How to install debug symbols for libc++ on Ubuntu? - libc++

How to install debug symbols for libc++ on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?
Right now I'm having to resort to compile everything with -fstandalone-debug.

I was looking for the same thing starting yesterday and today found this wiki link:
add the sources for their debug symbol packages
echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main restricted universe multiverse
deb $(lsb_release -cs)-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb $(lsb_release -cs)-proposed main restricted universe multiverse" | \
sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs.list
import the signing key for said packages
sudo apt install ubuntu-dbgsym-keyring
update your package list to include the new ones
sudo apt-get update
now you can install *-dbgsym packages, I found which libc++ package I had installed like so:
apt list --installed | grep libc++
I had libc++1-11. I checked that the -dbgsym package existed brutishly like so:
sudo apt search libc++ | grep -P 'libc\+\+.*dbgsym'
And of course installed the one I needed:
sudo apt install libc++1-11-dbgsym
I got a hint at the right solution from the final comment in this thread:


Singularity container from conda environment

I want to build a container from my conda environment following this post. However, I get the following error: '/bin/sh: 1: cannot create ~/.bashrc: Directory nonexistent'. I am using a vagrant VM to build my image and would be grateful for any help.
Editing the .bashrc, aside from failing, will not be helpful as the shell loaded by singularity is explicitly --norc. You want to use the $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT variable in %post to have the values available.
Something along these lines:
# You may need to install some pre-reqs your host system has installed outside of conda, e.g.
# apt update && apt install -y build-essential make zlib
ENV_NAME=$(head -1 environment.yml | cut -d' ' -f2)
echo ". /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
echo "conda activate $ENV_NAME" >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
. /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/
conda env create -f environment.yml -p /opt/conda/envs/$ENV_NAME
I listed a few libraries that you probably have installed in your current machine that might not be installed in the slim docker image. You can install them via apt or conda, depending on your preference. If it does happen though, it'll be specific to your environment.yml and host OS, so you'll have to iterate through until the build succeeds.

What is the equivalent of apt-key in yum?

I am following a tutorial that can be found here to set up a headless selenium scraper on an ec2 instance:
The tutorial I am using seems to assume an ubuntu distro whereas the ec2 instance I am using is an AWS AMI. As such apt-get is not available to me and instead I use yum to install things.
The first step of the installation process is the following:
wget -q -O - "" | sudo apt-key add -
When I do this I get the following, to be expected error on my AWS AMI instance:
sudo: apt-key: command not found
I was wondering what the equivalent command would be without using apt, apt-get, or apt-key but instead using yum. I have blindly tried the following but they did not work:
wget -q -O - "" | sudo yum add -
wget -q -O - "" | sudo yum-key add -
Below is from an article on Baeldung which I think answers this questions properly:
Adding a repository in YUM is a manual operation, which consists in creating a file with the .repo extension under the folder /etc/yum.repos.d.
The file must contain all the information about the custom repository that we are connecting to.
Let’s try adding the AdoptOpenJDK repository:
# /etc/yum.repos.d/adoptopenjdk.repo
baseurl=$(uname -m)
In APT, though, things are quite different. The GPG key of the repository must be downloaded and added to the APT keyring with apt-key add:
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
Then, at this point, the repository can be added through add-apt-repository –yes followed by the URL:
add-apt-repository --yes
Contrary to YUM, all the repositories are saved in a single file,
Add the repo and then import the repo GPG key
sudo wget -o /etc/yum.repos.d/reponame.repo <repo url>
sudo rpm --import <key url>
yum repolist

Installation of sql relay fails

I just created a docker container and tried to install SQL Relay inside it.
I've checked the prerequisites here and followed the installation documents here.
However, at the end of make install of sqlrelay, I saw an error like this:
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/sqlrelay: file does not exist
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/sqlrcachemanager: file does not exist
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/sqlrelay-0.66.0/init'
make: *** [install-init] Error 2
What might be wrong with my installation?
Here's the docker file I used to start my installation:
FROM ubuntu:trusty
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install libxml2-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libmysqld-dev -y
RUN apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev -y
# sql relay prerequisites
RUN apt-get install g++ make perl php5-dev python-dev ruby-dev \
tcl-dev openjdk-7-jdk erlang-dev nodejs-dev node-gyp mono-devel \
libmariadbclient-dev libpq-dev firebird-dev libfbclient2 libsqlite3-dev \
unixodbc-dev freetds-dev mdbtools-dev -y
COPY rudiments-0.56.0.tar.gz /
COPY sqlrelay-0.66.0.tar.gz /
Here are the outputs of ./configure, make, and make install inside sqlrelay-0.66.0 folder:
If you need more information of my installation process, just let me know. I can provide it.
I think you should use ADD instead of COPY in your lines such as
COPY rudiments-0.56.0.tar.gz /
Your COPY just copies the .tar.gz, but does not unpack them
as with ADD
If the <src> parameter of ADD is an archive in a recognised compression format, it will be unpacked
This is extracted from
What is the difference between the `COPY` and `ADD` commands in a Dockerfile?
I have recently hit the same issue. The issue I found was that the init Makefile was incorrectly detecting the use of systemctl on Ubuntu Trusty and putting the scripts there. Later on the script would try to find the scripts in init.d and fail.
The solution is to edit the Makefile: sqlrelay-X.X.X/init/Makefile
if ( test -d "/lib/systemd/system" ); \
if ( test -d "/lib/systemd/system_x" ); \
Make a similar change to the uninstall option later in the script and it will now correctly install on Ubuntu.

Installing GDAL with ECW support

Most (all?) information online is outdated since ECW (Hexagon Geospatial/Intergraph) has recently released new versions with breaking changes (5.0, 5.1 and 5.2).
Most instructions result in errors like:
checking for or libecwj2... configure: error: not found in /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/bin
This works for GDAL 1.11.2, but it should work back to 1.10.0.
Download the latest version of the ECW library from here (currently 5.5):
Instructions for v5.2.1, but should be similar for the latest version:
$ unzip
$ chmod +x ERDAS_ECWJP2_SDK-5.2.1.bin
$ ./ERDAS_ECWJP2_SDK-5.2.1.bin
Choose Desktop Read-Only and accept the license. A directory named hexagon is extracted. Copy that to /usr/local.
$ sudo cp -r hexagon/ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.2.1/Desktop_Read-Only /usr/local/hexagon
Link the .so library for the correct architecture:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/hexagon/lib/(x64|x86)/release/ /usr/local/lib/
Then configure GDAL with this command:
$ ./configure --with-ecw=/usr/local/hexagon
Before I could see ECW support in gdalinfo --formats | grep -i ecw
I also had to run sudo ldconfig.
That was in Ubuntu 14.04 Linux.

how to configure gearmand with libdrizzle on linux?

I have been trying to work with persistent job queues of gearman. When I try to use libdrizzle like-
gearmand -q libdrizzle --libdrizzle-host= --libdrizzle-user=gearman --libdrizzle-password=secret --libdrizzle-db=some_db --libdrizzle-table=gearman_queue --libdrizzle-mysql
It gives me error like-
gearmand: unknown option libdrizzle-host
Also a strange thing is that when I do man gearmand it does not have the libdrizzle options. What should I do? I want the persistent queues in mysql. I had tried using gearman_udf_mysql but it did not work too. I have posted the problem. see Where does mysql save the path for gearman mysql udf files?
Gearman must be compiled with libdrizzle/mysql support. You can check if it's been compiled in by running the command gearmand --help or on older versions man gearmand.
If libdrizzle/mysql support is available, you will see the Drizzle/Mysql options in the help. If it's not there, you will need to recompile gearmand. Here are the commands to install Gearman 1.1.12 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (tested on a clean Vagrant precise64 box):
vagrant#precise64:~$ sudo apt-get update
vagrant#precise64:~$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev gperf libevent-dev uuid-dev libmysqld-dev
vagrant#precise64:~$ wget
vagrant#precise64:~$ tar zxvf gearmand-1.1.12.tar.gz
vagrant#precise64:~$ cd gearmand-1.1.12/
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ ./configure
At this point, look for the following lines at the end of the ./configure output, which indicates Mysql support is installed:
* Building with libdrizzle yes
* Building with libmysql yes
Then continue with the installation:
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ make
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ sudo make install
Gearmand is now configured with libdrizzle and will store jobs in a Mysql database.