have whatsapp desktop app, but it will still work in the safari itself. so it should be ok

Flexbox flex-direction column bug

i have a big problem in responsive website in mobile safari and mobile ie or some mobile browsers. my site its ok in chrome mobile browser, but in ie or safari flex-direction column do not work and see parts lokelike float without clear. what i do for this problem?
enter image description here
it's in true show and in mobile chrome browser
and its in ie and safari mobile browsers
enter image description here
this problem is for flex-direction:column
can see this problem in

Rendering PDF in mobile browser

Is there any way of rendering the PDF in mobile browser without downloading them (prompting user to save them on their device) ?